

in my hotel room, tired from the long day of traveling. As a sole owner of an Architectural firm, I was the one who benefited from the new business, but the one who also had to suffer the sales calls and customer complaints. It was a win-lose, but after 5 years of leaving a big firm to start my own, it was beginning to pay off.

My wife of twenty years, Beth, was bi-polar about it. Some weeks she was excited and happy for me to leave, other times, she complained about having to shuttle our 15 year old son around by herself to the many practices and after school activities. She really had nothing to complain about, having not worked her entire life. With a weekly housekeeper and having just moved our 19 year old daughter into the dorms of Northwestern, her life could not have been easier. The few times I told her that turned into very cold and sex-free weekends, so I learned to just keep my mouth shut.

I plopped down on the hotel bed and opened my computer. It was almost two years ago that she surprised me with a Skype call that ended up with her lying under the covers masturbating to the glow of one soft candle. It was meant to be my 40th birthday surprise present from her, and I have to say, despite the lack of visuals, it was very erotic. Listening to her soft orgasm in the high fidelity of my headphones started an addiction that I still cannot shake.

We had an alright sex life over the years, with little exploration beyond the occasional doggy style. Beth always felt it was degrading to be on her hands and knees, which it was. But, it provided the best view of her pale, dimpled butt. The butt that she had reeled me in with the first time she let me pull down her panties with her back to me. I remember spreading it open at the ripe age of twenty one, ogling at her anus. The soft hairs surrounding her puckered "poop hole" as she called it, was intoxicating.

I had reeled Beth in with an above average size penis. The first time she pushed her hands into my jeans and felt it, she immediately looked me in the eyes with a bit of wonder. Then, she quickly dropped to her knees and gave me a blowjob while I stood in her bedroom and her mom made dinner for us below. They became a frequent treat at random locations, some times in the car as I dropped her off, and a few times in the movie theater back row. Beth was always excited and willing to let me lie back while she put as much of me into her mouth as she could, letting me cum in the softness of her tongue. She would occasionally add some excitement by turning around and placing what she called her "bunnies" right above my face, letting me explore her.

As with many good things, the blow jobs came to an abrupt end. Beth became pregnant and her sexual energies seemed to be washed away by motherly duties. After quickly getting married, I must say, she did a great job raising our kids, always taking the softer, calmer role when problems arose. Giving our daughter firm, yet understanding talks about sex, computers, and the dangers of cell phones. Beth made sure our kids always played an instrument, had a summer job, and prepared themselves well for life without parents. I know she was very proud when Sarah was accepted to Northwestern, especially since it meant we could easily visit as we lived just a few suburbs away.

The long transformation of Beth into a housewife was what made her initial Skype call so erotic and exciting. I remember her first words.

"Do you want to have a little snuggle time?"

Words that I instantly recognized as her invitation to doing something naughty, but I wasn't sure what. I didn't want to scare her off, so I just followed along.

"I always want to snuggle."

For the entire snuggle time, the computer pointed right at her face, barely displaying anything. The passion and energy in her face made up for it, eyes squinting, lips pursed. I was not quite as bashful, and when I let Beth watch me masturbate, being able to use both hands, the tongue poking out of her lips showed her desire. I came quickly and just watched as Beth played with herself until she orgasmed to the sight of my deflated penis and a stomach coated in semen.

Unfortunately, it was many months before our second experience. I could tell she was ashamed, not even mentioning our little encounter when we talked the next day. Every time I asked for another "snuggle", I was immediately rebuffed with an "I really don't want to." This, to some extent, summed up our sex life. If she didn't want to, we didn't do it.

Eventually, all women get horny. And Beth was no exception. We had several more of our Skype sessions during my travels, but as was the case with the first, Beth remained under the covers. It took almost a year before a nipple made an appearance. Beth was not born in the age of digital masturbation, and unlike the girls today who spread open their ass for the nearest camera, Beth kept hers out of sight.

It was only recently that Beth began to let her boobs hang out in their full force with a second candle to bring in a bit more light. I would occasionally tell her how hard her nipples looked, or how beautiful her breasts were. But Beth would remain silent, masturbating, waiting for me to cum. Only once did she add to the conversation, letting me know her visual desires.

"Yea, use two hands..."

Tonight, I was really hoping that perhaps her bush would come into view. That was, if we even had a session. It was only 6pm and nothing ever happened during the daylight with Beth. With a couple clicks of the mousepad, I found myself looking at a gallery of the 9 screen recordings I had made of our sessions. It was becoming my little personal porn collection of my wife that, if discovered, would have led to an instant divorce.

I couldn't help myself. When Beth began denying the "snuggle" time, I began finding other outlets. The number of girls and women who voluntarily masturbate on camera was mindboggling. The positions. The bright lights. The hairbrushes. All recorded and posted on various sites. So, the next time Beth masturbated for me, I was prepared with my own recording software. My plan was, when she denied a show, I would have one on backup. And now, I had 9 such backups.

I felt myself get hard as I opened our most recent session. My favorite parts was when she exposed her breasts and the embarrassment in her face. The realization that she was putting herself on display. The soft blonde hair falling down the sides of her pale complexion resting on the crest of her sagging boobs. The same breasts that fed our two kids decorated with large, middle age nipples with small dark hairs sprouting around them. The deep blue eyes, staring in lust at the penis on her computer screen that her husband was playing with. I quickly turned it off before I got carried away. If I masturbated now, I would never wake up for a late night rendezvous.

I dozed off in my underwear, lying on the bed. A deep 4 hour sleep for me is better than an 8 hour sleep some times. So, I woke like I was ready for the new day. I got up and decided to take a shower before I called her. I always got excited just thinking about the possibilities of Beth taking the next step and letting me see what was going on under the covers.

In the shower I began to strategize. I decided to shave and clean myself up as much as I could. When I was done with my face, I looked at my chest, wondering what Beth might think if I shaved it. Feeling it couldn't hurt and might provide the right catalyst to have her move the computer to between her legs, I carefully shaved until my chest was as smooth as my face.

Looking down, I thought it looked more funny than sexy since my stomach was now out of place with the soft dark hairs. So, lower still I went, spending 15 minutes shaving every hair I could find. When I had finished, I stepped out of the shower and admired myself in the mirror. It was even worse.

From the top up, I looked like a teenage boy. I wasn't muscular, but I was not fat. From the waist down, I looked like a middle age man with legs of a father. I hopped back into the shower and spent another 15 minutes shaving my legs, trying to match my upper body with my lower body. I hopped back out of the shower and looked again.

Better, I thought, but it now looked like a chia pet was growing around my penis. My body was tingling from the lack of hairs and the few close shaves I had given myself in a couple spots. I decided if I was going to get Beth to expose herself, I needed to go all of the way. I returned to the shower and shaved everything I could around my semi-erect penis.

When I looked in the mirror after the job was done, I was shocked. It looked like my penis had grown 2 inches. The length was now on full display, and even though I was not quite 8 inches, the lack of hair sure made me feel like I was. I turned sideways, not recognizing myself, admiring the work. I was certain Beth would also.

It was past 11pm when I hopped back in bed. This time, I put myself under the covers, hoping to surprise her and push her into the mood for sexual exploration. I opened up my computer, ready and eager, excited at the course of action I planned out in my mind. Imagining Beth also ready and eager to back her butt up to the computer and let me stare at her asshole like I did when she was 21.

I opened up Skype. There was her name. "Bunnies123". And mine, "bigboy5555". They were our little pet names, and mine was apparently used by 5554 other people as well. Not that original, but the fact that Beth came up with hers made it all of the more exciting. I sent her a Skype message and waited. And waited.

No answer. I could see that Beth was offline. Usually, her phone would let her know I was messaging and she would eventually respond. I was raging hard, ready for our time together. So, I texted her the Skype message myself.

"Hey. Ready for some snuggles?"

I waited some more, staring at my computer. Desperate for her little OFFLINE icon to turn ONLINE. Instead, I got a text back.

"Not tonight. Almost asleep. XOXO."

"XOXO?" I thought? What the hell. I texted her back.

"Come on, just a bit. I've got a surprise."

Beth was never big on surprises, and tonight was no different.

"Save it for this weekend. Talk to you tomorrow. XO."

One "XO". Nothing. That was it. The end of the evening for her. For me, I was ready for it to start. After a long day of work, and her just sitting around, I could not believe it.

I sat in bed, under the covers, trying to settle down. I figured I could maybe browse the usual sites, or perhaps relive some of my late nights with Beth's face and boobs. It was deflating, and after losing all of my body hair in the process, I was annoyed. Worse yet, she was not fooling me. This weekend was not going to be a weekend that would be leading to anything exciting. We were spending the weekend with Sarah on campus for Parents Weekend.

Sarah was not overly excited about us coming, making it clear that we would not be seeing that much of her. The sorority she was rushing had events planned with other fraternities, but Beth insisted we would be having dinner together Friday and Saturday. I had talked to Sarah very little in the two months she was at college. Staring at her little Skype name on my short list of contacts prompted me to send her a happy hello.

"Hey, looking forward to seeing you again."

Closing Skype, I toggled over and decided Beth would be the focus of my sexual release, whether she wanted to or not. I took some satisfaction in opening the video where she told me to "use two hands" because it was on this video that the lust in her face was most obvious. And, it was one of two where she actually jerked her head out of video shot for a moment during her orgasm.

The video started with her deep blue eyes followed by her soft hello.

"Hi honey..."

My voice never made the recording, but I could tell by her eyes what I was doing. As her mouth smiled slightly, eyes focusing, I knew she was watching me pull down my underwear. Her tongue briefly slid out of her mouth as her body moved into a comfortable position under the covers.

"Ooooh... Use two hands tonight..."

I began masturbating to the sexual energy coming from my wife's face, captured in her most intimate and private moment. Beth had opened up her nightgown, letting her chest spill out to the sides. Her nipples were hard, large, and red. They stood proud on her pale white mammories just below her round chin.

It felt new and different having no hairs. I reached over for a bottle of lotion when that old familiar Skype chirp made me drop it by the side of the bed. I was in luck. Beth was back in the mood, perhaps feeling bad for her abrupt dismissal of me.

I clicked the little Skype icon and stared at the screen. "Bunnie123" was still offline. But, just below her, "BearBear456" was online and had messaged me back. My brief moment of hope was crushed. I opened the message. It was just three words.

"Who is this?"

Sarah had no idea who Skyped her. I guess I never had, and in thinking of it, didn't really know where I got her Skype address from. I vaguely remember getting it from Beth during her "monitor everything" phase of parenting. Sarah and I usually texted, and she probably wouldn't have responded if she knew it was me. But, she also broke one of the first rules her mom taught her. "Don't talk to strangers online."

I decided to toy with her a bit and not tell her right away.


I imagined this would lead to no response. Instead, I got a quick response, which told me how out of sync my thinking was with the youth of the day. They had no online fear.

"I know. Did we meet at SAEs last night?"

SAEs? On a Monday night? Is that what she is doing at school? I decided to play a little longer to see how little schoolwork she was actually doing.


Another short pause, and then her quick typing skills made their appearance again.

"How did you get my Skype?"

That caught me a bit off guard. I had to think quick. How could I have gotten it? The gig seemed up. So, I responded with a simple answer.

"You gave it to me."

Now she would be suspicious. If she did give it to someone, she would probably have already talked to them. It was all I could think of, and I figured the game would end.


Apparently not. And, apparently she is not surprised that some random guy might have her Skype number. And that the random guy she met was online. This was becoming a father's worst nightmare.

"Yea. Online"

What could she possibly be doing online to hand out her Skype account. I thought of the many videos I watched, the many things that girls do, and began to wonder if Sarah was in the same demographic as every other teenage girl.


Christ. There were so many sites. Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. All sites made to bring society closer and share their experiences. Yet, all seeming to push society further apart with bitterness, cyber bullying, and mocking. Sites that eliminate all sense of morality and friendliness. But those seemed tame compared to others. And there was one that stood out among them all, whose logo was pasted on so many of the videos I would find myself watching when Beth failed to participate in our late night adventures.


This generated a bit of a pause. Perhaps she was never on Omegle and was busy wondering who the pervert was. I started to get a little nervous, imagining how I was going to explain to Sarah I knew about Omegle. Or, would she now tell her mom that I was using it? Maybe she didn't even know what it was and was looking it up? I was starting to panic.

"I don't remember giving out my Skype. Who were you?"

She didn't remember, as in she was there. A part of me wanted to jump through the computer and say "Sarah, what the hell have you been doing at college." But, that was a small part. The bigger part of me was beginning to become aroused again.

But who was I? I had no idea what she had been doing, who she chatted with, or why. If I began to describe someone, I would just be guessing. So, I tried to respond nonchalantly.

"You'd remember if you saw me."

If she saw me. After sending it, it read more idiotic than cool. The online age came well after my generation, and I felt old trying to type out a conversation. But, the new generation was too self-absorbed to recognize stupidity. Sadly, this fit my daughter.

"Can you turn on your cam?"

Jesus Christ. Turn on my cam? She'd be mortified and instantly call her mom, freaked out of her mind. Seeing my face, staring back at her, talking about Omegle? There would be no college visit this weekend, and probably no visits again.

But, I began to rub myself in my underwear. This soft, cute teenager on the other side of the internet just asked me to turn on my cam. Most of the videos I watch have girls only from the neck down. I wonder if guys did the same? And, I could always move my screen sideways, having one of those twisting monitors on my Toshiba. I never really realized the purpose. Now I did.

"Are you alone?"

I sat up, bunching the covers around my lap, excited where our conversation was going. I looked down at my hair free body, realizing that my wife wouldn't have a clue who I was. And my daughter definitely wouldn't. I bunched up as many pillows as I could behind me and waited for her answer.

"Yea. My roommate's out at the sorority house."

I wondered if my mind was in the gutter. If Sarah was just being an innocent participant, eager to meet new people and not strange, random guys in their underwear. I wanted to follow her lead and see if she merely wanted to talk over homework. The father in me was still trying to make an appearance.

"How about you cam first."

Cam. Is that a verb? A preposition? It certainly was a proposition that I never imagined giving my daughter. Sarah didn't take the bait.

"You called me. Cam on or I've got to go."

So this was it. I was either in, or out. Go, or no go. Slowly masturbating to the excitement, under the covers, I was well aware that I was all in. Pulling out my hand I adjusted the camera so it barely showed my nipples. I suddenly thought of my wedding ring and quickly slipped it off, placing it on the floor. That would have been tough to explain. Back in position, I toggled my camera on, making sure to keep the microphone off.

I couldn't see Sarah's reaction. I had no idea if she was laughing, scared, disgusted, or vomiting. I didn't even know where she was. She could have been in the Library for all I know, getting a crowd of people around her to watch. After what seemed like a minute, with me just sitting still, watching the screen, I saw that I passed round one.

"Why are you so tan?"

That probably wouldn't have been my first question. I might have asked why I had no hair, or why I was sitting seemingly naked, under the covers, and not showing my face. But, to Sarah, that was no big deal. What was a big deal was that I was tan. Which I was, from weekends up north, on our boat, with Sarah and her mom and brother. That was not going to be my answer.

"I hang out at the beach a lot."

I was slightly impressed with my answer. It seemed to keep the conversation going.

" Cool."

This generated an awkward pause. I waited for more, but nothing came. So, I took the next step.

"So, how about your cam."

Now it was a noun. Again, there was no response for a moment. Perhaps she was bringing in her friends, making sure everyone got a good look at the random guy on her screen before she shut him off.

"I still don't remember."

Sarah was certainly being honest as she had never seen me like this before. But, I wondered if she was also playing a little game, trying to tease me along.

"What would help?"

There was almost no pause in her response.

Move the blankets."

She didn't ask to see my face. She probably didn't even think twice about the secrecy. And I didn't even think twice about her request. With some subtle movement, I slid blankets under my knees as I sat cross legged with my erection mostly concealed. I leaned forward to type.

"How about now?"

Another quick response.


The light overhead was on, giving Sarah a clear picture of me sitting in my underwear. But, it was not enough for her. I had no idea what guys did on the other side of the screens that made girls degrade themselves, but I was beginning to realize that the guys probably did much of the same. I know I would if Beth asked me to. So, with a slight bend of the knees, I put a foot on either side of my laptop and spread my legs.

With my dark blue boxer briefs, Sarah was getting no see through exposure from me. No lace, or thong, or any other scantily clad piece of underwear that girls will wear. But, what she was provided was a clear outline of my balls and raging boner. My legs made a 90 degree angle, pulling the fabric tight against my erection. I sat straight up, scared that I might slouch down and expose my face.

I moved my hands over my "Peter" as Beth would call it. With one hand on either side, I outlined the profile, trying to show Sarah the full length without actually exposing myself. I pushed it to the side, letting her see the outline of my flesh move beneath the cotton. After the brief display, I typed.


I probably would have gone further if she asked. Hell, I would have done anything. Instead, I was put in a holding pattern.

"Just a sec."

And I waited. And waited. "Just a sec" was turning into 5 minutes. 10 minutes. But, as long as that ONLINE indicator was on, I was going to wait. While I sat there, I made a quick decision to minimize Skype and quickly launch the Screen Capture program. Luckily, it was all ready for Beth. So, after a brief delay, I was back waiting for Sarah. And ready.

My mind wandered, again thinking I might be the butt of some joke. More images of girls laughing, pointing at the guy rubbing his penis as he entertained the entire dorm. Maybe Sarah had put her computer in the meeting room on the first floor of her building, letting everyone take pictures. Thankfully, my mind was given something else to focus on. She finally returned.

"How do I know we cammed before?"

Her question sounded a bit direct. A bit more serious. The fun show and tell was over. Now, it seemed, was a big line to be crossed. If Sarah was turning on her cam, she wanted to be sure.

"I can describe you."

Which I could. From years of catching her coming out of the shower, or in her bikini, I could describe everything.

"Alright. Hair color."


"Lucky guess. What else?"

What else could I describe? I couldn't say eyes, because she might not have shown them. Her knees? Her toes? It was going to be harder than I thought.

"You have the sexiest legs, long, with a scar on your right shin. You have a mole on your right inner thigh."

A scar from falling off of her bike when I was teaching her years ago. The mole was just something a father observes over the years. But, it was definitely intimate.

"Good memory. What else?"

Just thinking about her was causing my erection to throb.

"Your stomach is flat and soft, with an innie for a belly button. You have slender, long fingers with a silver ring on your right index finger."

It was her grandmother's ring, and she never took it off. I was taking a slight chance on that one, but was fairly certain she still wore it. Especially since her mom cried over it when Sarah started college. Sarah was now playing along, somewhat convinced at my responses.

"What was your favorite part or me?"

That was simple. It was the same on her as it was her mom.

"The dimples at the bottom of your back above your soft, pale butt. I want to kiss them so bad."

A butt I had seen many times over the years walking to her room from the bathroom. That had to be enough for her. But, she was teasing. Girls love teasing. It apparently excites them more than guys realize. The clothes, the shoes, the hair, the cleavage. It is all there on display because girls enjoy showing it off. Guys want what lies underneath. Girls like to decorate what's on top.

"What about on the front?"

There was no holding back now.

"Your chest. Your boobs are the perfect size. And your nipples are so soft and puffy."

It was so easy to type it out. Just words. But, the meaning was immoral. They were true words, spoken by a father, to his daughter, about her tits. Sarah was oblivious. She was excited.

"Rub yourself."

I moved my hand over my underwear, rubbing up and down. I spread my legs, leaning back as far as I could without Sarah noticing my face. I wanted to see her. I typed quickly, then leaned back and continued my rubbing.


One last question.

"Do I shave?"

Did she shave. Sarah assumed I had seen her pussy. Which I had, but not behind a computer screen. Her bush was almost as big as her mom's, from what I remembered during the summer. Beth would not let her shave it, and I remembered stray hairs popping out of her suit. But now, in college, did she change it?

My answer sat on the computer screen for a moment. If I was wrong, the party was over. But, I had to go with what I knew. I figured two months was not enough time to change something that dramatic. I closed my eyes, visualizing Sarah stepping out of the shower up north over the summer as I sat in our bed and watched, Beth asleep next to me.

"You have the sexiest, biggest bush I've seen."

The words hung on the screen. After a brief pause, she replied.

"LOL! '

Suddenly, an image appeared on my computer. The lighting was soft, but there before me, clearly visible in a silky black pajama top was my daughter, Sarah, from the neck down. Her lower body was buried under the soft pink comforter her mother and I bought with her at Bed Beth and Beyond while her face lay hidden above the computer monitor. Yet, there was no mistaking the smooth blonde hair flowing over her shoulders, the long slender fingers of her mom as they fell onto her lap, and the silver ring.

As I thought of her mom, I looked at her video, lying behind the Skype window of Sarah. Beth was ready for me to jerk off to. With a quick move of my fingers, I moved the mouse over the window, clicked it, and closed it. Then, returning to Sarah, I maximized her window. Beth was officially out of the picture. It was a young teenager that I wanted tonight. It was my daughter.

Apparently, Sarah spent the "just a sec" time for primping. Everything about her looked clean and fresh. Her nail polish was bright red, hair combed straight and smooth, pajamas soft and wrinkle free. The light was coming from the foot of her bed, eliminating any shadowing. She had the camera pointing right at her chest, clearly knowing what the object of any boys desires were. Her chest swelled outwards towards me.

It was my turn to type. I said what instantly came to mind.

"You look so hot."

And she did. She looked more exciting, more enticing than her mom ever had. Beth grew up in an era of bad 80's hair and worse clothing. Sarah grew up in an era of twerking and selfies. She watched Miley Cyrus bend over, pushing out her asshole under her tight shorts, and just laughed about it. Picturing Sarah doing the same, I practically jumped when I heard her voice.

"Do you have a mic?"

"Holy Shit." My mind raced. She wanted to talk? I can hear her voice! She wanted me to talk? I pretended I had intended to lean forward, that my jolt wasn't from fear. I gave the only answer I could.

"No. Broke."

I leaned back, trying to distract Sarah, fondling my balls. It worked and she just kept talking, unconcerned.

"Can I see it."

Unlike her mom, Sarah was all game, getting right to the point. I wiggled it around, letting the head outline the top of my underwear.

"Will I get a show?"

I couldn't care less about any more of a show than what she was giving me now. Her cleavage was visible, she was sitting alone in her bed, and she wanted to stare at my penis. Most dads have probably felt the same urge to let their daughters stare at some point, and I was ready to perform. But, I did want a show. I slid my hand under my underwear and began to rub myself directly to help Sarah's answer. Sarah spoke.

"What do you want?"

I didn't want to get too specific early on.

"What will you do?"

Sarah leaned in, moving her chin towards the camera, letting her mouth come into focus. Her tongue rolled out and she moaned softly.

"I'll do whatever you want if you jerk off for me."

Hearing those words from any woman would be a recipe for a heart attack. Listening to my daughter tell me she wants to watch me jerk off almost made me cum in my palm. I paused, pulling out my hand, saving me from an early mess. Sarah definitely set the tone that dirty talk was on the table.

"I want to see your awesome tits with those puffy nipples that I want to suck on."

Sarah leaned forward, squeezing her elbows into her chest. Again she moaned, moving her body towards the camera, leaning her chest into my screen. Her hands slid up, opening her top, rubbing her hands over her now exposed chest. Hands covering her breasts, again she leaned forward.

"And I want to suck on your dick... Pull it out..."

I was rock hard, poking straight into my underwear. If I stared jerking off, I would cum. Sarah was going to have to wait.

"Move your hands. Show me your nipples."

Sarah looked at the request and smiled.

"Oh, you want to see my nipples? Before you show me your dick? These?"

She circled her thumb and finger around the large areolas that lay on what looked like a small tulip bulb of fat. Unlike her mom during her college days, Sarah had large breasts. It was only when Beth was pregnant with Sarah that Beth became a large C cup. Sarah was already there. She squeezed her perfect 19 year old tits.

"Now show me your awesome tits."

With a deft movement, Sarah let her top slip off of her body. She was now sitting topless in front of me, rubbing her chest, masturbating her nipples. As if reading my mind, her hands slid down her sides, behind her back, and held up her hair. Arching her back, Sarah sat in front of me, filling up my computer screen with her tits stretch tight across her chest. The globes of fat were clearly outlined against her fit body. Sarah knew her tits looked good and was proud to show them off.

"Close up. From the side."

Sarah turned sideways and moved closer to the computer screen. Her left tit filled my computer screen, topped with a pink, soft puffy nipple. The small bulb of fat that lay beneath it created a second round formation to her breast. It was like a small tulip bulb. Sarah kept her hands to her side, arching her breast, causing the fat and skin of her breast to stretch against her chest.

"Let them hang down."

Beth abhorred the sensation of her tits hanging below her, which was one of the reasons she shied away from getting on her hands and knees. But Sarah was completely unconcerned. She placed her hands in front of her and let her breasts swing below her body in front of her camera. The bulk and size of her breasts was not what I remembered.

"God, I want to nurse from your tits."

Sarah was unconcerned with my perverted phrasing. Leaning back off of her hands, Sarah began massaging her left breast like she was trying to express milk out of her nipple. She was turning her tit towards the camera, letting me see the deformation and bulge as her fingers squeezed her breast fat forwards, causing her pink nipple to bulge out into my monitor.

"Put a nipple in your mouth."

If I ever asked Beth to do this, she would punch me in the face. But, her daughter put a hand under her right breast, lifted it, and forced a nipple into her mouth. Her tongue raced around the areola, licking it. Her mouth closed around it, barely in the picture, and began to suckle on the soft puffy treat. If she had milk, she would have been nursing. I watched her throat repeatedly swallow from the saliva she generated in her mouth. After some intense sucking of her own tit, Sarah let her wet nipple slide out of her mouth, now hard and erect.

"Oh. Does that make your dick hard? Let me see how hard my tits make your cock."

She had dropped the "c" word. My daughter was just as interested in seeing me as I was in her. After her tit play, it was my turn to expose myself. I got on my knees, put my hands on the sides of my underwear, and pushed them down. As my erection sprang free, Sarah gasped.

"Oh, fuck, look at your dick. Oh my god, I want to suck it so fucking bad."

With that, Sarah got on her knees and pushed the computer forward as though she was moving towards the throbbing erection on her computer screen. Her tits were hanging down and her ass moved up into the air, slipping out from under the covers. For a brief moment I saw her pale white butt rise into the air and a thin black thong racing down the middle. I put both of my hands on my dick and stroked both the top and bottom.

"Oh, god. Yea. Use two hands to jerk off."

Not quite how her mom would put it, but Sarah had the same request. I tried to show my true length, exaggerating the size by pressing my hands together. It didn't feel better, but it was what she wanted. I watched in disbelief as Sarah let her chin trickle into view, then her lips, and then her mouth open and wide. Sarah's tongue was now darting on the top of my computer screen, through her teeth, pretending to lick the tip of my dick.

"MmMmMmMmMm. Put your big dick in my mouth."

I moved it towards my camera, letting it fill up her monitor. Sarah's mouth opened more, lowering itself to its location on her monitor. Her nose came into view, the nose I saw every night on her mom. The little nose that bled when it got hit by a swing in our back yard when she was 10. And, next, for just a moment, Sarah's deep blue eyes made an appearance. Eyes I saw for the last 19 years, but eye's I would have never imagined could be filled with the deep desire I was watching.

"I want to wrap my lips around your big cock."

We definitely wanted the same thing. I moved my hand to my penis and held it for my daughter as she pretended to give me a blowjob. Sarah responded by slipping fingers into her mouth. She ran her tongue over them, sucking, giving her two fingers a blowjob. Slurping sounds escaped her mouth, making sure I could hear the expertise with which she could suck a penis. Sliding up, she let her firm tits come back into view, nipples now hard and pointy.

"Fuck my tits with your dick."

The white tits before me were pushed together into a makeshift vagina, Sarah being careful to leave her nipples fully exposed. I began to stroke myself again, imaging my penis pumping between my daughters soft globes of flesh. Luckily, I was dry and kept my pace slow to keep the orgasmic feelings at bay. Sarah gave me another command.

"Show me how you jerk it."

I did my best to lay back while keeping my head above the camera. I began to give an honest display of my masturbation technique, one handed, focusing on the tip.

"Play with your balls."

I moved from stroking my dick to rubbing my balls. I let them dangle just in front of the camera. Sarah let her boobs fall and once again began licking and moaning. I made sure my ball play was centered in her computer screen, rolling them in my palm, bulging them towards her mouth. She gave me an unbelievable tit show, and I was determined to do whatever she asked.

"Touch your asshole."

Even that. Sarah was clearly dirty, but I was not going to complain. I was guessing I was not the first guy given such a request by her. I moved my hand low, feeling all of the hair that I missed from my shave. Never did I dream Beth would be looking at me here. As I began to touch my asshole, Sarah moved her face back into view.

"Ooh. Put your finger in your butt."

It was an activity I had wanted Beth to do for years, but never did it myself. I was not about to say no, so I started to finger myself a bit. I would have tried to put a cucumber up my ass if she had asked. I'm guessing she knew it and enjoyed watching me degrade myself. My turn would come, and I didn't want to give her any reason to say no.

"Put it in more."

I did, all the way to my fist. It felt odd, but it certainly did not kill my erection. Sarah was clearly turned on. She was like a young girl playing doctor, wanting to explore the body in front of her. Wanting to do everything her mother told her not to.

"Do you want me to suck your dick or lick your ass."

I sometimes wondered if the videos of girls on Omegle were actually in their bedroom, or on some porn set. But at this moment, I knew they were in the comfort of their home. If my own daughter, Sarah, was acting like this, excited and kinky with some random guy showing her his penis, fingering his ass, then those girls were also acting out of desire. I leaned forward, typing out the obvious response.

"I want you to put your tongue in my ass."

I pointed the camera down and pulled back my legs. Sarah leaned in, licking, probing her tongue into the air. I fingered myself even more, desperate to please her.

"Oh god, look at your asshole grip your finger."

Sarah was now simply admiring her computer screen, stopping her show. I kept it up for a bit, bending my finger to pull on my anus. Sarah's eyes told me how much she enjoyed me degrading myself for her. After one more minute of anal play I sat up. It was my turn. Having given Sarah everything she asked for, I had high expectations. I got back on my knees and typed.

"I want to taste you so bad. Show me your little girl pussy."

Sarah was ready for the request. She seemed to be hoping for it. Laying back, smiling like she was about to take her yearbook picture, she spread her legs around her computer. It looked like she was going to let it fuck her. I was mesmerized by the black thong now being thrust at the computer, sprouting dense pubic hair on all sides. Sarah arched her back, presenting it to me, and spoke.

"You want to look at my pussy? You want to taste it?"

Sarah let her body fall back onto the bed, resting her head on her pillow. Her face was now in full view, tits free, staring at her computer monitor. She had lost track of her position and just stared at the masturbating guy, her dad, kneeling on her computer monitor. Her mouth was open, lips curled, and teeth exposed. She was getting off on the ultimate selfie, letting her body be exposed and explored digitally. Pushing up her chest, Sarah moved a hand down to her thong. Grabbing it, she instinctively pulled it to the side.

"Here's my tight pussy."

A thick patch of pubic hair filled my monitor with a swollen red slit buried beneath. The same pussy that I would wipe clean as a child was now being presented to me in all of its womanly glory. It was like going down on her mom for the first time, all of the tightness and folds that existed before giving birth. And just below, surrounded by the same tuft of hair that her mom had, Sarah's anus was making a brief appearance. Sarah's small vagina had grown into a beautiful pussy.

"Your bush is so fucking huge. I want to eat on it."

Many times with Beth, I would chew on her bush and let the hairs swirl in my mouth. Sarah's was just as enticing. She pulled on her hairs, stretching them. Showing me her fullness.

"And your pussy is so tight. Spread it..."

When I finished typing, I leaned forward, moving my own tongue into view. Sarah was bending forward, watching herself, making sure her pussy was being put in the right position. She moved it towards my tongue, spreading open her soft lips, revealing her birth canal, lifting her ass off of the bed once again.

Look at how wet you make me."

Sarah took a finger and slid it into her birth canal, fucking herself, showing me how tight she was as her pussy slightly folded in on itself. Back and forth she fingered herself, then slipping out and spreading open the top folds, forcing her clit into the computer. Sarah grazed her thumb over it as she stretched open her folds of skin. My daughter's clitoris stood proud with a fine pink sheen.

"Lick me right here. Lick it hard."

Sarah began to masturbate, rubbing her finger in little circles over her now exposed girl penis. It was hard and bright pink, being squished out of the way from her masturbations. It was like I was right between her legs, licking her, looking up at her face as she stared down between her tits. I had to catch myself from lowering my face any further.

"Oh, it feels so goooooddd..."

Once again, I leaned up and pretended to start fucking my computer camera. Sarah caught on immediately and pulled her legs back, by themselves, while still holding her thong to the side. Both hands now spread open her pussy, showing me the clear path to entry.

"Come on, slide your dick in me. Fuck me."

Sarah now adjusted her computer so that it was pointing directly at her pussy and her face was no longer in the view. I studied the meat of her folds, the deep red of her labias, the juicy pink that lay in the center. My daughter would have been horrified if I walked into her room one night and asked her to do this. But, here she was, bending her legs wide, showing me the glistening pink center of her teenage vagina.

"Show me the inside."

Sarah moved her pussy 6 inches from the camera and let me peer inside, almost to her cervix. She was practically giving birth, spreading herself open with both hands. Her face was moving into view, staring at her own vagina, trying to make sure I got my perfect view. Trying to read my messages and keep up with my requests.

"Your pussy is so pink."

Sarah moaned.

"I want your dick in my pussy."

Wider she spread it. It was clear from her open tunnel that she was not a virgin.

"Put something in it and pretend it's my dick."

The activity that most girls routinely did alone when I grew up. But now, it seemed they were happy to let others watch. Sarah was no different. She quickly rolled off the bed and zipped out of camera shot. When she returned, she was on her back again and quickly opened her legs. She had her hairbrush.

It was a large flat head with a oval, smooth handle. Sarah held it towards her face, legs spread, tits on display. She moved it towards her mouth, sitting up, with the top half of her head out of the picture.

"I want to taste your dick."

Her tongue rolled out, licking the tip of the handle. Then, with smooth expertise, she let it slip inside of her mouth, wrapping her lips around it. She was giving it a blowjob. Again I typed.

"Fuck yourself."

Something I occasionally wanted to tell my wife, but never did. Sarah, on the other hand, lay back, spread her legs, and positioned the computer screen with her feet. When it was positioned properly, she lay back and ran the head of the brush along her slit, once again covered by her thong.

"Do you want me to fuck you."

Sarah was still able to read her computer screen.

"Yea, I want you to fuck me so bad with your gorgeous cock."

Deciding it was now an obstruction, Sarah bent her legs and pulled down her thong. They stayed on the bed, to her right. My daughter now lay naked, on her dorm room bed, getting ready to fuck herself. Her pale white body, with a thick patch of pubic hair, lay before me. She had become my little cam girl.

"Show me."

Sarah had already shown me plenty, but she was perfectly happy to show more. Sarah moved a hand around her birth canal and held the hairs out of the way, just like her mom. A couple more drags of the brush up and down her slit, and then Sarah moved the head of the brush to her opening and pushed. Her vagina welcomed the familiar object, sucking it in.

"Oh. Yea..."

Sarah had deftly slipped her thin brush handle into her pussy. It was not very wide, but neither was her vagina. Her narrow passage flexed out of the way like the activity had been done before. I watched as she slowly slid it to the base.

"You're so big."

With that, Sarah began the slow process of fucking herself with one hand while her other hand kept her pubic hairs out of the way. I watched as her small birth canal gripped the side of the brush while she pulled it out, extending outside of her small labias. It was like a small pink plastic wrap for the brush. Then, when the brush was almost out, she would push it back in and the tender skin would fold in on itself.

"Your dick feels so good."

I could hear the sloppy sounds as Sarah picked up the pace. Not excessively fast, but the typical speed at which I had sex with her mom. For 2 minutes, I just watched my daughter masturbate with her white hairbrush, juices glistening on the handle. I made sure I slowly stroked myself and filled her computer screen with my dick. Sarah stopped and leaned forward, hairbrush still stuck up her pussy.

"Are you going to cum?"

I could, but didn't want to. I made sure to stay far away from the head of my penis.

"Not yet."

Sarah was ready for the next act.

"What else do you want me to do?"

I wanted her to do so many things. And, it seems like Sarah probably would have done them.

"I want you to put your feet behind your head so I can fuck your teenage pussy deep."

Sarah sounded eager.

"Like this..."

Adjusting the computer, Sarah leaned back. I give her credit, Sarah almost did it, pulling her feet as far back as she could, brush dangling from her vagina. She held the position, looking at the computer, admiring her own flexibility. Her fingers found the brush and again began fucking herself, pushing it in all the way.

"Yea, I want to fuck you just like that."

Sarah was fucking herself deep, there was no mistaking it. But, she was careful and slow about it. There was only one thing that could take my eyes from the pink folds of skin gripping her hairbrush, and that was one inch right below it. I imagined fingering her ass while pushing her ankles high.

"I'd bend you in half and fuck your little girl pussy."

Sarah pointed her face at the screen, looking between her tits, focusing on the hand stroking the penis. We were getting off on each other.

"I want to feel your sperm in me."

Maybe Sarah thought I was ready, but I had other ideas. Sarah's asshole was a soft brown surrounded by a small patch of anal hairs. Juices had begun dripping down her crack. It was now bulging out at me in her obscene position. I felt my penis tingle as I stared at it.

"What do you want me to do?"

I would have done anything she asked. Sarah leaned forward again, finding her computer, tits dangling back and forth. Her nipples were still rock hard.

"I want you to cummmm..."

Sarah was moving her face towards her screen, reaching behind her, pulling out the hairbrush. It sat on the bed next to her panties. I was ready for my favorite feature, knowing it would also give her what she wanted.

"Show me your ass."

Sarah read the computer screen in a forward doggy style position.

"Alright... But let me know if you're going to cum..."

Sarah didn't want to miss the final moment. She swung a leg over the computer and assumed the doggy style position, ass pointing back at me. I was staring at Beth from 20 years ago. The same soft pale skin, the same hairy bulge, the same arch in her back. It was a beautiful, soft white butt that was perfectly proportioned to the rest of Sarah's soft white body.

"Hang on."

Suddenly, Sarah slipped out of bed. I could see her move towards the back of her room and then realized what she was doing. The entire time she had left the blinds open, letting the countless guys in the other dorm across the way look in and enjoy the show. She just stood at window, nude, and casually lowered the blinds, making sure to tuck in the corners. A little too late, if she were to ask me.

Coming back, tits bouncing, bush leading the charge she got back on the bed.

"Sorry. Is this OK?"

Sarah was trying to position herself so her ass was right in the center. She was in a kneeling position, on her legs, and her small back dimples were displayed in all of their glory. The brief interruption caused her to lose focus. I decided to help her out.

"Get in a doggy position."

More words that, if spoken to her mom, would have me thrown out of the house. But, Facebook Sarah, apparently Omegle Sarah, was happy to perform. Sarah leaned onto her hands in the full upright position, arched her back, and presented me her ass for my viewing pleasure. Something her mom would do for our first year of dating. But, after getting pregnant, she lost all confidence in her butt and rarely let it make such an appearance.

"God, your ass is so tight."

I was ready to cum. I could feel it just by looking at the hairs poking out of her squeezed butt cheeks. I leaned over, sliding the computer to the side, and found my bottle of lotion that I was planning to use with Beth. I returned, laying back on the bed, and aimed the camera at my penis from the side. Sarah saw what was going on.

"Put lotion all over it."

I dripped lotion all over my shaft. Sarah's face was perfectly visible as she watched me, mesmerized by the process. Her tits were sagging, being pulled low by gravity. Her pussy bulged back at me in her thong, surrounded by pale white globes. It was time.

"Arch your back more."

Sarah got the message, pushing her head high, straightening her arms, thrusting out her chest. She looked like a great Dane, arching herself to accentuate every feature of her body. I began stroking and Sarah began rocking back and forth, pretending like she was being fucked from behind. I started slow, desperate for the moment to last forever. I couldn't decide what to stare at. Tits. Ass. Pussy. Face. All parts of my daughter that were equally beautiful. But, my ultimate prize was hiding between two soft globes off flesh.

"Spread your ass open."

Sarah saw the typing and leaned forward to read it, face once again filling the monitor. Her eyes looked into the camera, giving a knowing stare that I was asking for the ultimate prize. But, the smile that crept on her lips let me know she was ready to present it. Staring right at me, Sarah whispered.

"You want to see my butthole?"

The question rolled off her tongue like she was asking me if I wanted a piece of gum. It was clearly not the first time she said the words. I answered honestly.

"I want to fuck you up your butt."

She smiled. A smile that made me wonder if she had ever done it.


Then, her face was gone. She rotated her body, angled her ass towards the camera, and when she was happy with the position on her knees, Sarah looked away. She had her back directly towards the camera, kneeling on her calves, Her hands began to rub the roundness of her ass, inviting me to look. Her butt lifted off of her calf, slowly, while fingers ran along the inside of her crack. Arching her body, pushing back on her ass, Sarah's fingers gripped the soft inner flesh and she pulled open her butt

"Oh... Fuck my asshole."

I left my penis alone and stared. I stared at the brown walls of the skin that made up the inner linings of her butt cheeks. The flared, red pussy that opened, desperate for a cock. If I could have, I would have walked through my computer and fucked her. I stared that obscene arch in my daughters back, presenting me her most biological center. And I stared at the bulging asshole, winking at me like the eye of a beautiful flower.

"Yea... Jerk off to my ass."

Sarah just held the position, spreading open her asshole, as I began to fuck myself, imagining I was fucking her. The more I stroked, the more I wished I could find myself back in college, in this era of promiscuous women. Girls ready to spread their assholes to any random guy on a computer. If my daughter did it, the same daughter would played Varsity Tennis, played the Oboe in High School, graduated with a 3.7, got a 30 on her ACT, then all girls did it. I paused.

"I want to fuck you up your hairy asshole so bad. Finger fuck it."

I returned to slowly jerking myself off. Sarah was not looking at her computer. I typed again, hoping to get her attention.

"Spread open your asshole. Finger fuck your butt."

Sarah just kept holding her butt open, making sure I was getting my fair share of her rectum. Finally, she adjusted herself and looked back and the computer, checking on my progress.

"I'm about to cum. Finger your ass."

Sarah leaned in and got the message, holding her ass in the process. Returning to her doggy style position, Sarah spread her legs wide and balanced on her knees. Sarah bent her head over her shoulder to verify her ass was centered. She lowered her chest to the bed, head still looking back, and slipped her hands over her ass.

"Is this what you want?"

Rubbing her ass, she let her fingers find the center. Sarah began to circle her asshole, applying pressure, and felt the rough resistance of her anal hair. She slid a finger into her spread pussy and rubbed it around, covering her finger in her sweet juice. Then, sliding back up to her asshole, Sarah pushed. Her finger easily slipped in.

"Oh... You're fucking my ass..."

Sarah's entire body was still as her finger began to probe back and forth. Each stroke pushed it in a little further. I felt myself ready to explode watching my daughters face as she was anally probing herself.

"Cum in my poop hole... do it..."

And with those words, I erupted. The words Beth would always use. "Don't touch my poop hole." "My poop hole is dirty." But, for Sarah, it was all part of the show. I yelled to the quite walls of the hotel.

"Oh, Fuck, Sarah..."

My first squirt landed all over my chest, almost out of camera shot. When Sarah saw I was cumming, she tried to move in closer to her computer, picking up the pace.

"I can feel it... Your cumming in my ass..."

Another jerks, and more sperm, this time spraying on my stomach. Sarah wanted a better view of my orgassm and let her finger slip out of her ass. She quickly pushed her face to the camera, opening her mouth, asking for my cum.

"Cum in my mouth..."

I leaned towards the computer, trying to let her watch. But, I was quickly empty, having cum not only on myself, but on my keyboard as well. I lay back, spent, my dick quickly deflating, sperm dripping out of the tip.

"Oh, I want to taste your cum so bad."

I slowly stroked the remaining drips out of my dick, nursing myself. Sarah moved in, licking it, running her fingers into her mouth.

"Stay like that. Don't move."

I looked over and saw that Sarah was obviously starting to finger herself while lying on her stomach, face staring at her computer screen. Usually, I always made sure Beth came first because I would not be a performer after I came. But, Sarah didn't need a performance. She just wanted to stare at the penis and cum. Her sexual talk was done. Apparently that was just to help me get off.

There was no hiding, no burying herself under the covers. Sarah just masturbated under the bright lights. Her mom would be horrified. I should have been horrified. Instead, I just lay back in my post orgasmic bliss and watched her eyes stare at my spent penis. At her brothers and sisters on my stomach.

After a few moments, her eyes began to close. I watched at her ass, mesmerized by the masturbating teenager. Sarah's face began to grimace and I realized she was getting close. Her teeth were now exposed. Her pace was quickening. With a pace that would make me blush, Sarah finally hit her spot.

"Oh... I'm cumming..."

Sarah was jerking slightly, the soft movements of a young female reaching orgasm. As her jerks died down, her body lay still, head turned to the side. Sarah let the orgasm flow through her body.


Lifting her head, Sarah let out a deep sigh. She turned to the camera, gave her dry lips a quick lick, and looked at her computer screen. She kissed it and pulled away, staring at her camera.

"Thanks for the cam. And you've got a nice dick."

With that, Sarah gave me a wink and shut her computer screen. The show was over. I closed my own computer, letting it fall out of bed, and closed my eyes. I faded off, thinking how ironic it was that because my wife refused me some snuggle time, I got more than she ever would have given me from our daughter. I suppose there was a lesson somewhere, but I was not going to try and teach it to my wife.
