
Three Sons of York

Anne Neviile:

When Isabel saw the look on the two mens faces she got scared. All the happiness she once had, had been drained from her body. "Annie, Annie please do not leave me!" Issy, spoke in a very scared voice, I was scared for her too.

Father was a cruel man, and he had been walking on thin ice these past years. Now that King Edward did not trust him, he was gonna try something else with someone else I suppose.

Elizabeth Woodville, The Queen Of England:

When I had arrived at the Kingdom safely, I was greeted with the 3 most handsome boys in my life. Thomas, Richard and Edward.

"Mother!" Shouted Thomas, "Mother!" Shouted his brother Richard. "My boys!" I rushed to hug them, they had grown so much over the past years.

They always spent so much time with Edward, training for war incase It is to come. Edward did promise me that he would try to keep the fight away from my doorstep. Although they aren't his boys, he treats them as his own.

If we did have boys, in which I know we will, I pray he'll still treat my boys the same.

Then I reached to go into Edward's arms. He grabbed my chin, and pulled into an embrace. Then he kissed me tenderly. "I knew that Warwick was angry, but never did I imagine he would raise his own army against me! He has betrayed me!" I could tell Edward was talking about the rebellion.

"And so has George, for now I hear he as married Isabel against my clear command. Warwick's plan must be to put George upon the Throne instead of me. God damn them both!"

I rushed to catch up to Edward, He was furious, so angry over this situation. The two people he trusted and cared about the most had gone behind his back and betrayed him.

"But are you sure that is what they are doing?" I rushed to stay behind Edward, we were practically screaming as servants were moving stuff around making it incredibly loud.

"I am sure of Nothing!" I caught up to him, and he paused as he spoke. I looked into my husband's eyes and all I saw was Hurt, betrayal and Anger. "We always stood shoulder to shoulder on the battlefield. At the battle of Mortimer's Cross there were three suns in the sky."

I hurried up the stairs, this path seemed endless, all this bad news was making me dizzy. I hurt for my husband. He continued to release a little of his hurt, "Three suns! Everybody said it was a sign from God for me, Richard and George, the Three Sons of York. So how can one brother betray the others!"

That is when Richard appeared out of nowhere, and I literally mean out of nowhere. He came out of the wall! "With Warwick, the man you though of as your greatest friend." Richard says, angrily.

"And who else betrays us with them. Our mother is not here, she's surely gone to attend their wedding. George is her darling after all!" While speaking of his mother, Edward got a very salty tone, his anger is making him meaner and meaner.

"But why would she back George instead of you?" I was clueless to this, why would they betray Edward?

"The old story. Wether I am my father's son. Whether I am legitimate! George is saying that I am a bastard, and that would make him the true York heir." I was in shock, how they could they possibly do this, what is their reason behind it.

It makes absolutely no sense, why you would turn your back on your very own brother!?
