
Obviously, we should break in

"That's ridiculous!" Xu Hexian had completely forgotten about the whole terrible, evil demoness thing after having been completely absorbed into the story. He slammed his hands against the table and stared at her wide-eyed.

Yuan Xualan reached out to protect his ceramic tea cup from toppling over the jostled table. He was trying to focus on the demoness's story but was beginning to feel the gnaw of impatience as time progressed.

Xu Hexian, however, was completely enraptured. "I can't believe you just fought him without pants on-- I mean, if it had been me I would have just ran away. I mean…weren't you embarrassed? What even happened afterward?"

Hui Siran smiled and shrugged. "I was. But teaching him a lesson felt more important to me at the moment. It wasn't that bad though, there was a bit of fabric left on my outer robe to save whatever little modesty I had left." She snickered as she recalled old memories.
