
The Quest

Misty Mountains

Tiberius POV

Arriving back in front of the shield wall, they opened a gap to let us through. Thorin and his companions followed as they sat down to rest.

Riding my mount back towards the legion's formation I looked back behind me to see the incoming goblin tide.

I looked towards my officers and issued my commands. "Darius, Garen go to the front and lead the men, hold those creatures off while I have word with the dwarves."

"At your command." They both responded saluting.

Thorin jumps down from Darius' horse before the two officers left, riding their horse towards the front. Dismounting my horse I looked at the panting dwarves.

"Give them water and rations"

My guards nod before running to get the supplies. Soon coming back they gave the rations to the dwarves and the old man. I watched as they quickly emptied the waterskin and stuffed their mouths with food.

"They must be really tired." I think to myself.

"Got any booze?" Said the fat dwarf.

Ignoring him I looked towards Thorin: "You got some explaining to do."

"Let me explain." Before the dwarf could reply to the old man with a pointy hat walked towards the front.

"I am Gandalf" he points toward the dwarves before speaking. "My friends here names is Gloin, Kili, Bofur, Bombur, Bifur, Oin, Ori, Bali, Fili, Dwalin, Doli, Nori, and Thorin their king. We are on a quest to reclaim Lonely Mountain from the evil dragon Smaug who has taken it as his den. While on our journey my friends here encountered the goblins who captured them. They dragged them inside the mountain towards goblin town where their king interrogated them." He paused as he recalled what happened. "The goblin king was about to torture them when I killed him. Killing their king I angered the entire den of goblins making them chase us. As we made our escape we run towards the tunnels as they continued to chase us, when we got out from mountain I saw your army and you know the rest."

I looked furiously at Gandalf. "You lured them to us! My men's blood is on your hands, why should I not kill you where you stand?" I pointed my blade at him.

"They would have attacked you regardless." He shook his head. "Your army is too close to their den, and the smell of men would attract the goblins as they see man's flesh as a delicacy." He paused looking at me. "What's your name, young man? and which kingdom does this army do belong to?"

Gandalf observes the legion and continues to speak. "I don't recognize those armors and gears, and that red flag with the symbol of an eagle and laurel wreath are unfamiliar. You're not Gondor, Rohan, nor Easterlings." He paused as he looked in surprised. "Wait, why can I sense Númenóreans blood within you and your men?!"

I lowered my sword and replied. "I'm Prince Tiberius Claudius commander of the Roman Empire northern legions." I raised my brow. "How can you sense my blood and what do you mean by Númenóreans who are they?"

Gandalf looked confused before explaining. "All races in middle earth knows I'm Gandalf the grey, an Istari also called as a wizard in the mortal tongue. As for your blood I can sense it from the energy around you." He bowed his head before continuing. "The Númenóreans were the Men of Númenor, descendants of the Edain of the First Age, who were granted the island of Elenna as a dwelling place. They turned against the Valar, and their island home was destroyed in the last years of the Second Age."

Gandalf paused as he tried to recall something. "Where is this Roman Empire you mentioned young prince? I've never heard of any kingdoms named Rome in middle earth."

"Middle earth?" As I was about to question him I hear him shout as he points his finger behind me.


On our rear I saw giant wolves and riding them should be what Gandalf said was orcs. Leading them was an orc sitting on a white wolf. The orc had pale skin and scarred face while holding a mace in his left hand and instead of a right hand where it should be, a blade was attached to it instead. Observing the orc I realized he was eyeing Thorin with anger.

"Aavavack!"(Attack!) The orc shouted in a strange language as he points his mace towards us.

Hearing his shout the rest of the orcs riding giant wolves urged their mounts forward, charging towards their rear.

"SHIELD WALL!" I screamed in panic as I see the incoming assault.
