

Mu couldn't go back to sleep but it was the middle of the night and nothing could be done at this time.

"If what my dream said is true—" Mu was thinking to himself when he was interrupted by the "abyss"

;)Mu *yawn* what the fuck are you doing up.

"Oh umm nothing just uhh having trouble sleeping, oh yea and did you just write out yawn," Mu thought to the voice trying to not reveal what he was actually thinking about.

;)HAHA there's that classic Mu zinger well go back to bed. This world isn't fake.

"What?" Mu thought to the voice.

;)What? Go back to bed.

"Yea I will,"Mu thought to the voice fully awake now.

After this Mu decided to do something he never thought he would ever have to.

He severed his connection to the voice the one entity that has been with him through everything...honestly off a hunch.

(A/N Which kinda makes no sense but also has to happen for him to escape but...Ahh shit I'm ruining the mood!)

Then he ran out of the room only to find that outside his door there was nothing...then POP! The hallways appeared or I guess it's more accurate to say they loaded in.

This freaked Mu the fuck out and he started running even harder.

Servants and candles started loading in as well as Mu kept running to get outside.

But just as he stepped out he fell down into a white landscape which had nothing in it.

Until suddenly he popped up back to the house and hit the ground as if he had tripped.

When he looked up thinking that the weird shit had ended. The sky turned from black to light blue with clouds, and naked people started appearing around him.

This caused Mu's adrenaline to restart and he got off the ground to start running again.

And he kept running and running and unwittingly ran into the center of the City right in front of the colosseum.

Mu was throughly done with this shit and decided walk into the Colosseum to figure this shit out.

Which again makes no sense but it's as good as any other place I guess.

So Mu marched himself up to the entrance of the colosseum, but right before he entered a loud voice shout.

"Area Not Ready Yet!" And right after the voice said that a barrier appeared right in front of Mu.

This caused the enraged Mu to get even more mad and he screamed," FUCK THAT!"

Mu proceeded to give himself the trait

Unstoppable Force 3:00:00

Then punched the barrier causing it to break into a million pieces.

The still enraged Mu then kept marching into the colosseum.

As Mu was walking down the hallway of the colosseum, bodies started appearing in the hallway.

The reason I say bodies is because they had no face or discernible features, they were like mannequins, just wearing different colored clothing.

Mu just shook his head not even phased at this point.

As he walked into the colosseum stands he saw millions of the mannequin like bodies and heard a voice shouting," ERROR! ERROR!—" over and over again.

This caused Mu to just break and he only saw one way out.

So he yelled," WAKE THE FUCK UP!" And proceeded to punch himself in the face with the unstoppable force.
