
The World Of Light

In another realm,

Four tall minarets stood proudly among the fluffy white balls scattered everywhere. Their transparency was enough to speak about the material they are made of, the purest of crystals found in the 'World of Light'. The pale white light coming from the ball of gas shining up above in the sky refracted through the four pillars, forcing them to shine brighter than the purest and rarest of diamonds found on Earth. The sight was enough to bedazzle anyone, human or angel. It was one of the reasons why no creature of light was allowed to wander near to the four minarets or the main building which stood right in the middle of those four pillars.

The calmness and peace of the place was disturbed by the rushed steps of a man who was running towards the mansion, dragging his greyish white wings behind him. As to why he wasn't using them? Well, shock tends to do that to people, or in this case, angles. Huffing and puffing, the man finally reached the main entrance of the silver colored building with his stumbling steps only to be stopped by the guards. 

"Tell the Supreme Lord that his humble servant Zerpheus is here." In between his gasps for air, he managed to convey the words to the two guards in golden armor. 

"Why are you here?" One of the guards questioned him, not paying any attention to his earlier words.

"I have an important message for our Supreme Lord. I am one of his messengers from Earth." Given no choice, the man answered him. "It's urgent that I meet him right now."

Giving the man a scrutinizing look, the guard finally gave him the permission to step inside. He called another guard who was stationed close to the entrance and ordered him to guide the man inside, not forgetting to motion him to keep a close eye on him. 

With the guidance of the guard, the man was finally able to reach inside the chambers of his Lord. His eyes roamed around the room restlessly as he waited for him to make an appearance. A couple of minutes later, a heavy and deep voice resonated through the quietness engulfing the chambers. 

"You can leave." 

As if the guard knew that those words were meant for him, he bowed his head down as low as he could manage to and walked out, leaving the man on his own. 

"Y-your High-ness." The man managed to greet his Lord in his stuttering voice as he went down on his knees, bowing his head down. 

"You may rise." The words echoed through the man's ears and he followed the command without any delay. 

As soon as he stood up, a couple of footsteps were heard coming towards his direction. Too scared to even turn around, he stood rooted to the ground, not bothering to look up from his own feet. "Your Highness, forgive this insolent servant of yours for disturbing you, but it was urgent that I needed to be in your presence."

"What news have you brought this time?" The Supreme Lord questioned him as he walked around the man and settled down on his throne which was made of the same material as the minarets outside but with gems and pearls embedded in it, forming intricate designs. 

"The Devil, your Majesty. He is on Earth, keeping an eye on the lady." He took a brief pause to look up from the ground. He felt his breath becoming shorter as his eyes landed on his Lord, the king of this world and all angels. There he sat on his throne with a frustrated expression on his face. At the moment, he looked no less than an ordinary human with his wings retracted inside. He looked at the man before him with a frustrated expression, his face resting on his propped up arm.

"Continue!" He exclaimed with annoyance when the man fell quiet.

"H-he… sent that woman to study at the same college as the Young Master. He's forcing them together once again." The man spoke up in an aggrieved tone.

"Of course he is there, personally looking after that lady. He cares too much for her to leave her on her after what we did to her. What worries me is that my foolish son will fall for her sooner or later. After all he is the one who bound their souls together using the darkest of magic. Here I was thinking after their rebirth, things will be normal. But that bastard wants his darling little goddaughter to find her way back to her one true love." The man spoke up as he crossed his legs, sitting up as straight as his backbone could allow.

"It must be the dark powers, forcing them to be together, your Highness." The meek little servant spoke up in a measly tone.

"Just keep a close eye on him. Dana will take care of my son. She'll make him kill that woman with his own hands. It's the only way we can break the spell bounding their souls, or they'll keep being reborn again and again, and history will be repeated." He scoffed.

"Yes, my Lord. I'll keep a close eye on the Devil." With these words, the man got down on his knees to pay his respects to his Lord, before walking out of the chamber.

The man kept staring at the shut doors of his chamber, as his thoughts went back to the time when all of this started.


Three more chapters coming your way before the daily reset! Please vote for the story❤

Sorry for the slight delay, your author had to do some shopping yesterday and my phone's having battery issues. Writing from my tablet, isn't easy for me as I'm. Not used to it. But you'll get the promised chapters before the reset.

Thank you everyone for your support so far! Love you all ❤

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