

'Mama, what do you think about Lei's Offer?' Yue asked her as they are putting Yue to sleep. Mary stared at her granddaughter who's in bed and told her.

'Let me think about it.'

'I think Lei is from a very wealthy family. you saw his house earlier, They can give Mama work and I can play with Lei.' Yue said as drowsiness taking over her.

'Yes yes, Yue. go to sleep'



When Yue is sleeping, Old Mr. and Mrs. Wang withdrew out of the room and went to their bedroom. when Mary is getting off her jacket, Mary felt something is in her pocket and she took it out. She was surprised to see an unknown white envelope in her pocket. from the thickness of it, she had an unusual feeling about it.

'What's that?' Old wang asked as he saw her holding the white envelope.

'I - - don't know.' she said and unknowingly sat on the end of the wooden bed and Old Wang appeared near her and looked as Mary slowly uncovered the envelope.

They both gasped and were surprised when they saw what's inside. It's the first time they saw such lots of Money. it's all a thousand notes and by the thickness of it, it may be more than ten thousand Yuan.

'Dear, where did you get those?' her husband asked then Mary recollected the time when she was hugged by her boss slash friend Mrs. Jones.

'I - - I think it was a gift from her.' then a tear escaped her eyes.

Normally she would feel embarrassed but all Mary could think about is how a big help it would be for the future of their beloved Yue. All she could feel is mixed relief and full of gratefulness.




It's Monday Morning, A couple of days already passed since Mrs. Jones left for America and her Mama no longer needs to go to work. the library is now emptied and the books were donated to a local public school.

Having no work means more time for the Family. Mary got to spend lots of time with Yue. they had such a good time but Mary felt like she needed to earn. She is used to working and kept thinking she needs to earn now as she and her husband are growing old. She kept thinking of needing to fully support Yue with what she wanted to do in the future. Even is she wish to study abroad, They would willingly support her.

There is an opportunity offered by Yue's friend. Mary has observed Lei and he is such a lovely child. Quiet but charming. Him coming in the library every other day, observing him and Yue interact gives the sense of feeling that someone other than them would protect Yue.

It's a fine Morning with such lovely weather.

Yue and her Grandma Mary are all dressed up as they are going to an important meeting with someone. After breakfast, they kissed goodbye to Old Wang who is on his way going to the Market.

Yue and Mary took one ride bus going towards the place. when the bus stopped, they went out, hand in hand going towards a hill where a beautiful white house appeared on sight.

The house is quite big and there is a white gate where guards are securing it. It seems like they know they will be arriving so they opened it for them to come in. Yue greeted them and they smiled at her.

It seems that Lei is a big shot by the looks of it. In the mind of Yue and there is a big smile on her face while her grandmother is very nervous. It's been such a long time she felt like it. She is quite old but she hopes it won't hinder her from not being accepted. Mary knows that Lei is just but a child and there is no way she gets to be hired just by his words. Mary set up her heart that she will be interviewed today by Lei's guardian.

By the entrance of the house, Lei stood straight waiting for the pair of people to come. He has a poker face but one can see the warmth he is giving off. the maids behind him are quite surprised. Their Master stood and waited for someone at the door? Is the Sun finally setting in the West?

Everyone was more surprised when they saw him smile at Yue. It's the first time they saw him change expression. Some maids are teary-eyed watching the scene. some of them are working for the family for a long time they watched him grow. seeing him smiling is the rarest thing to behold.

unknown to anyone, one more person is watching from behind which is more surprised than them as she spends her whole life with him. Never such a time where she saw him smile like that.

She is not happy, She is Upset.

How come he can be happy like that?

She turn her back around and went back inside her room.

'Hello, Lei! We're here. ' Yue greeted.

'I'm glad you made it. Pleased come in.' Lei said and they all went inside. Yue and her Mama were amazed by the beauty of the house when they got to look at it. It's more impressive than Mrs. Jones. The white tiled floor is sparkling so is the furniture. Two grand staircases at each side made it look like a castle and the eyecatching huge chandelier.

One might think they are in a real palace.

'My Grandmother wanted to meet you.' Lei said that made Mary more nervous. Yue nodded at him and they followed him.

Everything happening now is not written in her past life. In her past life, she never met Lei, In her past life, Her Mama would be a full-time housewife. In the past, they never went to Grandma Jane's as she and Mary are not close, not friends, just a superior and employee relationship.

A lot of things happened and changed, She doesn't know if meeting Lei is a good thing but what she knows is that she wants to live a peaceful life, If it's possible not to meet her original family, that would be great.

Lei led them in the back of the house where the garden is, there they saw a woman, A bit older than Grandma Jane, she is in a wheelchair and she is arranging flowers in a vase.

When they arrived she looked at them with a smile on her face. She must be very beautiful when she was young, the shape of her face, her eyes, they are very attractive. now she knows where Lei's look coming from. She has elegance and very grace. On the spot, one will know that she belongs to a Rich Family.

'This must be Yue, such a lovely and pretty child.' She said with a very soft voice. The elderly stared at Yue and nodded her head with approval, then she turned her looked at Mary.

'Hi. I'm Leila, Lei's grandmother, It's delightful to meet you.' She said.

Yue and Mary immediately felt the kindness of the elderly. This relieve Mary from her nervousness. She smiled back at her and said.

'It's very nice to meet you too Madam, my name is Mary Wang, I hope you'll accept me as a nanny.' Mary introduced.

'Yes, My grandson is very quiet and rarely speaks, I would like to thank your grandaughter for making him more of a person. Of course, we would be glad and happy if you will work for us.' Leila said.

Yue had a bright smile when she heard her. of course, Mary is happier that she has now a job and more glad that she has a kind employer.

Mary thank the Madam for her kindness and Leila asked them to sit down and wanted to have a chat.

It was such a fine afternoon. Leila asked the maids to come and bring tea and cakes for their visitors. Mary felt shy being served as she will also become one of the servants but seeing Yue looking excited at the cakes. she let it be, she will just help to tidy up later.

As they are having Tea, Leila remembered something.

'Mary, Lei told me that you are a very good cook, Please be our chef.' She said and Mary's eyes became big with astonishment. she hasn't started working yet but she is being promoted?

She looked at Leila with confusion while Yue drinks her teas and listen to the adults talking.

'Yes Madam, my grandma is the best cook of all, she can cook varieties of food including special local delicacies that you won't taste anywhere.' Yue bosted and Lei looked at her charming face that looked so proud. Lei can't help but pat her head which Yue is very used to, not happy thinking she is being treated as a child but it's a good feeling being patted in the head so she just lets him be.

'Is that so? then that's more reason to become our cook, I've been craving our local food and will be happy if you could cook for us, will that be alright Mary?' Looking at Leila's face full of expectation, the kind gesture that she showed to them, Mary has no option to reject her.

'I would be glad to prepare food for you Madam, I just hope you will like, please tell me just in case there is something that you might don't like.' Mary said still surprised by the turn of events.

'Will do but I'm sure you will do well and please call me Leila, and also Yue, you may call me Grandma Leila as you will become one of us soon.' she said. unknown to them, something is hidden behind her words.
