
Thorin’s Past

Misty Mountains

As the run rises the legionnaires can be seen waking up. They went out of their tents and washed their faces. They lined up in front of the legions cooks then eat their breakfast around the campfires while they listened to some rumors. Words have spread what transpired last night, patrolling men of the legions were also able to notice the night sky. They learned from their officers that Rome might be east of their position, they just have to march east and destroy any obstacles that gets in their way and sail across the sea to get back to Rome.

With renewed hope the soldiers can be seen eating their breakfast with great enthusiasm as they talked about the battle that happened yesterday as dwarves, goblins, orcs, giant wolves, great eagles and their legions do battle. They mocked the goblins being weak, they worshiped the great eagles saving them from orcs that were riding large wolves and the dwarves that fought skillfully compared to their small height. They laughed when they recalled the fat one using his large belly to kill the goblins. They also remembered the old man with a glowing staff which blinded the orcs, it was their first time seeing magic and were excited if they can learn magic.

They recalled the bravery of their prince as he saved them from orcs and goblins. They praised how he endangered his life by fighting alongside with them even though he was of royal blood. They also praised his two officers Garen, who commanded the troops with great leadership and Darius, whose mighty axe cleaved through many foes as he fought wildly while smiling in the heat of battle.

After breakfast they checked their gears then went to their respective battalions as they they trained with great fervour hoping they can be strong enough to survive the upcoming obstacles that will be in their way back to Rome.


Tiberius POV

Me and my officers watched the legionnaires do mock battle, we see it in their eyes flames that wont be extinguished by any foes, they will eliminate anyone that comes in their way on their journey back towards Rome. They they trained with great fervour so that could see their families again.

I turned my head as I heard footsteps coming, looking behind me I see Thorin and Gandalf arriving while they watched the training legions impressed.

Thorin watched carefully at the training men with eyes wide opened as they formed shield walls and testudo: "What a mighty army you have there Prince Tiberius, if my grandfather King Thrór had this army when Smaug arrived we could have beaten him back that day saving our home.

Thorin looks down on the ground and whispers: "If only I was there during that day defending my people."

I looked at Thorin and ask: "Where were you during that day?."

Thorin looked at me with a sad expression: "I was out hunting when Smaug arrived, when I saw smoke coming from the mountain I quickly went back but by the time I arrived it was too late, Smaug already burned my home, just as I was about to battle him to death I saw the king and my father alive, we gathered all surviving dwarves and left our home."

Looking at Thorin with sad expression I apologise: "I'm sorrry"

"Don't worry at least we survived no matter how few were left."

"Where did you go after leaving your home?"

Thorin frowned as he recalled the sad memories: "We were homeless, we gathered what little possessions we had and travelled south before settling in Dunland where we lived in poverty."

I nod at his reply. "By the way what's up with that orc Azog? I saw him only looking at you with great fury during the battle."

Thorin clenches his fist and grit his teeth: "King Thrór saw how poorly we lived and decided to take back the ancient dwarven kingdom Moria, but when he got there he was too late, our enemies got there first. Moria had been taken by armies of Gundabad orcs led by the most vile of their race, Azog the defiler. Azog sworn to wipe out the line of Durin, he began by beheading the king my grandfather. My father went mad in grief when learned about the king's death and summoned other houses of dwarves who were mad at the dishonor to the heir eldest of our race. In the Battle of Azanulbizar my Father went missing, I do not know if he was captured or killed. I stood alone fighting Azog and managed to cut off his right hand thanks to this oaken branch, Azog learned that day it isn't easy to wipe out the line of Durin, before I was able to kill him he was carried away by his spawns, the orcs leaderless lost the battle. We lost too many dwarves during that battle and weren't able to take back Moria with our numbers"

I listen to Thorin's story and worry about the emperor back in Rome, I hope nothing happens when I'm gone. I looked at Thorin and give my condolence: "I'm sorry my friend"

Thorin smiles and we looked back at the training legions.

Company - 100 soldiers

Boring chapter but Tiberius needs to know history

NightCrusadecreators' thoughts