
Why must this World be So Cruel

Elizabeth Woodville, The Queen Of England:

As I road to my mother, accompanying me was Antony, my sisters, and my daughters of course. We were riding over the path in which the ambush happened.

I couldn't bring myself to imagine what my Father and a John were feeling as they knew that would be their last day to live, and the fact that it was so unexpected made it to where they couldn't even say goodbye to their family, one last goodbye.

It was a terrifying image, my father getting his head chopped off. And then John right after him, getting killed right after you had just saw your father get killed. My father had yet to grow old peacefully, and not have a care in the world.

And my brother John had yet to live his life, he was so young. All the children he could've had, the wife he could've loved. Why must this world be so cruel. The silence was killing me.

My mother had her back turned towards us, she seemed to not notice our presence. Or she was lost in thought.

The moment she turned around and saw us we all burst out crying. I knew we had to be strong but how could you possibly do it.

I do not know how Edward spared his cousin, even after knowing he killed his father and brother. I would not do it. I would cut off Warwick and George's heads off myself.

We all ran to hug our mother, our mother who was all we had left now, we only had her and each other.

I talked with my mother alone, outside by the tree. "What kind of monster is he. No charge, No trial, No chance for a defense." I screamed out my thoughts to my mother, all my anger my sadness. All pressed in one.

"It was an execution." My mother seemed to have accepted what had happened, but I could not cope with this.

"And I shall have his head for it! Warwick cannot go unpunished! I cannot bear it, mother." The tears naturally came, It was my anger talking, but my sadness was controlling my body.

I couldn't take it, and I shouldn't have to. Why would I not want the head of someone who took my father and brother's heads. I am not as nice as Edward, I would not give them mercy. They do not deserve it.

"Your father knew the risks. God knows, it wasn't his first battle." My mother looked up at me, then she pulled out a letter she has hid in her sleeve. "He sent me this before they killed him. He tells me to be happy." The smile on her face made me feel a little better. The letter sure sounded like my father, always wanting to continue with life, no matter what it throws at you.

"Sends you his love." Then she starts to break down. "John is such a loss to me. He had his whole life ahead of him." We cried together. Which was one of the best moments of mourning. You get to share your feelings with those you love, and together you will get over it.

Just gotta go one step at a time.

"When you raise a boy and he becomes a man, you start to believe he's safe. And that you are safe from heartbreak. I should have known. I have the sight, I should have seen it." My mother was right, we were witches, we have a sight that lets us see into the future.

How come we did not see this coming. We would've been able to avoid it. Was it gods intention for my brother and father to die. I don't believe it,
