
Out Of The Desert/The Forest’s Name

Mu was currently kissing the dirt of the first forested area he has seen in quite a lot of chapters.

"Oh my Author, We're finally out!" Mu shouted into the forest.

;)I thought we would be canceled in that fucking desert.

"So we can agree, fuck desserts?" Mu asked the abyss.

;)Yea...but you said it wrong it's desert not dessert.

"Oh my Author, who the fuck cares?" Mu asked the abyss

;)Well we didn't walk through a fucking chocolate cake so I think it's pretty important.

"Whatever, let's just find out where the hell we are," Mu said as he brought out the map.

"Wow, this is a long ass name," Mu thought to the abyss.

;)What...what is it?

"Huh, can't you see it?" Mu asked the abyss.

;)Ye-yes I can see it, but the fucking you know can't!

"Oh, well this is a long ass name but here goes,"Don't Go to The Center and Destroy the Big Red Rock Otherwise It Will Destroy My Plan to Corrupt This Forest and Then the World...Forest"," Mu thought to the abyss.

;)Wonder what it means?

"I don't know but I suddenly want to go to the center of this Forest," Mu thought to the abyss.

;)Mu you couldn't find the center of a donut if it was on..on...on your dick!

"What?" Mu thought to the abyss.

;)...What I'm trying to say is that you should probably keep the map out so we don't get lost.

"Why didn't you just say that?" Mu asked the abyss.

;)I..I don't know I was trying to make a joke.

"Uhh HaHa, very funny," Mu thought to the abyss as he started walking toward the center of "Don't Go to The Center and Destroy the Big Red Rock Otherwise It Will Destroy My Plan to Corrupt This Forest and Then the World...Forest".


"Somehow I think the abbreviation may just be longer than the actual name," Mu thought to the abyss.

;)Hey wait you can hear me?

"Yea why wouldn't I be able to?" Mu thought to the abyss.

;)Well this is kinda the end of the chapter and it's when I like say the last joke and you don't comment and the chapter ends.

"Oh, well you mind if I give it a try," Mu thought to the abyss.

;)Uhh Yea no problem.

"Alright..umm what to say.. Uhh maybe maybe this.." Mu thought to himself.

"Thank you for 100,000 views on this book!" He screamed into the air like a maniac.
