

Sam walked out after saying what he wanted to say and didn't wait for anyone to reply. He did his job, there is no reason for him to stay there and deal with the hypocrisy and delusions of these people.

After he came back to his barracks, he leisurely sat down and looked at some of the items he stole from the spatial rings. There is a blood-colored seed that is the size of a quail egg, a bottle of blood that the person drank, some scrolls, and some notes of the research from the blood mixers.

There is also some information on the changes in the body.

This process is called Blood Mutation and it increases the quality of the blood inside the body to increase strength and power. The spiritual energy that was morphed into this is called blood spiritual energy.

These people have completely different bodies and constitutions after the mutation happened.

There is nothing in their bodies that is the same as before except for the appearance.
