
Test Results

Giyon, Grivon and Sam along with the person from the enforcement squad are all sitting together in one of the rooms in Giyon's residence.

The person from the expedition team was tied up to a chair and he is still feeling a bit lost and afraid. They fed the medicine to him and the enforcement squad member started guiding him through the process.

Sam couldn't help but feel a bit surprised and familiar at the same time. The narcotic test is so familiar to him because it was part of his trained. There are many things that the modern world has and this world doesn't, but now there is this test with almost same steps as the one in the modern world, so he was caught off guard a bit.

As the test went on, the enforcement squad member started asking questions.

Some of them are the obvious questions. Like name, parents' name, occupation and such.

"Are you a spy of Mari Clan?"

"No, I would rather than become a spy of Mari Clan."
