
Chapter 1136: Sakuya's Way

"I think therefore I am" is such intelligence in so few words, yet in this advanced age we have changed it. Now we use "I love therefore I am." We can augment reality to the degree that anything you see, hear, do, feel, and think can be manipulated. The only true thing left is love, the only thing within ourselves we can trust to be real. Love is the true meaning of existence, one can't be complete if love isn't involved, I'm glad I have found my missing piece, the one that makes me complete and taught me the meaning of love. For him, I'll do anything like he will do anything for me. I miss you Alexander Kael Touch, my soulmate, please come back quickly.''

There was a long moment of silence between them before Luna sighed and suddenly brought up another matter. 

''What are you thinking about the abnormalities happening around here?" 

''You are talking about demon sightseeing and people vanishing?" 
