
Chapter 36: Invasion!!!

Alexander took a deep breath and turned to look at the assembled men and elves. Alexander, " This is our second major world. The invasion of this world will start with the destruction of goblin race. The betrayal and atrocities committed by the goblin race on the peace loving elves of the ancient past and the treatment their descendents have received till now, demand a payment to be made in blood. The elves will attack the capital city of goblins which is situated in the Alps mountain first and then the attack will be done on the goblin strongholds. Always be on alert while the attack continues. I will be on standby if anything happens. Start with the goblin council then the noble clans and at last the city population. Before attacking, place the bombs on the specified areas as the last ditch effort. One more thing, leave no survivors."

Alexander watched as his elven army shifted away. Alexander then turned to the werewolves and magicals, " When the killing starts, prepare to get transported to the edge of the capital city, we have the means to completely separate the capital city from the outside world. So, even if the alert is sounded, the goblins from the strongholds will have to appear at the boundary of the capital city. It is possible that the reinforcements from the Gringrots branches would also come. There are 300 million goblins in this world while we have an army of 150 million magi. I have also ordered the non magical army under me to get ready for war. The non magical army will engage the goblins first if they appear. The Magi army would ambush the goblins from behind in that case. If the goblins starts arriving, we will drop bombs on the strongholds. Their wards would not stand long before they collaspe. Then, we will destroy the strongholds and then the capital. I know this will reveal the magic to the world and a massive war will happen between us, the non magicals and the remaining magicals but I know that we can win this war."

The reason that Alexander was so confident because his scientists had managed to make the non magical technology work with magic. By the use of the runes, Alexander's scientists had enhanced all the military firearms and vehicles they had. The guns had no recoil, the bullets now had exploding effect, there was more space to hold gunpowder, the tanks had become lighter, etc. but Alexander was not interested in this right now, he has a war to fight and direct. Also, Alexander had a population of 15 billion right now while this world had a population of 3 billion non magicals and few hundreds of millions of magicals. Alexander can overwhelm them with numbers only.

This world was very important for Alexander, if he can capture this world then all the losses were worth it. Alexander just would have to go to a lower world and cast a mass compelltion charm in a city and then the whole city would submit to him. There would be individuals with strong willpower but they could be easily convinced. This way Alexander could easily overcome any loses suffered by his kingdom in a span of month. Moreover, this world had the way to ascend to the godhood. Alexander could not see that as the guy who first ascended scrambled the world's laws and also destroyed any information about it. The scrambling of the world's laws weakened the magic and the grade of civilization. Only by conquering this world, Alexander would know the way to ascend to godhood.

Alexander stood watching the night sky as the elves butchered the goblins who had enslaved them for thousands of years. When more than half of the capital city was dead, Alexander shifted to the main building of the goblin council and claimed it along with the part of the city cleared by his elves. Alexander came to know that only the goblin council could alert the whole goblin race. The goblin council were power hungry and considered themselves above every living being as they had been in the position of power for hundreds of years. The goblin council had heavily fortified their accommodations. It would have taken months to make a dent to the wards by ordinary curse breakers. It was only due to the unique method of teleportation employed by elven army and the magic nullifying devices that elves were successful in eliminating the majority of goblins in this city.

Alexander stood on the addressing platform of the goblin council and looked towards the capital city. The capital city was a city made by enchanted stones and decorated with designs formed with various coloured metals. Alexander could smell the scent of blood in the air, an atmosphere of death was slowly permitting the city, even the normal goblins now knew that something was not right. They came on the streets alert and ready to fight but found the streets to be eerily silent. Some goblins ran towards the square of the city while some returned to their homes and started packing their belongings. Alexander decided to not allow anything like the werewolves to happen and spread his king's might throughout the every nook and cranny of the city and examined the city for any secret passages. Alexander found many and some of them had fleeing goblins in them. Alexander was not going to allow them to flee. Alexander knew that if he told the elves, they would panic and lose control over the situations so Alexander shifted to the passages one by one and killed all the fleeing goblins. Alexander wanted to practice his elemental powers so some goblins died by burning, choking, drowning, impelment or by being crushed.

It took a few more hours to kill all the goblins as the killing was to be done silently, the elves had checked every corner of the city at least 3 times before being satisfied. Alexander let them do it. The elves who were freed in the goblin city also submitted to Alexander and Alexander removed the curses. Alexander found that 30 elves had way more curses than the others. Alexander removed all the curses and found that they were the descendent of the governing elves of the old. They looked similar to the elves depicted in the fantasy stories of the earth but they were shorter and less beautiful. Alexander conquered the city as a part of his kingdom

Alexander ordered the elves to destroy the strongholds. The bombs were already prepared by military and the elves planted. them in specified places. After all the strongholds were rigged with bombs, Alexander gave the remote to the oldest elf present and said, " This is the revenge of your race against the goblins. I will not interfere with it. This is a debt that can be repayed only by your race. I can only help you this much only. Go ahead!!! Press that red button and enjoy the fireworks."

Alexander had not interfered in this operation in anyway because of the debt of blood between goblins and elves. The laws of the this world recognised the hardships and betrayal faced by elves on the hands of goblins and only the elves could eradicate the goblins completely but as the elves were thoroughly enslaved by goblins, there was no chance for them to do it, until Alexander came along and helped the elves. That's why Alexander did not interfere in this. It was very easy for Alexander to destroy the goblin capital city, containment wards followed by a full power fiendfyre would have reduced this city and his inhabitants to ashes. Also, not fulfilling this debt could have adverse effect on the elves so Alexander allowed them to do so.

It was at the time of dawn when all the strongholds were destroyed. Now, Alexander was going to execute his next stage of plan. Each Gringrots branch is strictly forbidden to contact the capital city and the strongholds during the first half of each month as it is during this time, the monthly merit of the branches is calculated and the goblin council didn't want anyone to interfere in this as this distribution was the symbol of their authority over the goblin race. Alexander had attacked on the 8th day of the month, Alexander now was going to first wipe out the branches in the countries claimed by him and hand in hand also conquer the magical side of these countries. The operation would start at night and at dawn, the elves would take place of the goblins under the glamour charm. Alexander wanted to continue this charade as long as he can.


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