
Chapter Eight

Elric glanced around at the animals looking back at him from the kennels with an increasing feeling of aversion. Their eyes were sad, their cages too small. He turned away as Ann chatted with one of the workers who walked them through the kennels showing her paperwork and explaining the options available to her.

"Why are these cages not bigger?" he demanded, interrupting their conversation.

The woman looked at him with wide eyes and Ann excused them, yanking Elric off to the side with a defiant look on her face. She scolded him in a harsh whisper, "I can't believe you. Do you know most of the workers here volunteer their time? They do what they can with the donations they receive."

"Ah, so, the donations they receive are not enough to combat the unacceptable number of lame humans willing to abandon their animals."

She looked at the cages, sighing as she fought her frustration, "Not all of these animals are abandoned. Some of them were bred on the street. What you don't see here is all the animals that have been taken home. Like we will take one home as soon as we put in the application." She stared up at him, her chocolate eyes narrowed as though she were concerned for his cold heart. "You can look at every wrong thing in the world, or you can decide to dive in and do what you can to change it for the better." She turned back to the cages, "Now help me pick a pet."

Her words struck a nerve. How often had he or the other gargoyles scoffed at the humans? Scoffed at the world while retreating into darkness? They could have taken human form using their wealth and power for positive effect. They didn't, instead they went to sleep. All because it seemed too overwhelming and pointless to try and blend in. Perhaps if he had met a human like Ann, then it might not have felt that way.

He was here with her now, and she was asking for his help.

He made his way along the cages, a part of him wishing he could take all the animals here. It gave him just one idea of how to use some of his wealth once he regained access. He heard the smallest mewl and stopped in front of a cage housing a tiny tortoise shell calico kitten. His heart pounded at the sight of the adorable little creature creating a warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest.

He was going insane. It should look like dinner, not a companion. Yet he couldn't stop watching as the tiny thing approached the bars and sniffed his fingertips.

"This one," he said to Ann.

She walked over and looked into the cage. "A kitten?"

"A kitten. This one picked me."

She frowned, "I was thinking of picking up an adult--"

"This one," he insisted.

The shelter worker joined them. "That's a good choice. Her other siblings were adopted weeks ago, but she's been tough to place due to her injury."

Elric's eyes widened, "Injury?"

The shelter worker unlocked the cage and reach in, pulling the tiny creature out with great care before holding it out to Elric. That was when he saw the little thing was missing one eye. It looked up at him helplessly as it was handed across to him. He tucked it against his body and it instantly started to purr loudly. He already loved it. Love was a word that had never previously been in his vocabulary. What could this little creature offer him or Ann with its inability to see properly? And yet, he couldn't let it go.

"We'll take this one," Ann said with a smile directed at him. The shelter worker gestured for them to follow her to a row of desks where they could fill out the appropriate paperwork.

A couple of hours later, the tiny kitten was theirs.

"What do you want to name her?" Ann asked reaching over and letting the kitten sniff her hand before taking her from him. Watching her hold the kitten was almost too much for Elric, so he turned away and walked toward their parked car.

"I am uncertain. I have never named something before," he said.

"Well, it should be something creative and not obvious, in my opinion," she told him, her fingers rubbing the kitten's neck and chest as she walked.

"Spotty?" he asked.

"Creative, Elric," she reminded him.

"Cyclops?" he teased.

"Too mean," Ann swung her fist at his arm.

He dodged easily, opening the car door for her and taking the kitten so she could drive. The kitten curled up in his lap once he settled in on the passenger side and began purring. He wondered how many points to assign humanity for this miraculous bundle of cuteness. Humans had rescued and protected it, despite its flaw. He stroked his finger over its head thoughtfully, enjoying the way it moved its cheek against his fingertip.

"You like that?"

The kitten didn't answer, but he saw Ann smiling out of the corner of his eye. Obviously he was winning points with her for bonding with the kitten.

"Bonus Points?" he joked.

She glared at him and started the car, "Don't you dare."

"I am open to any suggestions you might have, Ann," he said noting her disapproval of his every idea.

"What about… Peony?" she offered after a long stretch of thoughtful silence while she drove.

"What do you think?" he asked, holding the kitten up to look it in the eye. "Peony…" He blinked slowly and the kitten blinked back before he tucked her into his arms again.

"I think it suits her," she said softly.

"Peony it is." He stroked a finger over the kitten's ears gently. "You are returning home with us, Peony."

He was surprised to find going home had begun to truly mean going back with Ann, and she didn't correct him when he said it.

"We need to get some supplies, but then we'll take her home and get her settled."

"And then, how shall we finish our day?" he asked.

"How about movie and popcorn?" she asked.

He nodded, "Sounds like a fine plan. Peony can come too?" He enjoyed popcorn and felt it was a marvelous, and delicious, invention.

"Yes." She glanced over in amusement at how he held the kitten, "Peony can come, too."


There was nothing sexier than watching a giant, modern warrior of a man baby-talking to a tiny, one-eyed kitten. Currently, Elric was coaching the little darling on moving around without running into things or losing balance. While Peony was able to walk moderately well, she was very unbalanced and her lack of depth perception sent her into an object more often than not. Elric took on the most fatherly role with the little creature, and she was happy to see another side to the strange man she let into her life and her home.

After all his posturing, protective, big talking swagger, she had no idea the thing that could most attract her to him was watching him interact with the tiny tortoise shell calico that barely filled his massive palm.

The microwave chimed and she poured the popcorn from the bag into a half full bowl to take out to Elric.

"Can kittens have popcorn?" he asked holding out a piece in his long, strong fingers.

She blocked it swiftly and shook her head, "I think we should stick to giving her cat food for now. We don't want to teach her to beg."

"Right," he said but she knew she was going to have trouble with him wanting to give the kitten treats. She needed to look up what cats could and couldn't have so he could safely spoil her.

"I think they're carnivores," she commented watching his fingers play in the soft, multicolored fur.

Her cheeks heated as she suddenly wished he was using his fingers in a different way. A way that was extremely inappropriate for kittens, especially ones with their own room on the ground floor. She didn't have to know what Mommy and Daddy were doing in their room upstairs. Oh no, she was already thinking of them as pet parents. She didn't even know who this guy was. Would he ever be able to hold a job? Would he actually turn into some sort of animal if he lost his collar? Would he want her to leave this world for his?

"While I could read your thoughts," he said softly. "I would much prefer you told me on your own."

She eyed him slowly, reaching over to pet the kitten. "I appreciate that. I'm just thinking about all the unknowns. I know so little about you."

"There is a great deal of past. Yet the majority of it is not relevant to our current situation. It is simply my past. The future is as uncertain for me as it is for you," he told her.

"If you're freed from your collar and become a full gargoyle again, what then?" she inquired.

"I do not know. The Oracle wants to know I shall do no harm and am willing and able to help in some way, although I am uncertain as to how. I like to believe it will be my choice."

"Help as in what?" she asked. "Something dangerous?"

"Not for me. One of my primary powers is being invincible. However, I would worry for those around me. I would certainly want you sequestered somewhere secret for your safety. Somewhere those I would fight would be unable to find and thus unable to find you," he said and shook his head, his dark hair falling forward obscuring his hard, handsome features. "Ugh, this is why I did not wish to be involved."

"So, why did you?" she asked scratching Peony's head as she looked up at him.

He stared at her, his perfectly curved, full lips tightening to a thin line, "You are irresistible."


"I am unsure where this is going. For once, however, I am comfortable with that. I am simply aware I will be unable to leave you. Do not ask me to."

"Okay," she agreed. "But at some point, we'll have to address the future. What it means for us, because I don't want to leave my life--I like it."

"Not even to stay with us and all my treasure?" he asked holding Peony against his cheek, the pair of them looking pitifully at her.

"I treasure those around me most. The people I love," she said.

He went quiet, tucking Peony into his arm. She ignored him and climbed onto his big shoulder, curling her little body around the side of his neck. She let out the smallest content sigh that made them share a look and smile.

She leaned into Elric's side, opposite the now snoozing kitten, her head on his hard shoulder. She sighed, "If only you weren't a shapeshifter. If only you were just another guy."

He shook his head from side to side, "No, I am most certainly a shifter. I shall be a full one again soon enough."

"How do you get the collar off?"

"I do not know. It had something to do with understanding humans." He looked at Peony, "They earned a few thousand points today, thanks to you and this little angel."

She smiled wide, "I'm glad."

It was odd that something as simple and innocent as snuggling with Elric had the power to make her increasingly aroused. The movie they were watching was a chick flick, a tame one, and the kitten was right there being perfect and cute. However, the woman in her was stirring, wanting something she too often went without. The man might be odd and mysterious and surprising her with every passing hour. She couldn't help but recall their incredible kiss in the salon. How it felt when he rescued her. His huge presence. How good he could be in the world if he chose to be. And how he made her melt when he touched her. If she didn't know better, she would say there was magic happening between them.

"Elric," she whispered, leaning her body against his when she could take no more of waiting for him.

"Yes?" he asked absent-mindedly as he watched the movie and stroked the kitten in his lap.

"Do you think Peony is ready for a nap in her room?"

"No, I am enjoying her."

Ann moved her hand over his chest, gliding her hand over his pecs and down his abdomen until she knew she had his attention. She smiled at him, "What about now?"

He stood with Peony in his hands and walked with her to the back room where they had set up her food, litter box, and a bed as well as some toys. Elric strode back out empty handed. He had on only his tee and jeans, his hair loose and around his face hanging in dark, shiny waves. His dark eyes glittered as he folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorway watching her. "Are you sure?"

She nodded. She had never been so certain of anything in her entire life.

"Once I start, I will not want to stop," he warned her, stepping closer.

"Good," she dared him, reaching up to tangle her fingers in his hair. She didn't know if she was under his spell or just infatuated after a perfect day with him--it didn't matter. She was going to get to know him more intimately. Much more intimately. Right now.
