
Hot Temper

Ada finds herself walking up some concrete stairs down the tall corridor, coming across a door. It's made of a clean, white, well-polished, metal. There's a large screen on it, displaying a green picture with nothing but a white "I" on it.

"Access Denied" a woman's automated voice states as she walks up to it. That's when she realizes. The banging has stopped. Ada glances over back at where she came from. No sound.

Did it give up?


She pulls out her EMF and tries to find the circuitry of the door, but, something is messing with the scanner.

"Dammit," Ada mutters to herself as she puts it away. She looks around, and sees a large elevated platform with large wires running from it to something out of sight. Ada walks towards the platform, the corridor opening up to a decently sized room to the left. The high ceiling makes the place feel much larger than it really is. A heavy and dense metal cover blocks the entrance to, something. A small glass window with a moveable covers sits in the middle of it.

Walking over and pulling it open shows the inside. It seems to be a machine of some sort, though it's hard to tell exactly what. The light that's able to squeeze through the window just barely illuminates the silhouette of something. In the middle of the dark mass, is a small, bright, green light. The color matches that of the screen on the security door. She turns away, and sees the wires from the platform connect to the machine. A control board sits on top of the platform.

Heading up some stairs in the right corner, she heads up to the control board. A large lever sticks out from all the buttons. Pulling it, the machine comes to life, the door slowly rising up. Going back down to the front of the machine, the light pours in, revealing a body, a bracelet with a glowing light on its wrist sitting in the back of the machine, which is much lower than the front. The whole floor ramps downward.

Something about this isn't right. This is too easy.

Ada stands at the machine's mouth, hesitant to enter its jaws. There's no other way out of this room.

"Fuck…" She mutters to herself, "Well," She pulls out her EMF and starts scanning the machine's circuitry, "I can at least figure out-"

She's suddenly shoved forward, and rolls down to the bottom, running into the body. As she frantically pushes herself away from the corpse, the door starts closing. She runs for it, but before she can even make it halfway, the door shuts completely. Annette's face walks into the view of the window.

"Who do you work for, really?" Annette asks, glaring at her with a troubled expression.

"Let me out and I'll tell you,"

"...You're not getting your hands on G, or anything else anymore," Annette closes the window hatch and the room goes dark. Suddenly, small flames ignite on the sides of the room, basking everything in an orange glow.

"Shit!" Ada exclaims. She goes to grab her EMF, and realizes she dropped it when she was pushed. She looks around desperately, and sees it laying by the corpse. She runs over and grabs it, the room getting hotter with every passing moment. She can feel beads of sweat starting to form on her forehead. She quickly starts scanning around until she finds a power box. She hacks into it, and looks for what it's connecting to.

The power box is connected to a router that splits into two separate paths. She follows the one that's on and sees it's connected to a box-shaped machine above the door. There appears to be two more, both of them currently off. She starts hacking into the one that's one, and once she's got it, she turns power up to max. The gears inside the machine start to rotate, struggling to move. There's a sudden loud explosion as the machine breaks, causing a dent in the wall.

Ada quickly reroutes the power to the next one, and does the same. The flames are now twice as big, and the heat is rising even quicker. As she reroutes the power to the last one, the heat starts to burn her. Her hands dripping with sweat, she hacks into the last box. As the power increases, the gears start turning. Burn marks start to form on her arms and shoulders.


The final box explodes, the door falling off its hinges forward onto the ground. The flames suddenly turn off, and the heat immediately starts to lower. Ada has to catch her breath as her body tries to cool off, fresh burn marks now on parts of her arms.

"I'm charging Derek double for this stupid virus…" She mutters as she catches her breath. The air finally returning to a normal temperature, Ada walks down to the corpse, which appears to be unharmed, and takes the bracelet. She puts it on her wrist and walks out of the room, heading for the door

"Visitor Clearance confirmed. You're ID is authorized until, October, first. Please return before this date." The door says as it opens up.

"That's not gonna happen," Ada comments as she walks through. She enters a large hall dimly lit by buzzing lights above. Some wired fences sit to her left, covering several machines. The path splits, going to the left, and forward. She walks forward, and sees its the other side of the large heavy door back in the room the Tyrant had chased her. It doesn't seem like it went this way.

Going down the left path, she enters a room that makes the other two pale in comparison. The ceiling soars high above, having to look up just to see it. Way down below are some paths around the edges of the room. Several meters below the paths, is sewer water. She's on the upper paths, which sit around halfway up the room. It's a VERY long way down from here. On the other side of the room, is a large window into what looks like a control room.

Having nowhere other path to follow but the one she's on, she walks around the edge of the room, nothing but rickety, dirty, railing preventing her from being able to just trip over the edge to, most likely, her death.

Making it halfway across the right wall, the path turns to a mechanical bridge supported by a single large collum under the middle that goes all the way down into the water. The bridge has no railing. Ada hesitantly starts making her way across the bridge. She comes to a halt when bright lights suddenly turn on, attacking her eyes. She brings up her hands to shield them. They adjust to reveal Annette standing inside the control room.

"I'll ask you one last time, who, are you working for?"

"Telling you, wouldn't do anything," Ada replies, "It's not like I'm the only one after it, there are plenty of others trying to get their hands on what you made,"

"What I made?"

"I heard your husband met an untimely demise. I would assume you just wanted all the credit for yourself," Annette's expression changes to one of pure disgust.

"As if I want credit for such a-" There's suddenly a distant bang that seems to echo through the entire place. It's then followed by the scream of a little girl.

"Sherry?!" Annette exclaims with a worried expression. She suddenly runs off, disappearing behind a door.

"Sherry? DIdn't that, thing, back on the street say that name? What on earth could-" Ada's interrupted when something comes flying at her. She quickly dives to the side as a fist comes slamming down. Ada lands with a roll, getting up to see Tyrant.

"You again!" She brings up her pistol and takes aim.
