
Side chapter: Infinity bound

A few weeks ago.

"I'm still surprised on where she pulled these plans from." Jarvis says

"An AI surprised? the most powerful AI in the galaxy is surprised?" Weiss asks shocked

"I mean our engineers are running wild trying to make improvements to Kyra's designs, this indicates she designed these things years ago. The parameters on the ship are already insane enough but with the improvement… it'll be for lack of a better word insane." Jarvis says

"It could easily be a arc… if the worst were to come." Weiss says

"It's gonna be hard to build it." Ruby says looking up.

"Not one, six." Kyra says walking in

"Six!" Jarvis shouts angrily

"We don't need to build them yet, let the ship yard workers get practice and skills on some of the other vessels." Kyra says

"This will take multiple shipyards and ontop of that the resource requirement will be insane." Weiss says

"Well it can crew 17,150… so we've got time. Our latest baby boom isn't showing signs of ending yet thank goodness." Kyra says

Remnant originally had no where near the population required to even attempt what she is, and it's still rather small.

Getting the just under 2 billion immigrants to inhabit the other two planets in Goldilocks zone has helped to rectify that.

"I still feel we are under prepared for what is to come." Kyra says

"I don't even know if we are getting enough resources at this time to build one let alone six." Jarvis says

"We also have our engineers actively improving the designs." Weiss says

"Yes they were able to shoot tungsten rods at 4% the speed of light. I'm fairly certain that they could get it to 25% with what they showed me for improvements." Kyra says

"Not to mention the nuclear reactor is horribly out of date." Weiss says

"It has a primitive fusion reactor." Jarvis corrects

"Yeah, this ship is more up to date compared to the other designs I've given you all." Kyra says scratching her head sheepishly.

"Yea the fusion reactors will probably do better. That and the turrets are horribly out of date. I've got better lasers that could be used for point defense. The mussels could be upgraded." Kyra says

"Are you sure upgrading the missiles is a good idea?" Ruby asks

"The NOVA bomb scares you doesn't it?" Kyra asks

"I don't see us needing that." Ruby says

"Mutually assured destruction. They'll fight us but they won't glass our planets." Kyra says

"You speak like the Jedi have done that before." Jarvis says

"Your patched to the holonet look at what happened to mandalor during the war." Kyra says

They eyes on the Ali's avatar open wide.

"They, they are such hypocrites!" Jarvis shouts

"I don't claim to be a paragon of good. I know I'm flawed it's why I'm surrounded by you all. Those Jedi will be the death of the republic if there was a war." Kyra says

"Like there is gonna be." Weiss says

"I've rendered the ship actually." Jarvis says

"Could you show us?" Ruby asks


"And you want 6 of those…" Weiss says in disbelief

"Of course i mean those guns could probably bust planets when those kids are done." Kyra says

"You got them interested in making that stuff." Ruby says

"I thought like 3 engineering classes once. And it was entry level stuff." Kyra says

Weiss groans messaging her forehead from the headache that statement caused.

Jarvis looks at Kyra.

"Those trade federation ships are getting close to finding our star system." Jarvis says

"Send the Barb or whatever after them. I guarantee it will be amazing." Kyra says

"How so?" Ruby asks

"The president of the United States in WW2 was copied on all of their mission reports." Kyra says

"And we now have a version of him and his ship. It's gonna be amazing." Kyra says looking at her watch.

"What does that mean!" Ruby shouts

"I've got to go but look it up. It's not everyday you hear of a submarine sinking a freight train." Kyra says leaving.

"Jarvis go ahead and deploy them." Weiss says

"Die we have permission for that?" Jarvis asks

"We've got time get permission." Ruby says

"She distracted us from the Infinity…" Weiss says

"Partially my fault. Deep space scanner picked up something." Jarvis says
