
The Wedding

On a bright and sunny day in Aeros, people gather to the land's greatest symbol of life. There were many changes to the venue of the wedding between Christopher and Amanda but, ultimately, Theo decided that having it in front of Aeros' biggest lake is the most rightful place. 

Large tents had been set-up around the lake. There was an extended dock that served as a stage. It was also meant for Christopher and Amanda to stay following the ceremony. 

There were not that many flowers in the nation just yet as its lands were just starting to nourish, but Theo commissioned a few from the earth, including various sheer fabrics that glittered in gold. 

Their color theme? It was red and gold. No, Christopher did not insist on getting his crystal color on them. He did not mind, having his wife have all the glory, for Amanda was the light of his life. 
