
A Group Day Ch 25


As the sun started to shine through the small opening, Azula opened her eyes, and the first rays hit her eyes. Such was the way of the firebender, no doubt Zuko, would be up as well such, an unexpected thought.

A month ago, she wouldn't have expected to end up in an Airbender temple, with the last airbender...and helping him. The thought alone was unbelievable what, madness leads her to this she would ask herself. But the more she thought about it, the less believable it came the turmoil, revelations, and Ember Island honesty session, had punched a hole in her life. Yet these thoughts didn't go away like usual. Yet it lingered and started to gnaw at her from the inside.

Finally, leaving Azula with only two choices: be the monster, everyone saw her as or break free from her father. The latter would've been suicidal, if not for Zhan. That goofy-kid she had met a year ago, had changed a lot, namely herself, bringing some calmness and companionship into her once, cold life. He had matured as well while having that regular nonchalant, Zhan was more-serious and vigilant than before, guess they both changed each other.

'Guess it's time to wake-up,' thought Azula as she rose from the bed, rubbing her eyes. She found in close range, a bowl full of water it seems someone awakened earlier than her. Yet looking back at her reflection unnerve by how different. 'It doesn't feel like this reflection belongs to me,' she lets a heavy sigh.

She picked up a cloth nearby, tipped it in water, and started to wipe clean her face. Afterward, removing the crown-piece and letting her hair flow down. A strange object this was now it belonged to her, yet wasn't her. She placed the crown-piece in her pocket but kept the red linen-thread using it to tie her hair into a ponytail.

Eyeing herself again in the water, a reflection of a young girl so unknown, yet it felt like this is not whom she once was before and looked at her, Azula.

"Hello. Can I get out?" asked Azula, knocking at the rock door.

"Yeah, yeah!" replied Toph, bringing down the door. "Morning, Princess!"

"Where is everybody?" asked Azula, looking around, she had expected more of the Avatar' group on guard.

"Meh," replied Toph shrugging. "Can't say much about Aang, well I'm here, your gloomy friend is eyeing the view. Cheery one is still snoozing, and metal-foot is out with Sokka."

"Okay!" said Azula, understanding most of Toph's nicknames.

"Yeah," replied Toph. "They set me as your guard, so no funny business I can tell if your lying or going to attack...also nice look by the way."

"What? How?" asked Azula, how could this earthbender understand, what she had done. A few taps on the ground answered her question. "Of course."

"Alright. Time for breakfast. Let's go!" said Toph, edging Azula faster with her earthbending.

"I'm going, I'm going!" replied Azula.


'Just a little closer,' thought Sokka, as he was waiting silently in the bushes. Then he jumped out, striking and missing his prey a rabbit-weasel.

"Ahaha! Are you sure, you're a hunter?" asked Zhan, laughing at Sokka's failure to catch a measly animal.

"Yeah! Laugh it up! I don't see you, with any catch!" replied Sokka, getting back up.

"Ooo really?" asked Zhan, standing near a rabbit-weasel hole, patting the ground twice underneath it, with his foot. Soon enough, the small animal ran-out, but got caught in a hidden noose-pitfall trap. "You were saying?"

"How?!" asked Sokka shocked, having chased the animal for thirty minutes.

"Brain-power!" said Zhan tapping the side of his head. "You didn't take away my greatest weapon."

"Still nothing against my SPACE SWORD!" yelled back Sokka, showing off his black sword.

"Yeah," replied Zhan, lowering the pointed sword. "A sharper blade than the usual. Still nothing against, a brilliant mind."

"Oh yeah?" asked Sokka, challenging his thought, preparing for a sneak attack. "YAA!"

'Bone-head,' thought Zhan, stepping to the left, as Sokka' foot got stuck in the rabbit-weasel hole. "You've done?"

"Alright! I see your point," replied Sokka, feeling annoyed at his blunder.

"Well, the point is..." said Zhan, pulling Sokka out of the hole. "...to have the experience, to back your ideas. Know that your opponent wouldn't notice a trap...but make sure you have a trap in place."

"Okay, now you're speaking like Aang," said Sokka, losing the point of his idea.

"Yeah! Sorry about that," replied Zhan, rubbing the back of his head. Then tossing the caught animal to Sokka. "I do that sometimes, often and without noticing, as Azula says it."

"Yeah...about her. How can you stand her? Isn't she the - powerful Fire Nation prodigy?" asked Sokka.

"You people still think, Azula is up to no good?" asked Zhan, sighing heavily. "Didn't, you accept her, into your group? All of us?"

"Yeah, yesterday. I had a moment, but I'm still wondering if this is right. Toph might say, she has changed, but I'm still nervous," spoke Sokka.

"Okay. Enough of this tell me honestly, what do you people fear about her and I'll try to answer them. And I promise not to tell her afterward," replied Zhan.

"Promise?" asked Sokka.

"Yeah, yeah. Now come on, hit me!" said Zhan.

"Okay!" replied Sokka, starting to think. "Azula...is arrogant, prideful, dangerous, a crazed firebender...and um..."

"I'll stop you there, all your problems, are distinct from the things you see, not what you feel about the person," replied Zhan.

"A crazed firebender Azula isn't rather a highly and rigorously trained firebender, perhaps more than your usual one," said Zhan, holding up a finger.

"Arrogant and prideful..." added Zhan, adding two more fingers. "Maybe because she is royalty and due to the way she has lived and raised.

To be a bit higher than your common folk alongside pride, it's the basis of being of who the Fire Nation is."

"And finally dangerous..." said Zhan, raising the fourth finger. "Despite what you have seen...Azula isn't that anymore."

"How are you sure?" asked Sokka.

"Well, for instance, Azula could've easily attacked you while you slept.

A good lightning strike could easily shatter your rock cell. Not to mention, poisoning your food or sending the Fire Nation army after you," spoke Zhan, leaving Sokka a little worried.

"Okay, I'll tell you something personal about her," added Zhan, seeing Sokka getting a bit nervous. "Azula...she hasn't had an easy life."

"How is that wasn't Azula the Princess, a master firebending prodigy and her father's favorite?" asked Sokka.

"Favorite doesn't mean loved..." replied Zhan sighing.

"What?!" asked Sokka.

"How do you think she had achieved her level of skill? How do you think she'd, of been if she only had her father and her mother favoring Zuko?" asked Zhan eyeing Sokka, who was silent. "Yeah, a family where your brother gets the social attention and comfort while you're stuck with your father. Who only acknowledges you by your accomplishments, and always punishes your failures."

"I... don't know," replied Sokka.

"The world isn't so clear and clouded as you think. Take you, for example, a goof, impulsive, questions about your combat skills..." said Zhan, annoying Sokka. "But underneath is a loyal friend, a tenacious person, who tries, even if he knows he couldn't succeed. A young man, who isn't afraid to protect the people, he cares about."

"Now take Azula: arrogant, prideful, crazy, and dangerous," said Zhan, holding up four fingers. "I see a young girl who is a little nervous when it comes to relationships. A strong and willful one who takes pride in what she has accomplished by herself, also furthermore, just a beautiful flower, that looks deadly, but is a beauty unseen when plucked."

"EW! Too much information!" said Sokka, hinting at the last comment.

"Sorry, nevertheless, if you remove those, integrated aspects about her. Azula isn't much different from you people. We all have our shining light and dark secrets," said Zhan.

"Okay. I'll try to look at stuff from Azula's view," replied Sokka, slinging the rabbit-weasel over his shoulder.

"Really?" asked Zhan grinning.

"NOT that way!" replied Sokka, realizing his blunder.

"Relax," laughed Zhan. "Just messing with you."


"Are you being truthful about, this Mai? About everything?" asked Zuko sitting next to Mai, on the cliff, having finished, fire-training with Aang.

"WE are! Jeez, do I have to jump off a cliff to prove that we are trying to help you?!" replied Mai, still getting annoyed by questions about their loyalty.


"Stop!" said Mai, holding up her hand in front of Zuko's face. "Listen, before, the Day of Black Sun, Azula had us meet in the Royal Gardens. She wanted to rebel against the Fire Nation. Although I and Ty Lee, were shocked and surprised, Azula was firm in her beliefs. She even asked us IF we wanted to come along...that is the truth."

"Okay, but what else?" asked Zuko.

"Who do you think, had helped your uncle?" replied Mai, a slight smile on her face.

"Impossible?!" said Zuko, surprised.

"An out-of-sight passage, knowledge of the guard shifts and the Eclipse, added to that the prison key," spoke Mai.

"You did that all?" asked Zuko.

"I did, but it was Azula's idea," said Mai. "Give her a chance."


As Katara was taking in a head-count, she noticed someone was missing: Sokka was with that blond kid, Suki was snoozing, near the circus girl's quarters and Zuko was with Mai.

'Toph!' realized Katara, when she saw no-sign of Azula or Toph, Getting her anger up until she heard a voice nearby.

"...and that's why I left my parents," said Toph, finishing her story about running away, joining the Avatar, and so on.

"Why didn't you just say hey, I can take care of myself you could move about on your own?" asked Azula.

"Yeah...you turned out great, and not to mention my folks were more controlling," replied Toph. "I was thought to be: the sightless, helpless, little girl."

"You sure don't act like one," replied, Azula smirking.

"Toph? Azula! What are you doing and..." asked Katara, stopping mid-sentence.

"What? I got something on my face?" asked, Azula confused, Toph just shrugging at the statement.

"More like not on," replied Mai, coming over with Zuko.

"You changed your look," said Zuko, stating the obvious.

"Yeah..." replied Azula, rolling her eyes at that statement. "Though there wasn't any reason to look royal if I am not anymore."

"You say that again," replied Katara spitefully. Azula just grunting at the statement and left for her room.

"Relax, mom!" said Toph, "I didn't tell her anything about our lives or families. Just my life-story and she told me hers Azula is sociable once you talk to her, she isn't all psycho...maybe a tiny bit."

"Alright," sighed Katara. "Just be careful."

"I am," replied Toph. "And Sparky...nice childhood."

"What! What did Azula tell you?!" asked Zuko, half-shocked and surprised.

"A lot!" replied Toph, chuckling to herself.


After Sokka and Zhan had returned and Ty Lee had woken up things passed by peacefully for the rest of the day. Katara cooked and trained Zuko and Toph taught Aang, Suki was dealing with Ty Lee Sokka was dealing Zhan and the rest of the people there were doing their own business. Although Katara had still her eye trained on Azula's room, where she practically stayed all-day and on Zhan, who was by her rumors the closest and most loyal person to Azula.

As nighttime approached, people were starting to tire and close-in for the night, all except for Zhan, who was heading towards Azula's room.

"Where do you think, you're going?" asked, Katara blocking his way looking, angry and annoyed, her arms crossed.

"To see Azula, check on her, if she is alright," replied Zhan, in a similar tone.

"Oh, she's probably fine," replied Katata in a sarcastic tone. "You, on the other hand, get to your room."

"Well, I got some information for you..." replied Zhan, eyeing Katara as their face were inches apart. "...I don't let my fianceé, go through some problems if I can't help it.

"No!" replied Katara, her face twitching at the word fianceé, how could anybody want to marry her. It was a full moon, and she gave a tuck on something she hated to do, making a statement.

"So..." said Zhan, feeling a somewhat uncomfortable and painful feeling in his body. "...you still don't trust, think we're out to capture you?"

"Yes! Now leave," replied Katara, in a darker tone.

"No," said Zhan calmly, edging himself upright again. "Pull my very blood out, if you must, but I am, going to check on Azula's well-being. If you don't want this for her, then do it for yourself. Chipping away at Azula, while she is in a vulnerable state, will only drive her over-the-edge and a Fire Nation princess has lots of knowledge about her country, she is more useful alive, not that, I'd think, you would sink that low."

"Don't go defending her pretty boy, do you know what she has done?!" asked Katara, through clenched teeth.

"Her? Or her Nation?" replied Zhan, silencing Katara for a second. "She has made mistakes for Spirit's sake! Give her a chance!"

'As if!' thought Katara, arms crossed.

"Then take this! IF you're so doubtful of us," said Zhan, pulling a small vial wrapped in leather, from inside his black armor, it was a greenish liquid.

"What is this? Poison?!" asked Katara, angrier than before.

"Relaxative, Vix-Cactus extract to be precise, used to calm down and treat sleep disorders. Useful for knocking-out guards or help to bring down large animals with a little planning. In that concentrated dose, it could easily be poured into your food or water supply, knocking you people out for hours," spoke Zhan. "On a single person...it could easily stop their breathing, quick and painless. No doubt a waterbender like you could steamy it. If you hate us so much, then at least make it quick, cause there is no turning back for Azula."

Zhan left Katara to ponder, on that thought, she had at least, enough trustability to be allowed an open door. Sleeping on the bed was Azula's form, she had removed her make-up, and her hair was in a ponytail looking serene and peaceful in her sleep.

'By Agni, she is beautiful,' thought Zhan, brushing a finger through her hair. Soon getting up and removing his armor, leaving him in his plain red clothes, as he crawled next to Azula and fell asleep.


Katara felt rather-uneasy tucked in her sleeping bag and the vial next to her. She only needed to sneak in, and it would all over Azula will not hurt another person. Yet could she, do it and assassinate someone...no, not that, remove a danger to the world.

Her thinking was interrupted by someone's movements, mild sounds, and thrashing around - Azula.

Katara quickly crawled out of her sleeping-bag, vial in hand. Yet upon reaching Azula's room, she heard a slight scream eyeing inside the room, she saw only Azula panting and looking around frantically.

"Azula?" asked Zhan, waking up.

"No-No! Don't grab, me I." she was frantically shaking.

"Azula!" said Zhan, shaking Azula a bit from her nightmare. "Relax. It's only me."

"Oh goodness..." slouched back Azula, shaken from her ordeal.

"Take it easy," replied Zhan, wrapping his arms around her. "It was him?"

"Yes," said Azula, hiding her face in his robes. "What he would do. I am wanted now...I...I.."

"Relax...Don't fear, he can't touch you, you are safe here, sleep, you'll need it," said Zhan, wrapping Azula in an embrace, holding her head and back like a newborn.

"I am scared. I am..." said Azula.

"Don't!" replied Zhan, holding her closer. "Sleep, my Princess."

"Okay..." said Azula, in a quiet tone.

"They were sitting

They were sitting in the strawberry swing,

Every moment was so precious,

They were sitting,

They were talking in the strawberry swing,

Everybody was for fighting,

Wouldn't want to waste a thing,

Cold, cold water, bring me around,

Now my feet won't touch the ground,

Cold, cold water, what-cha say,

It's such, it's such, a perfect day,

It's such a perfect day

I remember,

We were walking up to strawberry swing,

I can't wait 'til the morning,

Wouldn't want to change a thing,

People moving all the time,

Inside a perfectly straight line,

Don't you wanna- just curve away?

And it's such, it's such, a perfect day,

It's such a perfect day.

Azula was listening to Zhan sing as she slowly falls asleep in his arms.

After that show of affection, Katara felt somewhat sick to her stomach, that Azula was vulnerable or the fact she could've eliminated her, with a poison. As she clutched the green vial, she took one glance at it, before throwing it over the cliffside.

Fine, she would give Azula a chance even if this felt wrong and took every ounce of her willpower, and she wouldn't resort to silently killing someone, she wasn't that heartless.

====================================================Omake: Works never seems to ends====================================================

'The work never seems to end,' Zuko holds the bridge between his nose.

'I want to go home before the last train departs. But...' Zuko train of thought was interrupted.

"I bought two by accident, so here you go." Mai handed a drink as she stretches towards him while giving him the brightest smile.

"th, thank you u- um I don't have money," Zuko was having trouble forming sentences.

"No, no please don't worry about it,"

"I'm imposing on a subordinate... in other words, this is power harassment, fu, fu, fu," she said while her posture was 45 degrees towards Zuko giving him shifty eyes and wagging her fingers left and right.

'The world's best power harassment,' is what quickly pass through Zuko's mind.

"Not done with the work just yet?"She gets more closer to have a better look, the problem he was having.

"Yeah, I've neem left a bit without help," Zuko said while pointing to the problems on the paper.

"Uh-huh. If it's this much, the two of us can have it done in about two hours," Mai said and noded while crossing both arms.

"Oh no, but it turned out like this because I'm slow, I can't bother you, Mai, with this," Zuko said startle while waving both hands.

"That just means I've saved you twice," She said proudly with both hands on her waist.

"If we finish, this fast I'll power harass you into letting you treat me to food," 'since it's Friday,' Mai said in a coy manner, she winks a Zuko and playfully with her finger on her lips.

'The world's best power harassment part two!!' Thought Zuko, while having a blissful moment.

"Then I'll leave this part up yo you,"


"Aaaah, we finished way sooner than I expected," Mai said while stretching her harms to the sky while skipping.

"All thanks to you Mai," said Zuko happily with a grin

"I'll pay for the food by the way,"

"No, I will pay for it!"

"No, I'll do it!"

Both started a small confrontation on who will pay who, if you were to see it in another perspective, both look cute doing it.

*achoo* Mai sneeze, as she covers both her nose and mouth with her elbow.

"The evenings have been cold lately, huh..." Mai said with her nose red while hugging her body to protect herself from the cold.

Suddenly a coat was placed over Mai, surprising Mai.

"Zu- Zuko!? She said in a fluster manner.

"Please wear this," Zuko said while putting the coat on her, not budging or listening to her.

"But I'm, okay."

"No, you're not please take it,"

"Recently, there's been a lot of harassment from bellow as well," he said with a straight face.

Mai was caught off guard by Zuko.

"...I-I won't forget this..." she said fidgeting, while she blushes face to ear while cutely playing with her fingers.====================================================

n a shady alley dark at night, we find two-man.

"You got the stuff?" said one man with a trench coat.

"Yes now did, you bring the product? Said the other man while lighting a cigarette.

"Here it is as promised," he reaches, inside his trench coat handing a folder to the other guy, "now will you give me my payment?"

"Here, take this briefcase inside you will find the stones you ask for," passing it over.

The man on the trench coat slowly opens the briefcase to find it empty inside, "What is the meaning of this?" To been greeted by a gun.

"Is easy I will just add to my collection, use no stones and not even leave a comment, or I will put a bullet in your head," he said while smirking.


PS: Thanks for everything and don't be like that guy give me all your stones.


DriedSnugcreators' thoughts