
#29 Gathering Of Young Masters

After we ender the hall, Julias started the ceremony.

While distributing the medals to the knight he gave them friendly advice but judging from those faces I could tell most of them are arrogant or ignorant about his advice.

"Now then, there's a simple reception set up for you, so go enjoy yourselves. Oh, I almost forgot. I've invited some special guests today and one of them is the Anti-magic Wizard. Make sure to get to know each other well." Julius said.

Then Marx walk towards Julius. I'm sure right now that Julius will go somewhere!

"Wizard King, regarding that matter..." Marx whispered. I can't hear the other words he says but looks like trouble.

"Something came up, so I have to excuse myself, but have fun!" Julius said then walked away.

Then I just lean on the window looking outside and do nothing. Noelle and Mimosa looks over me.

"Are you going to eat? Want a drink?" Mimosa ask me while walking near me. I pat her head and smile. She blushed and turn around.

"Mimosa. I'm not hungry yet or even thirsty, you can go on ahead with the others. I'm fine here." I said with a smile. Nero is on the side of my shoulder where she can see the outside from the window.

"All those stares are beginning to hurt. How are we supposed to enjoy this" Klaus said. I walk towards Klaus and pat his shoulder. "Get, used to it"

"No time to explain. I better go back to my position." Then I walk back to my past position. I smile when I saw a beautiful view outside which made many female mages blushed.

"Why the Wizard King is entertaining us like this?" Klaus ask. I look over Klaus since his words have a point. Why are we being entertained like this? Yeah we have some accomplishments in the dungeon but we shouldn't be here I never understood this point in the original.

"Not to mention the Wizard King went off somewhere..." Klaus said. I walk towards them and sigh.

"he went to take care of something," I said. "how did you know?" Klaus asked.

"well I overheard Marx talking about taking care of something," I said suddenly we heard some commotion.

"Vulgar peasant. Why did the Wizard King invite such lowborn scum?" Someone said.

I look over them and saw they're looking at us. A small hint of being pissed shows in my face but because of my look it makes me look more handsome to others.

"I can't sense any magic from him" Nebra said and added "Them capturing the dungeon must've been sheer luck"

"But the Wizard king said, the Anti-magic Wizard was with them in that time, on top of that I heard that this Wizard is in Yami's squad" The fatty said.

"Who is this Anti-magic Wizard? Any clue it exist? Maybe it's just a nickname." Solid said.

The guy in dark green hair glare at Yuno and Yuno glare back "I could've handled capturing the dungeon even better!!"

"That's quite confident, brat. It's not like we expect anything form that peasant. We are the ones who embody Lord Vengeance and the Golden Dawn's ideals." I look over Yuno while Yuno's glaring at someone. Noelle and Klaus are together on the other side while me and Mimosa are together here.

"W-With all due to respect..." Klaus said. "That goes for you as well, Klaus. Aren't you being ashamed, being here with your lack of skill?"

Noelle looks at me "There's no reason to run from these jerks," I said while glaring at them and not looking at Noelle.

"Asta?" Noelle said. "Remember, Noelle, we will help you in times needed, same us how we help others. That's the true Magic Knight." I said.

"Let me handle things, Noelle," I said. And walk forward a bit.

"Calling us peasants, rats, embarrassment, failures... Who cares if you think we're worthy or not?!" I added "In the end, we all bleed, fight and die"

Leopold's eyes widen. ' A tiger is more dangerous when he gets angry' thought Leo.

Then I was stopped from my words when someone cast a spell.

"That's enough, you scoundrel. You shouldn't even be allowed to talk! Silence!" The guy said.

I used my Woolf necklace with haki and cut apart his attack. I vanished from my place and appear behind that guy and said mockingly "Weak spell"

~~3rd POV~~

A corpse looking person and the guy full of bandages and old rip clothes are looking at the mountain.

The guy with a cover in his eyes said. (Rades.):*sigh* "Hey, isn't this just messed up? Why did I have to get kicked out? I have more magical power than the royals do. Magic is everything in this world... isn't it? This is a load of bull!"

The other mage said: "Who are you talking to?"

Rades: "I'm just talking to myself."

"We're ready." The unknown mage said.

"Yeah... I'll show the Clover Kingdom's Magic Knights the true extent of my powers!" Rades said then clench his fist.

~At the Royal Capital~Asta's POV (again)~

"I will prove to you, that I'm way better than you all!" I said while subconsciously really Conqueror's Haki.

Everything went silent. Then I sigh. I feel Leopold and Fuegoleon look over me with eyes widen. I'm sure they are thinking about their wild big sis.

"...better than us?" Nebra asks with her face saying this is some sort of joke. Nebra and Solid laugh, but none of the other did, except the two.

"Don't make us laugh!" The two said.

"Water Binding Magic: Sea Serpent's Colis!" Then a two long snake goes over me. I snap my fingers sending Tobu Shigan{flying slash from finger} and the spell vanished.

"What?" Solid react to disbelief to what he sees from me.

"Mist Binding Magic: Mist Spider's Threads." Then a Mist covers us. "weak" When I said that I sign my hand and the Mist that covered me vanished, due to me using Rokuogan{Six King Gun}.

Nebra's eyes, no, all of them have their eyes widen over me. Nero remains in my robe so she won't get hurt.

"But... If that's his attack range, there's no reason for concern. Sand Creation Magic: Sand-Armored Guards!" Alecdora of Golden Dawn.

Then the floor summon the sand giant. I used *soru* and dodge it easily.

"Asta!" Mimosa shouted. "I-I think that's enough," Klaus said.

"Keep your mouth shut," Alecdora said. Klaus can't do a thing so I just sigh. "Y-Yes, sir," Klaus said.

"To act such a way at a festive occasion like the decoration ceremony... you will surely be punished" Alecdora said.

'How come he seems so calm?' Fuegoleon thought.

"Now, now. Why so soft, Golden Dawn? Anyone that self-confident needs to be taught a lesson." Then Solid cast a spell. "That's..." Noelle said. 'Don't worry, Noelle'

"So that they can never talk back again," Solid said.

"Solid, please don't!" Noelle said. I feel Yuno and Robin tried to get their Grimoire to save me. In case I can't escape.

"Holy water Bullet!" Then the two pairs of huge bullet came towards me. I bring out DS and reflect it at full power

"Apologize... to Noelle!" I said. Solid tried to protect himself.

"Tch!" I said. he wasn't able to defend himself. In the end A thick mercury shield saved him.

"Did you just made me kneel? You lowly peasants!" Solid said. I remain standing

"I'm not going to hold back anymore!" Solid said. "Solid, p-please, no more..." Noelle said. Trying to save her brother from me.

Then Nozel's mana stops us. Noelle became scared while I feel nothing at all.

Nozel walk towards me with his Mana so high. other walks back and Solid looks over his brother.

"Nozel?" Solid said. "Solid, don't be so quick to use your magic on a mere peasant," Nozel said.

"B- But..." Solid said. "Silence. Do you plan to shame the Silva family?" Nozel said to Solid. Solid acts as giving up.

Finally, he is out he..he.. let's teach them some lessons

"Peasants that foolishly tried to defy royalty... How shall I punish you?" When Nozel said that I can move with no worries. I let loose my Haki with my sword intent without holding back anything.

His mana that is full of pressure vanished since my Haki clashed with it. All the glasses in the hall destroyed and red lightning can be seen surrounding me with spiderweb-like crack on the floor.

I said with a smirk "That's quite an assumption coming from a captain, but in reality, I was just doing my job as a magic knight. you see CAPTAIN these junior and intermediate magic knights are questioning the authority of 28th wizard king of clover kingdom" and added "after all he was the one who bring us here"

"not only that, they dare to attack me in the presence of many captains as an attempt of murder so I think they are rebelling our kingdom"

I added mockingly " so what do you say, will you help me arresting them in the name of his majesty"

most of the knights were on their knees while even Nozel felt fear hearing my word and Haki.

'Th-This peasant has this huge amount of power?! What type of a person will be a peasant with such huge pressure?!' thought Nebra.

'No, he's a person that introduces himself as a peasant, but the truth is he is someone, higher' thought Charlotte.

"That's enough." Someone said. I lower my haki and look to the person who said that. It's Fuegoleon. My Idol in Fire Magic Spell.

"You're getting so worked up over this little boy" Feugoleon said, "You should be ashamed of yourself, Silvas." He added.

I look over my back. My death glare becomes a soft stare when I look towards my friends and comrades.

I saw Leopold looking at me. Then he laugh. "It's just as Mimosa said. You're quite strong!" He said happily. I face him with no emotion.

"Hey, Asta! You have a very strong body! You are indeed qualified to be my rival! All right! Let us arm wrestle." he said.

"You decided thing so fast," I said in an amusing tone.

"Guys really are dumb, aren't they, sis?" Sol ask.

"Mind your manners, Sol." I heard Charlotte said. "My bad, Sis!" Sol said.

"Call me 'Captain', Sol" Charlotte said. "My bad, Sis!" Sol said.

"Sol" Charlotte called. "I know, Sis! Sis!" Sol said.

I walk towards other "The Silver Eagle's Captain, Nozel Silva. And the Crimson Lion King's Captain, Feugoleon Vermillion. These two are cousins." I said

"A royal acknowledging a peasant as his rival? a Wizard that..." The Captain Nozel said.

"Lord Julius allowed the boy to be here. He may be peasant, but doesn't he deserve some credit?" The Captain of Crimson Lion said.

suddenly argument brock out between them. and they let loose their mana. Then their presence of mana becomes wilder. It's hard for others a bit but not to me.

"Just by looking I can see the eagle and the lion that forms in their back" I said.

'Wh-What a tremendous clash of mana!' thought Klaus.

I walk over in the middle side of the two Captains. my position is not near nor far.

~~3rd POV~~

"Shouldn't we stop them, Sis?" Sol ask.

"This is foolish. Ignore the men and their boorish fighting. Also, call me 'Captain'." Charlotte said.

"Sure thing, Sis!" Sol said while eating.

"Call me-" Then just one snap the tremendous clash of mana vanished.

"Don't fight. Remember where we are, this is no place to fight." I said. They all went silent and can't say a thing.

'I can't believe in just one snap this kid can stop these two.' thought Alecdora.

'as expected of him, I have to meet him after this ceremony' thought Charlotte.

'Looks like Asta can stop them for good. As expected' thought Robin.

'Asta, you might get insulted by Nozel ni-Sama' Noelle thought worriedly.

"I don't care about any location. Even if-" Nozel was cut out by the sudden opening of a door and a mage come running inside panting.

seeing this I thought 'so, It has begun'


for more fun.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Im_Shreycreators' thoughts