
Invitation Exchange

While the couple shopped happily, Director Chu was scratching his scalp until dandruff covered his head. When he combed through his hair, dandruff drifted like snowflakes onto his suit. Dialing one call after another, he frustratedly cursed at his close buddies who refused to lend him money. His company was in the middle of a crisis where finances became a problem. He needed money! He needed funds!

After news of his company losing out on the upcoming investment project spread, the shareholders and investors applied pressure on him for an explanation. They gave him a deadline to get the company back on track within three weeks or else they would opt out one by one. Facing their threat, Director Chu had no choice but to borrow money from his friends.

Since he had hung out with many wealthy clients and kept decent relationships with them, he expected at least half to agree to lending him money. This thought was soon blown off his mind as he failed to connect with half of the people in his personal contacts. Those who picked up his call found random excuses to reject his request.

He slouched on the couch as he called the last person on his contacts with the preparations for another rejection. To his surprise, the man answered his call and spoke in a neutral tone.

"Hello? Vincent?" Director Chu's back straightened as he greeted the man on the phone.

"What's up?" Vincent was the director of a small company. Though he probably had no money to lend him, it was still worth a try.

"I'll keep my words short. My company is running some finance problems, so I want to ask if you could lend me some money. I'll definitely return the money with interest after I get through this crisis. Even if it's not the amount that I need, a little is better than nothing. Can you help me out?" His voice sounded sincere and serious that Vincent placed down the documents in his hands.

"I would help if I had the ability to do so. Unfortunately, my company has just begun earning small profits, so I can't provide much for you." Vincent looked at the invitation card on his table and a sudden thought popped up in his mind.

"I understand. Sorry for bothering you." Director Chu almost laughed out loud for his stupidity. He had looked down on Vincent in the past for being a regular employee to some company. Why would this man help him now?

"Hold on. I can't help you financially, but I do have a suggestion. I have an invitation for Lin Corps' ex- CEO's birthday party, which is in two weeks. I think you could find some investors through this occasion. If you leave a good impression at the party, you might be able to get connections with the current CEO of Lin Corps and perhaps, an investment. I've heard about the generous amounts the CEO offered in the past."

Vincent checked the invitation to make sure there was a plus-one option. Since it mentioned the guest could bring a companion, he could bring Director Chu to the party. Hearing silence from the other end of the call, he asked, "Are you still there? Director Chu?"

"Yes. Yes! If you could bring me with you, I'll be very grateful. I'll make sure to grab every opportunity to gather investors for my company. Thank you so much!" Director Chu felt like rays of hope was shining to his head and Vincent was his guardian angel or something. Out of everyone whom he had connected with, he couldn't believe that Vincent would be the one to help him.

"Alright. I'll text you the date and time of the event. I'll meet you in front of the place as well." Vincent said in a monotone voice as if the matter didn't concern him. Since it was someone else's party, it would still depend on Director Chu's luck in convincing potential investors. This way, he wouldn't be rejecting nor helping. At the same time, he is maintaining a connection in the social circle.

If Chu Entertainment makes it through the financial crisis this time, he might benefit in the future. After hanging up the call, Director Chu ordered his assistant to find out about the ex-CEO of Lin Corps' likings. He rubbed his hands together and grinned. "Just you wait, Lily Jiang. Did you think my company would fall without your investments? Hah, you're too arrogant! I'll definitely shove reality to your face when I land myself with better investors!"

Time flew by quick as the date of Lily's parent's arrival came. Lily and Ginny drove to the airport early afternoon and waited anticipatedly at the gate for them to come out. Once they spotted the familiar figures pushing their luggage out, the girls excitedly skipped over to welcome them.

Lily: "Mom! Dad!"

Ginny: "Uncle! Auntie!"

The girls took turns giving Lawrence and Toby a tight hug before forming a group hug. Despite the long flight, Lawrence and Toby had an energetic smile on their faces when they saw the girls running over. It's been such a long time since they've been together as a family.

Lawrence took a good look at both girls. He smiled, "You girls have gotten prettier since I've been gone! Let dad take a good look at the both of you!"

Ginny and Lily laughed at his serious expression. They missed his jokes and goofy personality. In terms of being a parent, he and Toby had very similar thoughts. They don't act like tiger parents where they were strict with grades as long as it was acceptable. Lawrence treated Ginny and Lily equally. Whenever he bought gifts, he would buy two and purchase it based on their likings.

Even though Ginny was his friend's child, he never thought of her as an outsider. The day he claimed her as his daughter; he meant his word. Ginny's name could be found as part of the family register. He also let her keep her original surname.

Everyone had smiles on their faces as they walked to the car. Toby and Lawrence sat in the backseat while Ginny took the passenger seat. Lily was driving to her parent's house. Unfortunately, traffic had delayed their way to the house.

Although the ride to her parent's house was slow, the family talked about their plans for the upcoming weeks.

Lawrence was satisfied with Lily's decisiveness in the investment project. "Lily, I heard you dealt with Director Chu fantastically. He's a famous star now."

"Hahaha, even dad saw the video of him getting tossed out of the company? Wow, it went international. I made him an international star over one day, yet he couldn't even nurture artists to that level. Tsk, tsk, tsk. And he calls himself a director." Lily didn't explain the details to her father, so she didn't expect him to know about what had happened that day.

"His video was uploaded on so many platforms. It'll be weird if I haven't seen it. Your mother and I were worried about your safety after the video had spread, but he is too busy now to do anything to you. He's been asking around for money and possible investments, but people kept turning him down." Lawrence shook his head as he remembered his friends contacting him about it.

"Oh? Then he must have ran out of luck. With his poor management, it's a miracle for his company to still be running right now. Anyways, dad are you relaxing for the upcoming weeks? Or will you be working?" She asked out of curiosity since her dad was a workaholic.

"Hmm, I haven't gone to the company for a while. I'll pay your office a visit and help you out with business inquiries that you have while I'm here. Other than that, I will visit some old friends. Ah, right. Are you coming with me to my friend's birthday party? It's a week from today. The one with the son I spoke to you about." Lawrence forgot to ask his daughter to save the date.

"Ah, about that. That day is my boyfriend's dad's birthday. I can't go with you to the party, so I'll take a raincheck to meet that guy you mentioned." Sticking her tongue out as if she had gotten herself in trouble, she looked apologetically at her father.

"It's fine then since you have something to do. Have you bought presents for his parents yet? If you're going to an elder's party, you must not go without any gifts. Even if it's a regular visit to his house, you should bring a fruit basket."

"Yep! I bought it according to what my boyfriend told me." She relaxed when she heard her dad's response.

"Good. Don't forget to schedule dinner with him. If you're comfortable with it, we could also meet his parents." His sudden suggestion almost made her saliva go down the wrong pipe. She coughed lightly and thought, 'Parents? Dad, I haven't even met them yet and you're talking about having a parent conference!'

"I'll see if he agrees." She quickly responded as they moved on to a different topic.

A parent's conference, huh? :3

Thanks for reading~

Sweetflowlipscreators' thoughts