
The Cat's Nine Lives

ALICE SAT IN the middle of the white rose pavilion, her hands on her laps as she stared out at nothing in particular. From time to time, her heart clenched and skipped beats, a tell-tale sign that she had one too many anxieties swirling across her head.

The morning sun over her head was still bright, the skies clear, not a single cloud obstructing the endless pane of pastel blue. Alas, if only Alice had the ability to allow her mood to reflect the serene weather. Maybe she wouldn't be this conflicted in her heart.

"Alice!" a familiar voice called out to her. 

Upon hearing her name, Alice spun her head over to the direction she heard the sound. A tuft of purple stood in contrast among all the reds, whites, and greens. Alice was sure that even if she was lost in the crowd, she could easily sift out her friends with their colorful locks.

"Charlie," she greeted fairly, rising to her feet so that she could meet him at the halfway point. 
