
Illusion Mage Robes/It Really Is

Since Mu told the guards he was an illusion mage they were escorting him over to the illusion section of the city.

Mu had to switch guards every time he passed from one color to another.

"Are they all racist?" Mu asked the voice while being transported between the red color and the green color.

;)What...no they're just separating themselves from people with a different color than..wait no not color..magic people with different magic from them.

"So..magicism," Mu thought to the voice.


Mu kept being transported between colors until he reached the "Nothing" section were he was led down the road to the center of town while a wall of what looked to be nude people cheered for him.

Mu was stopped in front of a nude old man who seemed to be commanding a lot of respect from the people around him.

The nude old man walked up to Mu and said," Hello I am, Well Wayne Hung my friends call me Well Hung and I welcome you to the illusion sector."

A roaring cheer broke out from the crowd of nudist as Mu shook Well Hungs hand.

"G..glad to be here," Mu stuttered out as he wiped his hand on his pants.

Well Hung smiled before putting his arm over Mu and saying," Well we're glad to have you especially after we heard what you did to the water archmage, showed that prick a thing or two didn't ya."

Well Hung started leading Mu to the biggest house in the sector and Mu felt something on his neck.

It felt almost like cloth but that was impossible Well Hung was naked.

So Mu asked him,"Excuse me Sir, but why is everyone nude?"

Well Hung looked at Mu for a few seconds before laughing and saying," You..haha.. think we're naked. No we're wearing our color...clear."

"Did..did he just say clear," Mu thought to the voice stunned.

;)Haha Yea, and by the looks of it that's standard issue so...good luck.

Mu was about to run before he realized that he can change his body in anyway he wants.

So instead of being fearful he was actually a bit excited.

He was led into the big house and into a room which seemed prepared for a very special guest.

Or at least that was what he was told but he couldn't see any of the things as they were all in the illusion schools color of clear.

"Goddamn this really is the worst school isn't it," Mu thought to the voice.
