
Chapter 17

Chapter 17

*** Mrs. Smith***

Hi Mrs. Smith, Andrea says.

I'm sorry you had to see that I'm not usually disrespectful, I watched as she rubbed her red cheek put her head down in shame. Not for what she had said to her mother, but for me and that only made me care for her that much more. Oh baby, you have nothing to be a shame of its not you it's her!!!  I turned to evilina you need to go in the next few seconds or I'll have security escort you out…

 I'm not going anywhere and you can't make me, your right Maya she can't make you leave but I can I tell my mother, security is already on the way they should be here in five, four, three, two, one right then the elevator opened and two very big off duty police officers came over to us. Ma'am where here to escort you off the property of Miss.Jackson here, the officer then went to escort my mother Maya to the elevator but she was not making it easy on them...

*** Maya (aka) Andreas Mom***

I hate this little bitch, when Gabe was alive he never had time for me well only for sex. But I wanted more from him, but did he ever have the time no it was all about the business oh don't get me wrong it's always been about the money but sometimes a girl just wants more. That's until I got pregnant with this little bitch, he was so happy after she was born he only had time for his baby girl but never for me!!!

 So after a while I find someone else to make me feel like a woman should, I never meant to get pregnant again but this time it was by the man that loves me. I had no idea that he find out about him or the twins, I thought the day they read the will that I would be rich women but I thought wrong. He left everything to our bitch of a daughter.

 And after the way I treated her there's no way she's going to give my anything I'll just have to take it. So I turn around just before we enter the elevator, We will meet again little girl and then everything you have will be mine.

*** Andrea ***

You can talk all you want but you will never have what's mine. I already did my homework on everything and my dad's will is iron clad. And you are no longer my legal guardian I have been emancipated since the first time you left me the first week after dad's funeral. So don't think you can use that either you evil woman, you could see the shock written across her which me and Mr. Smith smile and wave goodbye to my mother as the elevator doors closes.

 I turned to Mrs. Smith to apologies again but before I could she hugged me; I know we don't know each other yet but I am so proud of you and can't wait to get to know to you better. And by the way you can call me angel because Mrs. Smith is my mother...

So what bought you by to see me Ms. Angel, well I actually run my business out of the condo we have in your building and thought that while on my way there. That I would stop and invite you to dinner? I also wanted to apologies about jumping in your business but that lady and I use the term lightly, would make a nun curse.

So I felt I had to say something, can I ask you a question Andrea was your mom always like this?  Yes even when I was a baby she was hardly ever their for me but my daddy made up for it. While she was out living her life I was with my dad and loved every minute of it.

 Then she would come home and expect my dad to drop everything and run to her and when he didn't later when he had to go to the office. She would take it out on me by calling me names or hitting me for no reason, one day her and my dad got to a real bad argument and my dad left to cool off, I was in my room sleep when I woke up she had the pillow over my head and If my dad didn't come in when he did. I might not be here from then on dad never left me on my own with, well that is until he died. Then she just left for months on end but I really didn't care at that point…

***Mrs. Angel***

That poor baby as she sits and talks to me about that bitch of a mother, her face is blank there's no emotion what's so ever on her beautiful face and when she mentions her dad you could see the sadness it brings her. She such a sweet child and I think she is defiantly meant for my son. I see why he likes her and I'll help push then in the right direction… You have us now so dont worry sweetie I tell as i hug her...

