
Awakening: Transformation



"I may not know much but I believe that there is more, you know," Owen began. "How is her search for the hybrid?"

Although Cullen did not show his surprise, but he was shocked. Since when did Owen care about such?

That was actually King Bayard's worry and bone of contention, not his son. "Currently, I myself I am not very much aware or informed but I guess if she hasn't brought her here, then she still remains hidden or protected. Last time I had an encounter with her, well not so god. We underestimated her simply."

"Oh, you've had an encounter with…" he paused, his eyes wide open trying to understand and comprehend the situation. "Wow, what can I say, I am impressed."

"By?" Cullen wasn't buying that one bit.

"Two things actually. You got to fight with her and secondly, my father and your guardian actually allowed you go up against her. Wow!"
