

The next day after the sun rise Sam went to the wheat field with some anticipation. Even though, there are no clues until now that she is anyway related to Gran, he still felt like there could be some sort of link between them and he felt like there is even a chance that she is Gran.

But as soon as Sam arrived at the field, he couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed.

There is no soul scent around her and she is completely clean. But soon his disappointment was gone as both of them started working on the field.

"Sorry, I forgot to ask before. What is your name?" Sam asked as they worked.


Sam looked at her and felt like she is a bit too excited and couldn't help but ask.

"So, why are you so excited today? Is there a special reason for that?"

"I am excited about the wheat field. This is getting me one step closer to my dream."

"What is your dream?"
