
chapter 39 part 3

An incident happened yesterday, when the boys and I went to retrieve the prophecy." Hala recalled.

"Are you guys okay?" Ash asked.

"We're fine. But who isn't is Tapu Koko." Hala informed.

"Tapu Koko?" Ash asked, shocked that someone actually did it again.

"He was captured by the same people who came looking for Cosmog."

"Do you know who they are?"

"Only possible conclusion I have is that they are affiliated with a group known as Team Skull. But even that isn't very solid. Team Skull was disbanded five years ago, thanks to Sun." Hala explained.

"What? Sun defeated an entire evil gang by himself?" Ash asked, astonished at Sun's accolades.

"Well, he had help, of course. He had the aid of Hau, Gladion, his Pokemon, the Tapus and Gladion's twin sister, Liv."


"Short for Olivia, an homage to the Trial Captain of Akala Island, Olivia Slater by her parents."

"Where is she?"

"She died to save Sun and Gladion." Hala sighed. "You see, we believe that she possessed Alola's Light: a psychic ability to read minds, the power of persuasion and the ability to heal those around at the cost of her own well being. Whatever wound she healed, she absorbed that wound. You can imagine that when Sun and Gladion died, she was devastated. So she gave her life to save theirs." Hala explained.

"So, Alola's Light isn't a thing. It's a person? Why are you telling me this? Why not Sun or Hau or- Gladion?" Ash asked.

"Because it has nothing to do with them. Alola's Light affects you the most, because Kukui and I suspect that Serena bears Alola's Light."


"Serena had a nightmare. I spoke to her before I came to you. She said it was like someone was trying to warn her."

"She said the same thing to me. With all due respect, Kahuna, what the hell does Serena's nightmare have to do with Alola's Light?"

"Ash, Liv said the same thing about Sun and Gladion five years ago. Also, she had an uncanny ability to talk down both Sun and Gladion from making rash decisions. Hau tells me that Serena talked you down when you and Gladion first met."

"Two coincidences. Serena can't read minds."

"Neither could Liv when it first started. Gladion reacted the same way as you are now."

"I'm not Gladion!" Ash exclaimed, but not loud enough for anyone to care.

"I'll give you a pass because I like you." Hala said as he got within an inch of Ash's face. "But if you ever raise your voice at me again, you'll need implants and plastic surgery to make you look human when I'm done with you. I'm trying to warn you of what may come." Hala growled. He returned to his previous space. "I know you love Serena, and you want to keep her out of danger. But ignoring the possibility that she might have Alola's Light isn't a wise choice. Do not discuss it with her until you meet up with Tapu Lele on Akala Island. Tapu Lele is the only one who can truly confirm whether or not she has Alola's Light or not. Once you find out, you must protect her with your life. If not-"

"Necrozma will bring about the end of days, right?" Ash finished.

"Yes. How did you know the prophecy spoke of Necrozma?"

"Looked it up on my Nanodex!" Ash said nervously.

"Ah, I see. Well, there is another matter. I will be battling Serena as she must earn her Z-Ring the way you have."


"What I am also doing is testing her. I am gonna see how strong she is. And I will see if she has the battle condition of Alola's Light."

"Which is?"

"An amplified power level with Fairy and Psychic Pokémon."

"Okay. Since Ash defeated all of my normal Pokemon, I will be using my backup team. Is that okay?"

"Yes, Kahuna."

"Alright. Let's get this battle on the way!"

Serena Yvonne vs. Kahuna Hala Anu

"Go, Makuhita!"

"Okay. Go, Braixen!"

"She's sending out her Braixen right off the off?" Lana asked.

"You forget, she has a Sylveon too, she could be saving it for later." Mallow reminded.

"Do you guys know EVERYTHING about us?" Ash asked.

"Yes. You two are legends in the making-" Kiawe said as Ash put both his hands up.

"Okay. Whatever. Being famous is really wearing thin on me right now..." Ash said as he covered his face with his hands.

"It's gonna be fine, Ash. You're not used to it. Once you do get used to it, it'll be second nature." Sun said.

"Ok." Ash said.

"Yeah, he'll be famous. For losing." Sophocles said as everyone turned to him.

"Why are you still here, Sophocles? If you don't like him, go!" Kiawe said as Sophocles folded his arms.

"Yeah. He'll be famous. If he can beat me." Gladion said as Ash sharply turned to him.

"Oh yeah? Maybe I'll make you famous, Gladion!" Ash said as he balled up a fist.

*Ash. Calm down. It's not worth it.* Serena thought in her mind.

"Serena?" Ash asked as he swore he heard Serena speak.

"Yeah, Serena. Did you forget your girlfriend's name?" Gladion said.

"Shh. You, shh." Ash said, pointing to Gladion.

Ash listened for Serena's voice again, but...

"It's gone."

"Are we going to battle or not Serena?" Hala asked.

"What would Ash say?" Serena said to herself. "He wouldn't say anything. He would just fight!" Serena finalized as she called out an attack. "Braixen! Flamethrower!"

"Ahh. Not much of a talker in battle, are we? No problem. Makuhita, Focus Punch!"

"No! Braxien doesn't have the Psychic type yet! She could be in trouble!" Hau said.

"Wait, what? I saw her use a Psychic move at Ilima's trial!" Ash recalled.

"You must have been imagining things dude. Braxien can't use Psychic moves at it's given level."

"Or maybe I wasn't."

"Maybe not. Doesn't mean Serena will win." Sun said.

"Okay, I like her. She has a fire like Ash does. Time to push." Hala said to himself. "Makuhita! Fake Out!" Hala said as Makuhita landed a cheapshot after throwing a rock in her general direction.

"Braixen!" Serena said as Braixen staggered for a bit.

"Okay, now layeth the Smacketh Down!" Hala said as Makuhita stuck his hands into two rocks, like boxing gloves, and let Braixen have it.

"Braixen!" Serena cried out.

"Braixen is unable to battle! Makuhita wins!" Kukui announced.

"Braixen, return! You did good. Sleep now." Serena said as she closed her eyes and suddenly she could hear voices everywhere.

*Damn, she's a noob! Serena! I hope Braixen is okay! She's not a fighter! Oh come on Kahuna. There has to be another way!*

"Kahuna, hold on!" Kukui intervened as he noticed Serena doubling over.

"Serena!" Ash said as he ran to Serena's side.

"S.A.P." Sophocles said to the amusement of no one.

"Seriously, Sophocles, I hope you get bit by a Houndoom!" Lillie said as she ran to Serena's side as well.

"Hey, Lillie!" Sun said.

"You're the S.A.P., Sophocles!" Gladion said as everyone in the stands stood in shock.

"Did you just defend Ash?" Hau asked.

"Shut up." Gladion said.

"Oh no. What have I done?" Hala said as he fears that he may have caused this.

And so the Battle ended with Serena herself unfit to continue. Serena appeared to be seizing, and Brock and local paramedics were tending to her in an effort to treat her. Hala appeared to be distraught, and Gladion looked worried. He had seen this before. As much as he really didn't like Ash, he didn't think that he deserved what happened to himself and Sun, some years ago…

For three days, Ash has sat by Serena's side at Hau'oli General Hospital. The doctors don't know what happened to her, but they know she will be fine soon. Still, Ash and Pikachu feel lost without her. It is at this time where Kukui approaches Ash to discuss something important. Here is where the story continues...

"Hey Ash."

"Professor." Ash said, hat covering his eyes, casting a shadow over his face.

"You know, Kukui works too, cousin."

"I know." Ash said, still staring at Serena.

"She's gonna be okay. You know that, right?"

"I know. But it still sucks."

"I know. If this happened to Professor Burnet, I don't know what I would do without her."

"Where is she anyway?" Ash once again asked, still not facing Kukui.

"She's here in Hau'oli City."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Wanted to surprise the both of you. And I wanted you both to get your Z-Rings first."

"That might not happen. Ever since we've come to Alola, this is the second time she's passed out like this."

"Remember, the first time, she was dehydrated. There's no known reason for it this time. For all we know, it's out of her control. Maybe even out of logic's control."

"Let's go. Visiting hours are over. They'll kick us out." Ash said as he turned to leave and Kukui followed.

"Have you been getting any sleep, Ash?"

"No. I'm fine. I don't need it."

"Your mind may say so, but your body tells me otherwise. You need to rest, Ash."

"I'll rest when she comes back."

"Ash..." Kukui said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't try and stop me, Kukui." Ash turned abruptly to face Kukui for the first time. His eyes are teetering on bloodshot and bags and dark circles started to form under his eyes. His cheekbones were becoming more and more visible, and he started to resemble a Cubone. After a pause, Kukui started up.

"Okay then. I won't. But if you won't sleep, then come with me."

"I said I don't want to sleep."

"And I won't try to make you. But get outta the hospital for Arceus' sake! Besides, I want you meet the mother of my kid!"


"Honey! I'm here, and I brought a guest!" Kukui said as he and Ash entered Hau'oli Labs. It was also Professor Burnet's home for the time being, until she was done with whatever she was doing, leaving Kukui to handle Z-Rings by himself. The lab had whole teams dedicated to this project on two different floors.

"Please, if it's that damn Sophocles, I will..." A female voice said as a lady in a gray sweater and gray pants walked down the stairs, but tripped, so her tablet almost fell to the floor. Kukui caught her while Ash caught the tablet.

"Uh, you okay, honey?" Kukui said as Burnet looked up to him and gave a peck on the cheek.

"I'll be fine. That was a great catch!" Burnet said to Ash after reassuring her dear husband.

"Thanks, Ma'am..." Ash said, handing back her tablet.

"Burnet. Professor Luna Burnet-Phillips, soon to be Mrs. Luna Kukui!"

"Wait, did you just say Phillips?" Ash asked, completely out of it at this point.

"Yeah. I'm Sun's older sister! And you must be Ash Ketchum, the Greninja Gladiator!" Burnet said as she put out her hand for Ash to shake.

"Greninja Gladiator?" Ash asked, shaking Burnet's hand. It was a small hand, even next to Ash's, but damn if it wasn't among the strongest grips he'd felt till now.

"It was coined after your battle with Hala. Everyone thought you were a one-hit wonder until you resurfaced at Iki Town. Found footage showed you going toe-to-toe with Hala's big guns! My question to you is: Did you win?"

"Yeah, but it wasn't easy. Took six of my Pokémon."

"Which one did you beat?"

"A Crabominable."

"It was Hala's sixth!" Kukui chimed in, having never seen Hala's sixth before.

"Amazing. Not even Sun has beaten Hala's Crabominable."


"OH! Your nanodex! Take six Pokémon out and I need to see your Nanodex."

"Okay..." Ash asked, with every red flag going up in his mind right now.

"Oh. It's one of those modifications I need to put on it. I think it will come in handy."

"Ah. Okay." Ash calmed down, but not to the point of passing out.

"Pika. Pika pi!"

"Pikachu, I'm fine. Really."

"I'd listen to your Pikachu, Ash. Pardon my Kalosian, but you look like hell."

"He won't listen to anyone, honey. I tried to tell him, so did his friend of seven years. You ask me, he's taking it too hard." Kukui said as Ash wandered off and Pikachu followed.

"Well, he's gonna have to sleep sometime, whether it's his choice or by force."

"Or if his body gives out."

"Well, that's his choice." Burnet said as she embraced Kukui. "Look, I know you worry about everyone. It's your nature, and what makes you the respected authority that you are. But you have to acknowledge some things: A: It's Ash's choice if he does what he does. B: You have your own kid to worry about now. C: You'll spread yourself too thin to be of use to anyone when those thugs strike again."

"Oh, Luna..." Kukui said as he put his hands on her face, and kissed her. "Luna always steers me right when I'm lost..."

"We have to lookout for each other, boy..." Burnet said as she grabbed him into an embrace after kissing his forehead. By now though, Ash had wandered off away from the lab.

"Hey, guys, come out." Ash said, borderline slurring each word from this point forward until he was inaudible.






"Wait, I thought I grabbed... Forget it. You need the initiation. Guys, I'm really torn about Serena. I need a distraction. Greninja, can you show me how to fight like you?"

"Ninja, Nin-ninja!"

"Okay, then. Charizard, hold me up in the air by the ankles."


"Sceptile, throw as many Leaf Blades as you can, and I'll try to dodge them!"


"Staraptor, stir up the strongest winds you can, and hit me with it!"


"Rowlet," Ash said as he saw Rowlet go to sleep. "Go to sleep. Freaking Narcoleptic nutcase..." Unironically, Ash collapsed, exhausted from the amount of time he had been awake. Around now, Pikachu, Charizard, Greninja, Sceptile, and Staraptor huddled around him to see if he was okay.

Switching To Poké-Language

"Well, Shit. He said pick him up by the legs." Charizard said as he went to grab Ash.

"Charizard! Don't do that! I told you to sleep, Ash. Seriously." Pikachu said, grabbing his hat, placing it back on Ash's head.

"Well now what? It's the middle of the night, we're out in the open, and I'm getting sleepy watching these two sleep!" Staraptor said.

"We protect them!" Greninja said as he formed Water Shuriken in his hands.

"I have a better idea. Why don't we take them back to Professor Burnet and she'll know what to do then?" Sceptile suggested.

"Okay then. Staraptor, meet us there, tell Professor Burnet about our situation. Charizard, carry Ash. Greninja, carry Rowlet. Sceptile, you and I have lookout." Pikachu said.

"Got it!" Charizard, Greninja, Sceptile and Staraptor said.

"You guys think Ash is gonna be okay?" Sceptile asked.

"I'm more concerned with Sleeping Cutie here. Does he ever not sleep?" Staraptor asked.

"That we've seen, no." Pikachu said.

"Whatever happens, we will protect him, however we must." Greninja said, forming two blades on his arms by using Cut.

"That's nice and all, Greninja, but how are we supposed to protect him from himself?" Staraptor asked, which got everyone thinking.

"Staraptor is right. We can't help him if he won't help us help him." Sceptile said, to a hearty laugh from Charizard, which in turn prompted a dirty look from Sceptile.

"You totally quoted Jerry Maguire..." Charizard said, still laughing.

"And? I'm making a point here. What's it to you, Charizard?" Sceptile asked, Leaf Blades at the ready.

"What it is to me is the fact that if I sneeze on you, you dead." Charizard said, poking Sceptile in the chest.

"Oh, Arceus. Not again." Pikachu said.

"What? What's wrong?" Greninja asked.

"These two are gonna duke it out. Again." Staraptor said as he wandered off himself.

"Go ahead! Let's see how fast you can sneeze before I cut you into fun food, Lard-izard!" Sceptile shouted, getting into battle stance.

"Oh, very creative, Lard-izard. I'll have you know I have more muscle than 50% of Ash's team COMBINED!" Charizard said, flaring up what he called a Charizard special.

"And you have more fat than Snorlax!" Sceptile shouted as he charged at Charizard, with the latter ready to blow hellfire and brimstone in the middle of Hau'oli Labs. Around now, Greninja charged in, blocking Sceptile's Leaf Blades and Charizard's Flamethrower with Cut and Water Shuriken. "Enough!"

"You want some too, Froakie?" Charizard said, firing up a Slash to combat Greninja's Cut.

"Charizard, Greninja, don't!" Pikachu said, intervening and flaring up a Thunderbolt.

"Or what?" Greninja asked.

"I'll shock you both!" Pikachu said, cheeks still flaring with electricity.

"He would. It's happened before, Nijie." Charizard said.

"My name is Greninja, numbskull." Greninja said.

"Shut up, all of you! Me and the baby here are trying to sleep!" Staraptor said from the background.

"Baby?" Everyone asked.

"Yeah, Rowlet here's practically a baby. I'll take him under my wing, and show him the ropes. Welcome to the team, son." Staraptor said as he held the little grass owl in his arms.

"I think Pidgeot would be better suited for nurturing, but you can show him how to kick everyone's tail." Pikachu said.

"Except mine, of course." Charizard said, nose in the air.

"Why not yours?" Sceptile asked.

"I'm so strong, Pikachu's the only one who can. Not even Pidgeot could when he was above me."

"Bulbasaur came close." Pikachu said.

"Yeah, came close." Charizard emphasized.

"But you, Sceptile, Greninja, Staraptor, Infernape, and Donphan have never fought. Greninja is pretty strong, he almost beat a Mega Pokémon." Pikachu reviewed.

"Don't count out Infernape. When he's pissed, good luck getting him to stay down. He would rather fight to his last breath than lose!" Staraptor said.

"And then there's Sceptile. He-"

"Can kiss the flame on my tail." Charizard taunted.

"Let me kick his big ass!" Sceptile shouted.

"NO!" Greninja shouted, once again preparing to deflect a Flamethrower and a Leaf Blade.

"SHUT UP!" Staraptor shouted. This went on for another hour until everyone fell asleep. And Rowlet never woke up until the early hours of the morning.

PokéTranslate: OFF.

The Next Day, Ash woke up after a message from Serena. He looks almost back to normal. He found himself sleeping in a guest bed presumably put up by Kukui and Burnet. There was a note:

"At the hospital with Serena. There is something to eat on the table, and the Nanodex is ready. Please, eat and rest well. Soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Kukui."

"Rockruff!" A Rockruff appeared and jumped out from seemingly nowhere. Ash recognized this Pokémon as the Rockruff he met back in Iki Town.

"Oh, hey Rockruff. How ya feeling?"

"Rockruff ru-ruff!"

"Awesome! Wanna come with me?"


"Okay then! Hey guys, let's go!"

And so Pikachu, Rowlet and Rockruff traveled with Ash, Pikachu on his shoulder, Rowlet in his backpack, and Rockruff walking alongside Ash. Call him the Pokémon Whisperer...



"Ash! You're okay! You had us all worried about you!"


"You don't sleep for days in a row and then you sleep for days in a row? I thought you were becoming a Rowlet!"

"Is everything okay?"

"Serena's awake now! She'll be released today!"

"How's everyone else?"

"You should see for yourself."

At the hospital, earlier that morning, Serena was visited by a cloaked figure, not unlike how she had seen Ilima, except it was much more haunting than Ilima's portrayal. She briefly saw under the cloak what appeared to be the tattered remains of a white sundress. What was even more haunting was its similarity to the one that Lillie wore almost everytime...

"Ms. Yvonne?" A doctor came in.


"Good morning and Alola!"


"So, we still don't know what happened to you, Serena. But we want to run some more tests if that's ok with you."

"Tests again? This is the third day in a row! You guys can't figure anything out about what happened?"

"Not without extensive research. We may have to transfer you to Kanto."


Around this time, after no response from the doctor, Serena saw the figure again.

"Excuse me, I need the washroom."

"Of course, Ms. Yvonne." Then as soon as Serena left the room, the doctor turned away and started talking into her thumb. "Mission control, I have her in reach, but she's getting restless."

"Then take her by force. Remember, she may be what we are looking for."

"As soon as she gets back, I will."

"Hail Rainbow."

"Hail Rainbow."

At this time, Serena knew something was up, she turned around and listened to the conversation, after she walked out and again, the figure passed her. This time, she followed the figure until she ran into Ash.


"Ash!" Serena said she grabbed him and he reciprocated. He was so glad to see her, and to be honest, hasn't been more glad about anything else other than meeting Pikachu. Serena spoke up at this point, which he would have been glad to hear her, if not for what she would say. "We need to get out of here!"


"I think my doctor is a spy for those people that stole Tapu Koko!"

"Are you sure?"

"I saw her talk into her thumb! Who does that?"

"Good point." Hau said. Around now, the spy appeared, still dressed as a doctor.

"Damn. The reject is here."

"Take him down. Eta Squad will aid you."

"Ash Ketchum!" The "doctor" called out.

"I feel like that's not the last time I'll hear my name in that tone." Ash said as he turned to face who he thought was the spy.

"Surrender the girl, and I may let you live."

"Piss off, and I may leave you be." Ash said as his Nanodex started beeping.

"Boy... Turn over the girl. Last chance." The spy demanded.

"For the last time, access denied!" Ash said, calling out Charizard, Greninja, Infernape, and Snorlax.

"Pika!" Pikachu flared up his cheeks.

"Rockruff!" Rockruff growled.

"So it's hard to get with you. Not an issue. Eta Squad, at the ready!"

At this point, The Eta Squad was revealed to be nearly 50% of the doctors, nurses, even the goddamn janitors. Along with all of them, the one facing Ash, Hau and Serena revealed a similar outfit to the ones that had been worn by those who attempted to steal Cosmog and according to Hau did steal Tapu Koko.

"Who are you jerks?"

"That is hardly important, but if it matters so much, you may call us Rainbow, and I'm Dragon."

"Okay, Dragon. What do you want with Serena?" Ash asked as the Nanodex started beeping faster.

"That is the business of Rainbow and no one else. Why don't you join us? You may ensure her survival, but you won't survive a day on the other side of a wanted poster..."

"I wouldn't join you if you had a gun to my head!" Faster beeping.

"Well, let's put that to the test!"

Everyone from Rainbow pulled a Glock and prepared to unload a clip on the three. Ash recalled everyone except for Pikachu and Rockruff and he picked them up, preparing to take many bullets for them, Serena and Hau too. However, the Nanodex started beeping the fastest it had been thus far. A button was glowing. Per overhearing Professor Burnet's instruction, Pikachu pushed the button. A bracelet quickly flung off the Nanodex and onto Ash's other wrist where a forcefield suddenly generated. Around this time, Rainbow started firing. After some fire, Dragon saw the bullets evaporating into nothing.

"Stop firing! So, the reject has a gift from above."

"Ash! Look!" Serena said. It wasn't until Ash saw that he was still alive, and had no blood to be seen that he noticed the Nanodex had branched off to his other arm. It was a bracelet the same color as the Nanodex, but it seems to have put up a forcefield around them all.

"Professor Burnet..."

"Ash?" Serena asked.

"Uh, guys, are we floating?" Hau asked.

"Oh Arceus, we are!" Ash said in awe.

"I'll get my hands on you yet, Kalosian Princess. And then I'm gonna enjoy watching you die, reject." Dragon vowed.

"Uh, does anyone know how long we'll be in this thing?"

"The Defensive Network or DefNet, created by the Professors: Burnet, Kukui, Oak, Sycamore, and Birch is designed to carry trainers out of danger to the nearest Professor." The Nanodex spoke.

"The nearest Professor? Where's Kukui and Burnet?"

"Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet are at the Malasada shop on Main Street and 5th Avenue."

"I thought they were supposed to be at the hospital!" Hau said in disbelief.

"Shall I contact them?"

"No thanks, Nanodex. Just take us to them."

"You mean Kukui and Burnet were supposed to be there?" Serena asked.

"You mean they're at the Malasada shop on Main and 5th?" Hau asked.

"Pika pi?" Pikachu asked.

"We need answers, guys. This whole thing is getting out of control. First they try to steal Cosmog, then they steal Tapu Koko, and now they try for Serena? Everytime we get an answer, two more questions take its place."

"We're here!"


"Up here!"

"Ash?" Kukui asked as he recognized the voice.

"It can only be Ash. The DefNet is up. Something isn't right."

"I'll get Sun and Gladion on the line."

"We're gonna need more than that."

"How do you figure?"

"The DefNet only goes up when a trainer's life or their Pokémon's life is in danger. Knowing Ash's luck, even Sun and Gladion aren't enough. Get the Kahunas on the line, and tell them to send for the United Regions."

"The United Regions?"

"Whatever it is, it's essentially Terrorism."

And Kukui was left without words. He contacted the Kahunas and told them to send for the United Regions. Meanwhile, Ash, Serena, Hau, Pikachu and Rockruff descended at the Malasada shop. The DefNet deactivated as Hau ran inside.

"Uh, what's up with Hau?"

Hau walked back out with a stack of Malasada. He started devouring each one.

"He gets hungry after being scared." Burnet said.

"I thought he had been in life threatening situations before." Serena said.

"He has. He's just never been in a forcefield hundreds of feet in the air before." Burnet said.


"Are you guys okay? Did it work?"

"The DefNet?"

"Obviously it worked. They're here, aren't they?"

"Right, sorry."

"How did it go up?"

"Pika pi!"

"While you were asleep, I gave Pikachu the step by step instructions to operate the DefNet. I just didn't think it would happen so soon."

"What happened? I thought you were at the hospital?"

"A nurse told us that visiting hours hadn't started yet."

"That probably wasn't a nurse."

"What do you mean?"

"Those guys that tried to steal Cosmog, they were at the hospital. And they tried to take Serena."

"How many?"

"Half the hospital were spies. They called themselves Rainbow..."

"Rainbow. That has to be the most uninteresting thing ever. Gonna ruin the word if we catch these guys." Kukui said as Kahuna Hala appeared on his Pokégear.


"Kahuna Hala!"

"Is everyone okay?"

"Yes. Ash, Serena and Hau are okay."

"Thank the Tapus. What happened?"

"It was them again. They called themselves Rainbow."

"Rainbow... That's either a code word or they just got fake named."

"We aren't sure yet." Kukui said as another face appeared next to Hala.


"Kahuna Olivia!"

"What's happening?"

"The Tapu thieves struck again, this time, they tried to steal her."

"Oh my Arceus. It's worse than we thought."

"And we fear there maybe eyes and ears everywhere."

"If so, at least bring her to Akala. We can protect them here."

"Alright then."

Good news and bad news folks. Good news is we're going to Akala! Bad news: it's not a social call."


"Hau, you may come with if you want."

"Hhgah. Hmphhh."

"I'll take that as a yes."

"When do we leave?"


And so, Ash, Serena and Hau loaded onto Kukui's boat. Burnet opted to stay behind (she thinks they're watching her). On a trip that was meant to be another adventure has turned into a fight for their lives. Ash would have enjoyed the Alolan Ocean, had he not been traumatized by the face of death. And it had a name too: Dragon. Ash once again stayed up all night. Even when Kukui thought it necessary to sleep as well, and Hau and Serena were tired, Ash could not sleep if Snorlax used Snore on him. Now that he had someone coming after him, he had to find a way to protect Serena.




Ash woke up abruptly after he seemed to have passed out on the front of the boat. Around now, a saber had projected from his Nanodex. He stared at it in awe, as if he had finally had an answer for Rainbow. A way to protect Serena from Dragon. From Death. And it was all in his Nanodex...he told Kukui that he was going back to Melemele to defeat Rainbow because i have z plan to do it has something to do with this saber and left he defeated Rainbow rhen saw team flare and took them out to the called Kukui and said do not dock the ship because more of team flare is their and Rainbow to he got to them and defeat them and ssid ot is clear to dock the ship he did
