
Take Over, Kurama!

I need to get rid of that as soon as possible! I jumped up into the air and summoned god knows what many shadow clones. All of the shadow clones came down like raindrops on Isobu with rasengans in their hands.

(AN: Isobu is the Three-Tails name.)

The tailed beast bomb collapsed, but I feel like the Rasengans were just needles to him. It roars and curls up into a spiky ball. Isobu begins to roll towards me at a fast pace, I wait until it gets close to me and I Dark Souls roll to the side at the last second. Then I try to make a bigger Rasengan, but only got it as big as Isobu. He stopped rolling and turned to me. I rushed with the big Rasengan and he jumped and got above me. With a spinning spiky clam coming like a meteor towards me, I did what any rational human would do. I ran away and let me remind you all, we are fighting on water, I learned the water walking before I completed the mission, it was easy due to me already knowing tree walking.


I hear it and I look to see a humongous wave spreading out and some of it coming towards me. They should call that Tailed Beast Arts: Water Wave or Isobu Original: Water Torrent. Enough joking because the big wave is coming right at me! I panick then use a rasengan the size of me on the wave. The wave is about 20 meters high, by all physics, this is not possible. Out comes a hole through the wave and I run towards Isobu but he somehow knows and slaps me away with the tail.

{Hey, you are getting your ass handed to you.}

I know!

{The weak point is the eye that is covered.}


I make 5 shadow clones in a big puff of smoke and they push me up into the air. I release fire in the shape of dragons that rush at Isobu, then nose-dive with my hand holding a rasengan in front of me. The dragons distract Isobu and he blows it away with water bullets. The clones go up to Isobu and get him into position. He washes them away and I attack him with rasengan to the closed eye. He falls back and I see much more chakra coming off of him.

{If you want to defeat him, you need for me to take over!}

Fine... How do you take over?

I suddenly get dragged back to inside the seal inside me and see a giant paper with a strange character on it.

{You are going to have to pull the seal.}

I go up to the seal and I black out.

"Naruto, you have grown."

I open up my eyes to see a blonde hair man with a white cloak on him.

"Who are you!" I look around to see a white-yellow space all around me.

The man chuckles.

"My name is Minato Namikaze."

The fourth hokage? Then why is he inside of the seal? Could it be he is a pedo!

"... And I... am your father."

"Nice joke."

"No, I am really your father."

Are you serious?

"Ok, lets say you are my father. Where were you when I was bullied in the Hidden Leaf?"

"I am sorry, Naruto. Let me tell you the story. The story of your birth."

"When a Jinchuriki gives birth, that is when the seal is most weakest. Your mother, Kushina Uzumaki, was giving birth to you when a stange man attacked and the Kyubi was released due to it. *Talks about the rest of the details on it.*"

"... So, 'Dad', you put a village destroying fox inside of me."

"Again, sorry Naruto. I need to seal up the fox now though."

"Don't do that, Kurama is just misunderstood and also I need his help."


"I am currently in the land of the mist and fighting the three tails."

"What! Why are you in the mist?"

"Because I am now a rogue ninja of the leaf."

Minato looks... disappointed. I don't need you giving me that look, not after you being the reason I left that cesspool, the reason everybody there hates me!

"I am sorry about-"

"Enough 'Sorry' already. Just go, leave. I don't need this right now. I am going to defeat the Three-Tails."

"Then, not as the 4th Hokage but as your failed father, please do not destroy Konoha."

"I will not because I still have people that showed kindness. The ramen guy and Iruka, they are the only reason I haven't gone a destroyed that place."

"Thank you."

That was cliche.


Completed Hidden Mission!

Talk to your dead father.

Rewards: ???(Will get rewards after the fight.)


Lets do this! Believe it!

(That was cringe.)


Quick Question: What if I gave Rock Lee, Haki from One Piece, there will be training of course. I just feel bad for the guy, he should be the main character of Naruto since he is the one that shows the Hard Work over Talent more then Naruto. Also another question, what world do you guys want?

Highschool DXD (Only power leveling, no harem seeking.)

Bleach (Same as HighSchool.)

More Naruto


One Piece

And finally, the best anime, show, or creation that even god praises.

Boku no Pico

Here is a rant about a couple things about the fanfic (Read at your own risk if you like un:

Naruto does not and will not have a skyscraper penis.

He was raised by the system to have functionality over looks on himself, but he still makes stupid decisions from time to time due to being only 12 and in a world that overcomes common sense with "I can breath fire so I am better at fighting and being a sneaky ninja". The system is trying to implement regular thinking and how to make the correct choice while also being friendly with Naruto. Also Naruto forgets some of his powers since he has so many of them.

Though he will have Stats over looks any time of the year, he will not harm anybody close to him because which person kills their friend for no reason, maybe wuxia characters but that is besides the point.

Naruto, although learnt a little about love and relationships from Kurama and Icha Icha, he is still only 12 years old and will not fuck Haku at the age of 12, properly 18, you sick Shota hentai watchers.

Well sex is good and all, but have you ever tried to CATCH THESE HANDS!

*Slaps baby in the face only to get utterly destroyed by the baby in a fight*

Also Naruto is traumatized by Boku no Pico. Sorry to say but that is going to be a plot point.

Gejahexcreators' thoughts