
The Offer of Security

"WHAT?" ALICE EXCLAIMED, "You can't be serious!"

"And I am serious, Alice," Spade answered. "You're not safe at the Ragan Estate, you said that yourself. If they could send one assassin after you, who's to say that there wouldn't be more?"

"So you think that the palace will be safer?" Alice asked, shaking her head. "It's the lion's den!"

"But I'm here!" retorted Spade, exasperated. "I can take care of you, better than that useless advisor can. As much as I hate to admit it, even my brother will look out for you as well. No one would dare harm a hair on your head. Besides, there will be nowhere else safer than the royal palace in Gladiolum."

"You can't keep me safe from everyone," Alice argued. "There are bound to be people whom even you cannot defeat."

"Oh yeah?" asked Spade. "Who?"
