

'Damn, didn't even draw blood. I'd have to get him with a wind or lightning jutsu, but I need time for those and in a fight like this that's something I don't have. I'd never have enough time to get through the hand signs and fire it off, so how am I gonna go about this?'

"Is this all you're capable of, last of the Kamikaze?" Kimimaro questioned, the first words he'd uttered since the battle began "All you can do is run away and harass me with meaningless trinkets?"

Tatsu's reply came in the form of a kunai taking Kimimaro right in the middle of the forehead.

Anyone else would've died then and there, but Kimimaro wasn't anyone else, and he was totally unharmed as the kunai dropped harmlessly to the ground without a drop of blood "If you will not come to me, then I will come to you. Digital Shrapnel!" finger bones shot out at Tatsu, almost faster than he could dodge. Almost.

Tatsu burst out of the way, counting on his perceptive abilities to keep him alive, and he didn't miss how the ground roiled when the attacks hit 'Great, one of those hits and I'm f*cked.' then his chest burst open with a long white blade spearing him clean through.

"You were careless." Kimimaro was behind him.

"So were you." Tatsu exploded.

"A Shadow Clone."

"Got you!"

Kimimaro was visibly shaken as he looked down at the arm bursting from the soil to try and grab him by the ankle. He slammed a palm down, a long thin bone protruding from, as well as other parts of his body "Willow Dance."

The arm popped, replaced by a log.

"Substitution. Predictable."

"Lightning Style: Purple Thunder Fist!" the ground exploded again as Tatsu burst from below and catapulted into the air, haloed against the sun, a ball of purple lightning screaming in his hand.

Kimimaro crossed the bones of his palms, clearing intending to block the attack.

Whatever he expected, it wasn't for the bones to snap like they didn't exist, shattering into thousands of fragments as the Purple Thunder Fist continued on unabated.

Kimimaro threw himself to dodge.

Tatsu cut him, leaving a vicious gash across the chest 'Dammit, it didn't work. He dodged it at the last second. His Curse Mark on his chest activated at the last second, and now this is gonna get a hell of a lot harder.' he then followed through, landing and spinning, then smoothly went from jumping to running.

In a moment Kimimaro was right there with him, both sprinting across the field for all they were worth, arms and legs pumping, mere blurs to the average eye. White bullets flew from Kimimaro's fingertips.

He frowned as Tatsu flipped, rolled, dodged and contorted, slipping between the gaps between the bullets, none of them coming closer than an inch to him. They slammed to a stop, each one breathing hard, though Tatsu felt like he was breathing harder than they should've been 'Come to think of it, there was that chakra-eating dome the fat guy hit me with. Then again, recovering from using the Tenseigan Chakra Mode does take some time so was only at about 80% to begin with. I'm probably down to 50% now, I've gotta end this soon or I won't last much longer.'

Kimimaro had his own concerns 'My disease is accelerating faster than I would've expected. The Curse Mark is accelerating the effects, eroding my body. But I don't care, it doesn't matter. All I do is for Lord Orochimaru, if that means death then so be it.' he felt a voice in the back of his mind screaming that he didn't want to die, but knew that it was inevitable either way 'I'm here to safeguard Lord Orochimaru's body, and I must defeat this boy to do it.' then he opened himself again to the Curse Mark, his body searing as the lines all over his body began expanding and covering him completely. Sicky purple chakra welled up at the bottoms of his feet before roaring into the sky, forcing an ominous wind to move over the plains 'That boy doesn't look concerned. No, if anything, he looks ready. Clearly he's not such a novice that he could be taken off guard by something like this.' he felt pain rip through him as the change began happening. He ignored the searing pain that raged through his whole body, though it wouldn't come close to comparing to the pain that came with failing Orochimaru. If it meant being useful, then he could and would endure anything.

Tatsu saw the seal on Kimimaro's chest glowing and prepared himself 'What now?'

Kimimaro's skin roiled and writhed like it was an entirely different being, it must've hurt by Kimimaro made no acknowledgement of the pain.

And then the world exploded.


Ukon separated from Kiba and rejoined with Sakon in order to recover. Kiba was quick to find Akamaru, and the two fled down the river, discarding Kiba's jacked in the process.


Shikamaru was able to pick up the movements of Tayuya's creatures.

Unfortunately, she had them switch actions before he could act.

And yet despite her efforts, he was able to devise a plan to defeat her creatures. Using a flash bang to lengthen the shadows in the area, Shikamaru captured the creatures and prepared to turn them against Tayuya.

To prevent this, Tayuya called off the creatures, making them disperse.

Despite this, Tayuya was captured by Shikamaru's shadow, forcing her to activate the second level of her Curse Mark.

With Tayuya now strong enough to overpower his shadow, Shikamaru decided to instead use his shadow to attack, and attempted his Shadow Strangle Jutsu.


The fireball roared in Tatsu's ears, deafening him, the shockwave blowing him right off his feet, the heat searing his skin almost to the point of burning. The earth bucked and kicked like it was alive, slamming him over and over again. Tatsu didn't know when he fell but he did, on his shoulder very painfully. The explosions didn't abate but continued on for several seconds.

Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, silence fell over the battlefield. Kimimaro had vanished, in his place was a pockmarked and tortured earth. Dust hung over the blasted landscape like smoke, small rocks and pebbles still raining down.

Tatsu staggered upright, his mind racing 'Okay, first of all, that hurt like a bitch. Second of all, what the f*ck was that?!' then he sensed something and looked up 'Oh. That's what happened.'

A figure clad in a mask and a green kimono stood in a tree high above him.

'Great, that guy again. Looks like he's searching for something. Never mind that, I've gotta sense out that other guy's chakra before he makes his move. Wait… shit!' he dove forward right as the earth beneath him burst apart.

A thin bone spike filled the space where his head had just been, and Kimimaro shot over the tip of him, not expecting him to dodge.

'No follow up attack, thank god.'

"Rebirth Wheel Cannon: Gold!" a sudden blast of pure golden light hammered down a second later, and Tatsu was thrown off his feet again.

This time Tatsu was ready and landed on all fours like a cat 'Unbelievable. First Sasuke gets kidnapped and now we have this guy to deal with. Who the hell is he?'

Dragon landed on the ground beside him "Kekkei Genkai, sometimes you love them and sometimes you hate them."

Kimimaro was on all fours, a bone dome above him, sprouting from thick stalks that came out of his shoulders, all down his spine, back of the skull, and pelvis. The actual dome itself was a shattered and broken mess, falling apart in chunks. It fell away altogether when the bones slurped back under Kimimaro's skin and he stood up.

"Rather surprising, I didn't expect there to be a survivor of the Kaguya clan."

"So what're you doing here?" asked Tatsu.

"Your Hokage was concerned how the mission was progressing, so Master Jiraiya sent me and my companion to back your team up. I must admit that you did well to get as far as you did against an opponent like this."

"And I'm gonna win, I wanna finish this on my own."

"Oh that was the plan anyway, I'm just here to bail you out."

"Let's just go over the facts before you take off, I'm fighting a Kaguya, Shika's fighting that redhead with the silver tongue, Sasuke's been taken by a guy with a sword belonging to the Second Hokage."

"Don't worry, I have most of that covered. I wouldn't be of much use to you right now anyway."

"Basing that on what exactly?"

"On the fact that I'm just a Shadow Clone. Bye." and he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

'Well he knows the Shadow Clone Jutsu, so that's promising I guess. Still though, it's gonna take everything I have left in me to beat this guy, I won't be in any shape to help Naruto out by the time I reach him. Sorry Naruto, but you're on your own this time.'

'Now!' Kimimaro made to fire another Digital Shrapnel barrage.

Tatsu was on him before that, punching, kicking and slashing like a madman, driving Kimimaro back through sheer ferocity.

Kimimaro aimed a kick.

Tatsu was already predicting the attack just as Kimimaro prepared to move, managing to dodge by the time the kick was where it should've been.

"Your skill is most irritating." Kimimaro sounded aggravated.

Tatsu knew that was the closest he'd get to acknowledgment "Members of my clan have a habit of that, now where were we?"

They charged again.


Kiba thought he'd lost Ukon and sighed "That was close."

"What was?"

Kiba froze and saw Ukon in front of him, wearing his jacket "How did you-?"

"I knew that it would work."

'My jacket!'

"You're so used to your own smell you didn't notice it on the wind." Ukon drew a kunai.

"So you were skulking around in my jacket to cover your scent. You seem to know a lot about tracking, no wonder I couldn't smell you. Guess I shouldn't be surprised, right? Seriously, how am I supposed to keep track of someone who can split in half? Well come on then, finish it."

"You're staring death in the face, shouldn't you be screaming for mercy or something?"

Kiba gave a bitter smile.

"You're gonna die kid, wipe that grin off your face!" Ukon charged.


Shikamaru had been attempting his Shadow Strangle Jutsu on Tayuya, but the problem was that his chakra was running out 'Dammit, I'm wracking my brain here! Why can't I come up with anything? I'm at the end of my rope, I can't hold on any longer!' he was forced to retract his jutsu.

"Die!" Tayuya prepared to finish it, when…

"Wind Style: Black Wind!"

Tayuya was sent flying by a blast of wind, cutting her arm severely "Who the hell are you?"

A woman with a flame-patterned mask and a light purple kimono stood before her and quickly drew her katana "All you need to know is that I am here to defeat you."


Ukon glared at the figure before him that blocked his kunai "And who are you supposed to be?"

Dragon drew his katana "I am your death."

Kiba stared in wonder 'Who is this guy?'


Shikamaru stared at the woman before him "Who are you?"

"You needn't worry, I'm on your side." the woman assured him "I was sent by Lady Hokage and Master Jiraiya to back up your squad, along with my comrade. I will explain more when the battle is settled, but if you wish to know my name then just call me Izumi."

Tayuya looked on angrily "I don't know who you are bitch but you're gonna pay!" she took out her flute.

"The sound of her flute summons her genjutsu." Shikamaru warned.

"I understand. Wind Style: Black Tornado Jutsu!" Izumi breathed a black tornado, cutting down several trees and snapping Tayuya's flute in half.

'She's deflecting the sound of the flute and nailing her opponent with a physical attack. She can attack and defend at the same time, that's a pretty jutsu to have.'

Tayuya was hiding and freaked out 'It's like that bitch was born to fight me.'


Sakon walked along the river and smirked "Well I don't see him, I guess Ukon must've taken him out already."

He was wrong.


Ukon was quick to dodge a kunai "So you're a close-range combatant."

Dragon shrugged "Gee I wonder."

"Dude, behind you!" Kiba shouted 'It's no use, I can't move.'

Dragon looked back just in time to block an attack from Sakon "2-on-1, is it?"

"Sakon, he's all yours." Ukon told him "Finish him!"

"Gladly." Dragon then proceeded to break way and draw his sword, then formed a hand seal and summon 2 clones "Leaf Style: Crescent Moon Dance!" all 3 charged.

"Is that all you've got?!" Sakon destroyed one clone, but was quick to get cut in half by the other, killing him instantly.

"This is it!" Dragon quickly cut Ukon in half vertically as well, finishing it "There, it's over now." then he went over Kiba and held out his hand "Are you alright?"

"Um… yeah…" Kiba awkwardly accepted the hand "Thanks, uh…"

"My codename is Dragon. You don't need to worry, Lady Hokage and Master Jiraiya sent me as backup for your squad." he slung Kiba's arm over his shoulder "Don't worry, a medical squad was dispatched to retrieve the wounded. Your Akimichi and Hyuga friend have already been retrieved, and Kakashi Hatake is on his way as well."


Shikamaru looked around "She must be hiding around here."

"Either that or she gave up." Izumi suggested, then chuckled slightly.

"Not her, she'd never run away."

"I know, I was joking." then she paused "Since you've been fighting her for longer than I have, perhaps it would be a good idea for you to explain the situation to me. Can you give me an analysis of her skills and fighting style."

"Well first off, her flute casts genjutsu and she uses it to ensnare her opponents. When they can't move, she delivers a lethal attack. She's a typical long-range genjutsu-style shinobi. Most likely, as soon as she saw your jutsu she realized it could counteract her own. That's why she retreated when she did. Besides, it's 2 against 1 now. I doubt she'll show herself again until she's able to cast her genjutsu."

"So it's sound-based."

"That's right. Listen, sooner or later she's gonna get us cornered and that'll be that. I think we should withdraw until-"

"No, there's no need for that."

"What do you mean?"

"I asked for an analysis of her abilities, and you gave it to me, so now I can handle this without any further aid." Izumi drew her sword "If she thinks that she can hide from me but stay close enough so the sound of her flute can reach me, she has another thing coming. Just stand back and observe. Wind Style: Tempest Blade Dance!" with a few strokes of her sword, Izumi unleashed a barrage of powerful waves of wind.


Tayuya looked around and found that she couldn't see Shikamaru or Izumi 'Alright, I should be far enough away. It's time for my genjutsu.'

"I don't think so!"

Tayuya suddenly found the Tempest Blade Dance barreling towards her like a hurricane "What the hell?!" then the attack engulfed her, causing her to cry out in pain as she was buried underneath the trees that were devastated by the attack, crushing her and killing her in the process.


With the battle over, Izumi turned to face Shikamaru as she sheathed her sword "And with that, this battle is over."

Shikamaru felt the urge to let out a whistle, but he suppressed it 'This one doesn't mess around does she, she's as subtle as a rhino, or that blonde chick from the Hidden Sand. She might even be scarier than my mom. Well I guess I can't complain, she did save me so I guess I should be grateful she's so scary.'

"My companion is also rescuing the Inuzuka boy as we speak, so he should be joining us soon enough."


Tatsu flipped over Kimimaro's head, showering him with a barrage of kunai and shuriken, only for them to bounce off Kimimaro's gray and bone hide 'Damn, ever since he entered the second level it's been taking everything I throw at him. My usual tactics don't work against him, I've gotta stay ahead of him somehow!' he landed, ducked the tail Kimimaro had sprouted, swept Kimimaro's feet out from under him and started folding the seals for his Purple Thunder Fist, only to be interrupted by another Digital Shrapnel barrage "I swear to the f*cking Sage of the Six Paths himself, I will break every finger and bone in your body when I get my hands on you!" he was starting to give in to the frustration. Not surprising since it was the umpteenth time he'd missed a blow because of the bones.

Kimimaro bounced back a few hops and put some distance between them.. He stared at Tatsu, earning a glare back "Rather poetic, is it not? The last of my clan against the last of your clan."

'Okay Tatsu, what now? He's fast, really fast, can make steel-piercing bones, and he's really good in taijutsu to boot. One tough nut to crack.'

Kimimaro suddenly staggered and coughed violently.

'He's coughing up blood, is he sick or wounded from another battle? I can't see any visible wounds. Maybe I can turn this into a battle of attrition, sure I'm fatigued but I'm not coughing up gallons of blood like this guy. Better not give him a chance to pull out anything new though, that'd be bad.'

Kimimaro bent over, the skin at the base of his neck rippling, before a bone protruded through his skin.

'F*ck.' he was left dumbfounded by what he saw next.

Kimimaro ripped his SPINE right out of his back, the vertebrae sharp like the tip of a stiletto knife.

"Okay, I've been weirded out by your abilities up until now but there's no way in hell that one can be good for you."

"Clematis Dance: Vine." Kimimaro dashed forward, sword raised high.

Tatsu sprinted forward, waiting until the right second, then dropped into a slide, breezing right in between Kimimaro's legs 'Should I punch him in the crotch? Tempting but no, chances are they're protected by a bone condom or something. I guess it gives a new meaning to the phrase "Balls of steel." Oh well, plan B I guess.' so he hooked Kimimaro's knees and took them out from under him, causing Kimimaro to smash down as Tatsu vaulted into the air and formed several hand seals 'This jutsu is still experimental, but I guess I don't have a choice. It's all or nothing. Sorry Kakashi, but I've gotta use it. Remind me to thank you for helping me with this jutsu later. Lightning Style: Thunder Panther Jutsu!" a snarling panther made of pure lightning emerged from Tatsu and furiously charged forward.

Kimimaro got onto his feet again and slashed it in half.

The panther became a single being again, and came at him from behind.

Kimimaro somersaulted over the panther and flicked his sword, which shot out like a whip.

Tatsu was forced to abandon the jutsu in order to dodge the attack 'What the hell?' he was quick to dodge another swipe of the chain-spine-sword thingy as he put it "Okay there has to be a limit to how freaky a Kekkei Genkai can get, and I should know. I've got one of my own for f*ck's sake!"

"You are skilled." Kimimaro's spine sword retracted "Tell me your name."

"Only if you tell me yours."

"I am Kimimaro Kaguya."

"Tatsu Kamikaze.

"I must commend you Tatsu Kamikaze, no one has ever lasted this long in single combat with me before. However, my time grows short." he gagged and coughed up blood, further emphasizing his point "I must end this quickly." the spine in his hand began to grow until it had covered his arm, and was still expanding. Soon in place of his entire arm was a massive spiralling bone spike that stood nearly as tall as him "Clematis Dance: Flower!"

Tatus was rather startled by the size of the weapon, but he didn't show it.

'Why isn't he forming any hand signs?' Kimimaro was quick to charge 'Another wind, fire or lightning? I've already seen them, and this technique can absolutely outlast whatever his next jutsu is long enough to impale him. Prepare to die, Tatsu Kamikaze!"

"Not today!" RASENGAN!" Tatsu slammed a Rasengan into the tip of the bone spike. The impact shattered the ground underneath them. Wind peeled everywhere in great sheets, ripping gouges into the grasses around them.

A bone sword appeared in Kimimaro's free hand "Die!"

"Shit!" Tatsu could only watch as the second blade came down on him, cutting him half and killing him instantly. Only for him to disappear in a puff of white smoke and electricity.

Kimimaro's world was suddenly filled with pain as electricity coursed through his body, immobilizing him.

'He's helpless. Now's my chance!' a swirling sound filled the air "Rasengan!" the ground beneath Kimimaro burst apart, revealing Tatsu, having switched with a lightning-infused Shadow Clone at the last second.

"Forgive me… Lord Orochimaru…" those were Kimimaro's last words.

Tatsu's Rasengan was quickly grinded into Kimimaro's chest, obliterating his heart and a good portion of his lungs, then sending him spinning like a pinwheel before he finally stopped in a large crater. Tatsu slowly limped over and looked at the body "You were a worthy adversary Kimimaro, I'll remember this battle. I should thank you, you reasserted my confidence in myself." he then proceeded to dig a grave for Kimimaro and bury the body, before he finally fell to one knee 'Okay, I'm done… How's Naruto doing? I met Aoi once or twice before he left the village, not long before my brother died. He was nothing to scoff at, but Kakashi could've beaten him. Still, I sensed something dark flowing through him. Orochimaru must've given him the Curse Mark like Kimimaro and the rest of his group. Naruto, be careful…'


For awhile I was struggling with finding a way to get it so only Naruto would go on to the Valley of End to face Aoi, so I just decided to cut out Gaara's team entirely and replace them with Dragon and Izumi. And if you can't figure out who Izumi is then you're an idiot.

I always thought that Lee using the 6th Gate to kill Tayuya was kind of an asspull, so that's mainly why I cut him out of this mission entirely, so that I would have to avoid doing that.

Yes I gave Aoi the Curse Mark that Mizuki had in the anime, but he clearly wasn't strong enough to put up a fight against Naruto and Sasuke so I had to do something to even the playing field.

Yes I gave Sasuke the Raijin Blade and pulled a lot of asspulls for it, but that sword had way too much potential. I mean, it belonged to the Second Hokage and they had it destroyed after 5 episodes! Filler episodes for that matter. Well not in my story, here I'm giving it the dues it deserves.
