
Chapter 10

The situation is now…" Li Ang didn't understand it. He won the respect of these colleagues, so how could it be a problem?

"You also know, sign your Soldado Mr. Resigned for health reasons."

"I hope he will recover soon." Li Ang nodded, he felt that he had caught the focus of the problem, the Soldado Mr. was the person who signed himself, and now Soldado Mr. resigned, which means that a new boss is coming. That is the guy named Rodríguez, this is where the variables are.

"The new base manager Rodríguez Mr. doesn't like you," Pablo Banderas said. "We all think it's unfair to you, you've been working very well, and Rodríguez Mr. has always thought about taking you, it's nothing. Reasons."

"Why doesn't he like me? I don't remember that I offended him." Li Ang said that although he didn't know the story, but with his understanding, Chinese has always been self-sufficient, and will not take the initiative to cause trouble. Today, if that Candelária has been insulting, the Li Ang will not do it! It is really unbearable! What's more, he knows that he is serious about the job, the seriousness and persistence of the football dream, and will not take the initiative to provoke the youth base.

"There are two reasons," Pablo Banderas said.

"I am young?" Li Ang smiled. "I am Chinese? Just because of this, before Soldado Mr. is not—" Speaking of it, he himself stopped, Soldado Mr. Appreciating himself, not the later Rodríguez Appreciate and trust yourself…

"There are two reasons," Pablo Banderas said. "Your age is a problem, but you have been working very well for more than half a year. In terms of performance, age is not too big a problem."

Yes, in the face of achievements, age is not a problem at all.

Li Ang nodded, "So, because I am Chinese? Ha, this reason – really fucking fuck!"

"You don't know, Rodríguez Mr. has always looked down on Chinese." Pablo Banderas was ashamed to say that the head of a Royal Madrid youth base was actually a racially inclined person. For this reason, he would be dismissed for no reason. A well-trained China coach, this is a big scandal.

In Western countries, politically, China is not particularly interested in China. This aspect is factor ideology. What is important is the rise of China's economy. In the World market, it has robbed the market of traditional European powers. However, the most fucking is Spain, which is more than the country, not friendly to China, all kinds of Sabie behavior, in fact, the status and economic strength of Spain is simply the role of soy sauce, but it is a jubilant, self The economic downturn, but also to pick up, hey is a silly. Of course, this is only a minority, and most Spain nuts are good.

"Holy shit, hey." Li Ang muttered in Mandarin.

What?" asked Pablo Banderas.

"Nothing, I greeted the bastard." Li Ang gnashing teeth, "Is there any other reason?"

"There is one more point, we are just guessing."


"You signed by Soldado Mr.," Pablo Banderas said. "You know the importance of Cadete A. He wants Candelária to coach Cadete A, and we have heard that Rodríguez Mr. and Soldado Mr. are in conflict. "

"Fuck!" Li Ang swears, Gongdou? Fuck, actually met the Gongdou, he already understands that the new youth base manager has conflicts with the former Soldado, and he is a heavy person of Soldado Mr., plus his position is more important, plus On his own age, plus the damn bastard looks down on Chinese, and the Candelária is Rodríguez's own person. Under this heavy factor, I think with my ass, Rodríguez wants to take what he is.

"Li, you really want to thank Soldado Mr.." Pablo Banderas said, "Soldado Mr. is a really good person. I heard that he suggested that you add a penalty of five hundred euros to the contract. If it weren't for this breach of contract, Rodríguez Mr. had already fired you."

Li Ang was a glimpse first, and then he understood that he was awe-inspiring to the Soldado Mr. who had never met before, and at the same time he had a warmth in his heart. If he said that Li Ang is a Maxima, then the Soldado Mr. Being able to arrange for the people to sign themselves is the grace of knowing. Maybe this Mr. may have a clear estimate of his health, taking into account the possibility of the future. For the sake of protecting himself, he added a contract to his own. Liquidated damages, and it is the five hundred euros of liquidated damages, is the reason why the current youth base, Rodríguez, is uncertainly resolute to dismiss himself.

The grace of knowing, the grace of protection. Li Ang decided that there is a chance to visit this Mr..

For the Royal Madrid youngster A team defeated Getafe CF Youth Youth Team, the entire youth training base, the only unhappy may be the base Dad Rodríguez Mr., when he learned that the score has been zero to zero, Real Madrid has no goooooaaaaaaal I am also very happy. If Cadete A is victorious, he has reason to dismiss the Chinese.

Although he is the head of the youth base, it is impossible if the coach of Cadete A is fired for no reason, unless the other party makes a mistake, otherwise the liquidated damages will not be passed.

Of course, the most important thing is that the five hundred euros of liquidated damages, without this liquidated damages, his Rodríguez uncle in minutes to let the Chinese roll lay out. Now, as long as the Chinese makes a mistake, he has the right to demand the expenditure of the breach of contract.

China coach? What is the level of China football? Hehehe.

All in all, there is only one purpose. Cleaning the Soldado "Ember" and controlling Cadete A is the most important job of his youth base.

Appreciating his own boss has left early due to illness, the new BOSS to see Li Ang is not pleasing to the eye, and he is trying to win him. This is the most serious situation he is facing now.

Li Ang raised his neck and the beer of the wheat yellow was delicious.

Fighting with the sky, fighting with the ground, fighting with people, is fun.

I, Your Father is hard to re-live once, can you let this Luther bully?

Chapter 6 Faith and Oath

After chatting with Pablo Banderas, Li Ang returned to his apartment.

Lying on the sofa and looking at the ceiling, today is a very exhausting day for him, inexplicably crossing, and once he arrived, he almost lost his job, and then he has been trying to Getafe CF is prepared for this "key game" and all attention is placed on it.

Now, Li Ang has finally begun to sort out the information in his mind and think about his future.

One of the points is what happened to the "medical system" that suddenly popped up? ! This is too mysterious, it can be said to be the real helper to help Li Ang get through the storm!

Li Ang wanted to understand, but he tried to contact the other person with his mind in his mind, but he did not receive a response for the time being, which made him puzzled.

Also, he has an urgent desire to understand Li Ang before his body.

How did he become the coach of the Royal Madrid youngster A team? How can he achieve such success? What is the relationship between himself and him? What is the connection? Why does this feel so wonderful, the name is the same, looks the same, it is like two people are the same person? !

Li Ang is like a demon, starting to look west in the apartment.

He has the habit of writing a diary, but this habit is gone after the age of fifteen. If this Li Ang really has some connection with himself, then does he have the habit of writing a diary?

Finally, in the innermost drawer of the desk, he turned out a black leather diary.

When I saw this diary, Li Ang's innermost heart was like being struck by lightning. He was stunned and lost.

This notebook is familiar to him. It is his first love. It is exactly the age of junior high school, the age of ignorance, a vague imprint, and the little girl in the memory who gave the croissant to give her a birthday present.

This is his fifteenth birthday present.
