
Language and Unity

Misty Mountains

Tiberius POV

"I'm here young prince" I turned my head and see Gandalf coming in escorted by my guards.

"Ah Gandalf you're here, we need to ask you some questions that are troubling us"

Gandalf nods and listened to what we talked about, in deep thought he strokes his beard as he seriously think about our situation, everyone in the room stayed silent as to not disturb while Darius' eyes are half-closed seemingly sleepy, I see Garen throwing a pebble at his forehead and Darius eyes wide opened when he was just about to sleep.

After a few minutes, Gandalf finally replied: "So young prince what language should Romans speak?"

"We speak in Latin, one of the most ancient languages in Italy."

"Hmm, I see you said no one noticed until just now?"

"Yes," I nod at him with a serious expression.

"I'm not sure young prince but the only explanation I can think of is either Eru using his power to help you speak in common tongue or you hitting your head hard enough that you learned to speak our language."

I looked at Gandalf while touching my chin: "Why can we understand you and the dwarves but not those orcs when they spoke? what language were they speaking?"

Gandalf stopped stroking his beard and looked me with a serious expression before replying: "The language is that of Mordor, the land of which I talked to you about, I will not utter here the language. I can only say that the black speech also known as the dark tongue is a language of evil and only a few in middle earth know or learned to speak them, Thorin learned to speak the language so that he may mock Azog with insults in the language of the orcs. I don't know why you can only understand common speech, maybe it is just a guide from Eru to help you to quickly adapt to this world."

"I see, but we also seemed to learn to write your world's language, what language are we using anyway?"

"You speak the most common tongues of mannish, Weston we called it, along with the language of the tongue you speak right now you seemed to learned read and write it."

"Westron? what other languages are there?"

"There are many, the first races of Arda has there own many languages, each unique and extraordinary, some even have powers when spoken, the language of the Valar, valarin is an example, they can command the forces within the world to raise mountains or lands from the bottom of the sea. The mightiest of them all, the language of Eru the Ainulindalë or the Music of Ainur, only the first and strongest beings created by Eru, the Ainur, the oldest of the Valar's were taught this language, it was said they can make new stars in the sky with a word and only this language can give birth to new life if used with the secret fire of Eru."

Me and the other officers listened to Gandalf as he explained the mysterious languages of middle earth, after one hour he left. After not having any explanations we discussed what to do.

"For now on we will write and speak in latin when we have meetings so that spies won't learn what we discuss and also write in latin so that thieves who steal our documents cant learn anything from it."

They nodded and agree with the plan, with a language that only us knew it is safe to say that no other beings in this world can learn what we say or write except probably for Eru, making it difficult for spies to learn anything from us, we continued to discuss in the tent about the situation of the army when one the centurions reminded me about the prisoners of Germania and recruiting them to the legions as auxiliaries, I nod and everyone left the room to go back to their post while I go the prisoner camps.

Arriving there I can see the barbarians looking up towards the Misty Mountains, probably hoping to see the great eagles once more flying down, they worshipped the great eagles as spirits and the shamans preached how the spirits of Germania will be saved from danger in this strange world with those mighty birds protecting them.

I walked up to them with my praetorians while they warily looked at them as they unsheathed their swords and raised their shields in front of me.

"Stand down, they will be be legions soon"

They reluctantly sheathed their blades and went to side but still raising their shields as they stared intently at the barbarians. Walking up to where their chieftains and shamans gathered, they were already looking at me as they already noticed my praetorians surrounding me from afar.

"You must have already know right? we are in a strange new land and surrounded by threats like goblins and orcs riding giant wolves, you need to tell your people to join the legions as auxiliaries so that we can all survive this predicament."

They glared at me when one the chieftains spoke: "Why should we? after you invaded our land and killed our people you expect us to join you?!" BAH!

He shouted and spits in front of me, my guards once more unsheathed their swords as they were about to kill him for the insult to their liege when I stopped them, they sheathed their swords while still glaring at the barbarian.

"You raided our borders and enslaved our people, of course we retaliated, right now we should focus what really matter, we are in new lands after that rift and light blinding us, you saw the creatures that attacked us and the dangers that soon will follow, we need to unite and must join the legions if we want to survive here."

The chieftain was about to decline once more when an old shaman went to the front and speaks: "He is right chieftain our people are in danger if we continued to be in chains, those creatures killed our people without mercy when we are prisoners, we need to be in armed to fight them or we will be left off fending for ourselves while in chains while they attack us."

The chieftains discussed but are still reluctant when I suddenly remembered what the officers told me about them worshipping the great eagles and them looking above the mountains.

"Haven't you seen those great eagles saving us? Your spirits came because of us, they have blessed the legions with protection when we defeated those orcs and goblins even being outnumbered, if you join the legions you will also be protected by those great eagles.

Their eyes shined and the chieftains discussed with the shamans, after a while they finally have an answer: "Fine we will join, but we won't be treated like slaves! And you will give us enough food, we are still hungry only drinking porridge and eating black bread."

"Deal but you will be trained by my centurions, if you want to join the legions as auxiliaries you need to be like one."

They agreed and the legionnaires started to unlock their chains as the barbarians stretched their bodies after a long time being restricted. I looked at my future legionnaires and wonder if they will be enough to let us survive in this strange world.

Arda is middle earth

NightCrusadecreators' thoughts