
Fully Booked

It was weird to be back in her apartment after being away for weeks. It felt familiar and also strange. Good thing it was kept clean and dust-free with Nina coming over once a week with a couple of housekeepers from Angela's father's house to keep it spotless and her one and only live plant watered. Gael saw the Christmas plant and thought it was cute. He particularly liked that he was in it.

They moved the boxes into her office. Angela realized there were already several boxes in there too, in which they contained her first book—amongst other boxes of her other books. She forgot they were there and only remembered that Nina told her the publishing house sent a few boxes of the unpublished book from their warehouse while the rest were in a storage unit for the time being. The book was unpublished since September of last year, but there were still a few hundreds of paperbacks and hardcovers left.
