
Why Do You Girls Look So Serious?

The next morning, Gu Xin Ye and Shen Yi Nian headed to the cafe where they were supposed to meet up with Lin Qiao. 

Gu Xin Ye and Shen Yi Nian were the first to arrive. As soon as they both sat down, the two friends started to discuss what they wanted to do to interrogate Lin Qiao.

The small bell at the entrance rang.

Shen Yi Nian raised her head and saw Lin Qiao walking into the shop. She gave Gu Xin Ye a nudge on the waist before pointing at the door.

Noticing that Lin Qiao was sweeping her gaze around the cafe, Gu Xin Ye stood up and waved.

The corner of Lin Qiao's lips turned up when she noticed her friends. Lin Qiao hurriedly walked over to their side and took a seat.

However, the moment Lin Qiao took a seat, she noticed that the way her friends were looking at her was a bit different.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Lin Qiao had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. 
