
New Business

Sam walked around the city while drinking wine. Nowadays he is drinking a lot and is almost becoming a drunkard. But at least, the current wines he possesses are all weak in nature, except for the heavenly wine.

As for that heavenly wine, he didn't dare to drink it too regularly, he only took an occasional swig or two when he was exhausted and it has been a long time since he was exhausted.

He went to the port and saw the shipping office of the Golden-Blaze family. The Golden Blaze family has a transport ship, since most of the weapons and materials are shipped through the spatial rings, only humans have to travel. But the family has many business deals overseas and many people will send raw materials to them.

They cannot trust all of them, that is why they maintained their own ship and there will be their own employees and crew that would travel to different nations and collect their raw materials and deliver the finished products.
