
Chapter 63: Reunion.

"Aura, Tosca I'm back!"

Silence spread upon the house, it felt like an eternity but was in reality but a split second before sound returned in a cacophony.


A white beam of light blasted into Alex, which resulted in Aura looking like a mortal human that just ran at full speed into a tree, only difference her not letting go after the collision her arms locked around Alex in a vice-like grip as if afraid he would disappear as if but a figment of her imagination.

From the living room came another figure, Tosca stumbled out with a look of excitement on her face and it became even more so when she saw Alex, her face had a huge smile on it as she ran towards Alex hugging him alongside Aura.

"I missed you," Tosca said quietly while hugging him, but Alex heard her.

Smiling at the two girls hugging him, Alex, to there shock returned there hug, wrapping one arm around each of the girls and squeezing them a bit closer to him.

"It's good to see you two again, though there is no need to be so excited it has merely been a year or two, though I guess it was hard on you, Tosca?"

Alex looked at Tosca with an apologetic gaze, he would sometime forget that she was but a young girl, and time passed much slower to her than to him.

"N-no, I was alright, Au..."

"Hey, wait a minute, Master. Why are you sorry to her and not me, you left me alone here too."

Alex turned his attention to Aura that just pulled her head away from his chest, interrupting Tosca with an indignant expression on her face.

Alex gave her a deadpan face and a blunt reply.

"Uh-huh... I'm not apologizing to you"

"What!?" Aura's mouth opened wide in shock at Alex's answer

"You heard me," Alex said smirking as he pried the unwilling Aura from his person, and petting Tosca lightly on the head while speaking softly.

"Time to let go"

To which she nodded and let go of him but still staying near him while trying not to look the furious Aura in the eyes.

"This...this is clear favoritism!"

Aura yelled as she looked at Alex with a hurt look.

Alex sighed before making a quick movement, giving Aura a quick peck on her forehead before walking past her into the living room to go long on a couch.

Aura's whole body went rigid like stone, as her eyes glazed over. Her body trembling now and then.

Tosca was worried seeing Aura like this but mostly just curious at her antics, she went closer to her and then poked her on the stomach with her finger.

"Hey, Aura are you o...AURA!!!"

When Tosca's finger touched Aura the light elemental went limp like a sack of potatoes as she crashed into the ground, surprising Tosca as she tried to catch Aura, failing miserably not even able to react it time.

Aura laid there on the ground curling into a ball while muttering to herself and giggling now and then.

Tosca wanted to help her worried about Aura's mentality, but Alex's voice stopped her.

"Tosca, don't bother with her she's high at the moment so you just need to let her get through this on her own, it will probably take about ten minutes."

Tosca gave Aura one more glance before stepping into the living room leaving AUra alone out in the hall.

Stepping into the living room she saw Alex leisurely lying down on one of the couches watching some anime while chewing some popcorn that only he knew where he got from.

Tosca hesitated what to do for a moment only to be pulled by some form of telekinesis to another couch and place down on it with another bowl of popcorn conspicuously floating next to her.

"Relax, I haven't been home in a while and feel like chilling a bit" Alex lazily said as lied on the couch enjoying his popcorn and anime.

Tosca got her self comfortable in her seat, took the popcorn bowl from the air, which felt weird to do, and watched anime with Alex. For a long time, it was silent in the room, the only sound being of the television and eating of popcorn after a few minutes Aura walked into the room, having composed herself and sat on an open sofa a bowl of popcorn floating over to her having materialized not far from Alex.

Tosca looked curiously at the phenomenon as if thinking about how she could make infinite bowls of popcorn from nothing. Alex caught her curious gaze and thought of something.

"So, how're your magical studies going"

Tosca froze and Aura chocked a bit the popcorn she just ate. They looked at each other and then at Alex with black expressions.

Alex frowned a bit when he saw their reaction.

"Don't tell me you didn't make any advancements, I left some tasks, knowledge to be memorized as well as some basic spells. Even if you couldn't make way with the takes or the spells you could have at least memories something."

Aura looked around the room as if to escape then as if suddenly remembering something she quickly got up.

"I have some food on the stove"

She said and quickly made her escape ignore Tosca's accusing gaze.

Now there were only the two of them in the room and Tosca didn't even dare to look at Alex, who was patiently waiting for her answer. one minute, ten minutes and hour... after so long Aura had come back thinking evrything was over only to find them in complete silence, so she did the wise thing and turned around seeing if there was anything else she could do.

After another hour past Tosca couldn't take it anymore, and she caved looking up at Alex who hasn't moved a single inch since the beginning of the game of patience, one would almost mistake him as a statue, not even his chest moved, because at the time he wasn't even breathing. It was almost as if he was frozen in time as he waited for her to answer him.

His gaze did not contain any anger which relieved her, he didn't even look angry, just curious so she decided it was best just to spill the beans and tell him evrything.

'What's the worst he could do?' She thought...foolishly.

"Uhm..." She began but paused looking for a way to put it as diplomatically as possible.

"So, did your studies go?"

Alex asked again, already knowing something was wrong.

'She' probably just ashamed to admit she's struggling or something', he thought hopefully.

Tosca looked at Alex for a long moment before saying it in the most diplomatic way she could think of.

"I forgot"



Sorry for the wait, I was taking a rather and work was a bit tough last week with every day having to work overtime, coming home late and feeling too tired to think of anything good so I just did;t write while I was relaxing a bit this weekend.

But hopefully, I can take it easy this week and continue to release a chapter each day.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and please comment, review if you find it to your liking, and just dump all your stones on the novel while you're at it.


Bethrezhencreators' thoughts