

The exhibit might've been focused on Squad Eleven itself, but Jiraiya's gaze was inevitably drawn to the very special guest that the Captain had brought to the event. If the division was trying to compete with Squad Ten's dragon, they were giving it all they had in the form of a being Jiraiya had not expected to meet in person this day. Behind the Captain and Lieutenant was an absolute giant of a woman, rivaling even the behemoth that was Kiganjō in height. Her frame, or at least what Jiraiya could make out of it, was almost pure muscle, and in her own way she was almost as menacing as Captain Drakken's pet. Clad in black leather armor with a gold harness rather than Soul Reaper robes, the arms and legs that remained exposed were almost as pale as snow. Dark boots of animal hide went up her knees, thick and lined with fur at the top. Her face was completely concealed by a menacing helmet that had small black wings coming out from the sides and two curved horns sprouting from the forehead. There was a pair of thick dark lips engraved upon the steel face of the mask, but they did not look inviting. Chainmail draped down from the helmet covering her neck along with a portion of her shoulders, as well as concealing whatever color her hair might've been. The eye-slits of the mask were rather small, but Jiraiya thought he detected a flash of cold silver behind them. The head of a double-edged axe peeked out from behind her waist, and Jiraiya was sure that the full weapon was every bit as intimidating as the woman who wielded it.

The most eye-catching feature of all, though, were the two enormous wings that seemed to envelope the woman. Even folded, they seemed to dwarf her, with their bent joints still well above her head. If Jiraiya had to hazard a guess, he was willing to bet that her full wing-span was twice again as long as she was tall. Their feathers were a mix of black, gold, silver and bronze, a mixture that was as beautiful as it was ominous. Far more impressive than their appearance, though, was the power that Jiraiya could feel radiating from them. It seemed to be suppressed much like that of Squad Eleven's Captain and Lieutenant, but even then, it permeated the air around her like an oppressive haze. Jiraiya could only speculate as to what her full-strength might be, but even with just this hint he was willing to bet that she could go toe-to-toe with a Captain when she cut loose.

So, he thought, this is one of the famed warrior women of the north…

A Valkyrie.

An ancient organization that predated not only the Thirteen Court Guard Squads but also the Andunayan conquest of the Soul Society, the Order of the Valkyries was quite unique as far as warriors in the afterlife were concerned. Part religious sect and part militant force, the Order was composed exclusively of women who had pledged themselves to protecting and serving both the lands of the far north and the Starmont Clan. Renowned for their fearsome abilities and incredible power, these proud and indomitable women were perhaps the main reason why the unforgiving lands of the north could still be inhabited by humans, for it was they who had beaten back the Hollows in bygone ages and had given others a chance to settle in that harsh domain.

Fully-fledged Valkyries actually made up no more than a small handful of the Order's members, and from what Jiraiya understood thanks to the few mentions that they'd been given in class their numbers typically did not exceed single digits. The bulk of their ranks consisted of new apprentices, acolytes, temple guards, healers, lore keepers, and handmaidens. A woman was not considered to be a true Valkyrie until she'd been given her own pair of wings. The crafting of these wings was a closely guarded secret, but it was rumored that the power they were infused with allowed their wielders to go toe-to-toe with a Soul Reaper Captain's Bankai. Jiraiya didn't know if this was true or not, but if the spirit energy he could sense emanating from Squad Eleven's guest was any indication it was certainly within the realm of possibility.

His staring hadn't gone unnoticed; the Valkyrie's posture shifted ever so slightly as Jiraiya approached. His eyes met hers, and he recalled what the instructor in the meal hall had said earlier.

"As another warning," the instructor continued, "I would strongly advise not to openly stare at Squad Eleven's guest for too long, especially with regards to direct eye contact. That will be taken as a challenge, and it is one that I can assure you none of you would survive."

It's not in my nature to back down easily, he mused, but discretion would serve me well here. I'm not exactly at the point that I can challenge someone like her, at least not yet.

He casually shifted his gaze towards Squad Eleven's Captain. Out of the corner of his eye he saw some of the tension in the Valkyrie's frame ease up, and Jiraiya allowed himself to focus firmly on the man who ran the division.

Captain Starmont stepped forward, his eyes narrowing slightly as Jiraiya approached. "I was wondering when the top tier students would begin making their way here. Welcome to Squad Eleven's exhibit, Jiraiya."

Jiraiya smiled. "So, I beat Itachi and Visaelya here? Good to know. It's an honor to make your acquaintance, Captain."

"Likewise," he replied, "I've seen the scores from your combat instructors along with the results of your finals. For a student, you demonstrate exemplary battle potential."

"Glad you noticed," said Jiraiya, "I'd hate to think that all my hard work was for nothing."

Captain Starmont actually smirked at that. "Hard work? Hardly. There's a difference between that and genuine talent for battle. Yours is definitely the latter. We're not supposed to make this inquiry, but rumor has it that you're from the Realm of the Living known as the Shinobi World, and that you acquired a considerable amount of combat experience in your past life there. Would there be any truth to that?"

Jiraiya chuckled. "You don't mince words, do you? Let's just say that there is and leave it at that."

The noble nodded. "Fair enough."

His Lieutenant grinned. "So, you can actually fight worth a damn?"

Jiraiya casually shrugged. "I'd like to think so."

"I'm sure you're aware of our reputation," said Captain Starmont, "Your spirit energy reserves are considerable for a student, but if you join us you should be prepared to only use it to enhance your physical battle prowess. We're not cowards who hide behind Kidō spells, and we won't accept those that do into our ranks."

"That goes for your Zanpakutō, too," said Kiganjō, "If you unlock its Shikai, it'd better be a melee type. Otherwise, you can hightail it out of here."

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "I heard you guys had some strict rules about that sort of thing, but I didn't think they were that rigid. Don't you think you're missing out on potentially talented members if you're cutting off recruits like that?"

"Some might be of that opinion," the Captain replied, "Here in Squad Eleven, we know what we stand for. Since our division's founding, we've had only one purpose; to take the fight to the enemy with our blades. We might maintain barracks in the Seireitei, but the only place a true member of Squad Eleven is really at home is at the heart of a battlefield."

"We're all doomed to die," Kiganjō added, "Squad Eleven believes that our deaths should come gloriously in combat. Who wants to die of old age? Only weaklings go out that way."

"Something tells me you guys probably have a high turnover rate among your members," Jiraiya quipped.

Captain Starmont's gaze hardened. "Everyone who joins our ranks knows what they're signing up for. As for those who might be under a false impression, they're free to transfer out whenever they'd like. There's no peaceful 'leave of absence' after a long career in this division; Squad Eleven is for warriors, and there's only one acceptable way for a warrior's career to end."

Jiraiya folded his arms. "Doesn't that cause problems for someone like yourself, though? You are the heir to a Great Noble House, after all. It'd be awfully inconvenient for your clan if you died, no matter how glorious your demise might be."

"Arrangements have been made," the Captain replied gruffly, "I'm not my father's only son, after all. Besides, noble family politics shouldn't be your concern as a Soul Reaper, especially if you're looking at Squad Eleven."

Kiganjō nodded. "We don't have time for any of that court intrigue. The only thing that Squad Eleven concerns itself with is battle."

"So, I've noticed," said Jiraiya dryly as he glanced at the Valkyrie, "Is your guest of the same mindset?"

Starmont turned to the winged warrior and smiled. "I was wondering when you'd bring up Gunnr. She may not be a member of Squad Eleven, or even a Soul Reaper for that matter, but I can assure you that her fervor for battle is every bit as great as our own. It's why I invited her to this year's exhibition; who better to represent the north alongside myself than the Valkyrie known as the Mistress of War. Squad Eleven undertakes more than its share of missions in the north, so for us to fight alongside the Valkyries is not an uncommon occurrence."

Jiraiya regarded Gunnr carefully. He knew that wasn't her real name; one of the Order's customs was that any woman who became a full-fledged Valkyrie had to discard her past name and take on a new one. Gaining their wings was considered a transcendent moment, one which symbolically represented the death of who they had once been and their subsequent rebirth into their new life. It was a sign of utter commitment, one that was not made lightly.

I wouldn't mind knowing who she was before she claimed her wings, he mused as he studied her, but I doubt that's something she'd divulge here.

"I'm sure it's an honor for Squad Eleven to host a Valkyrie at today's festivities," he said, "Of course, I'm willing to bet that the real reason you invited her was so you'd have a way to compete with Captain Drakken's mascot. Am I wrong?"

The slight stiffening of the Captain's posture was all the hint Jiraiya needed to know that he'd hit the nail right on the head. Starmont could talk all he wanted about 'representing the north'; he was really just trying to one-up a fellow Captain, no matter how much he might try to deny it.

And he certainly did try to deny it. "I don't know what you're talking about, Jiraiya. Valkyries are the pride of the north; they're not to be trotted out like prized horses to show off to others."

Much to Jiraiya's surprise, it was none other than the lady in question that undercut her host. "And yet that is why you truly requested my presence, Lord Starmont."

It was a statement of fact, not a question, and Jiraiya couldn't help but notice a hint of displeasure in her voice. That was a shame, because apart from that her voice was absolutely lovely; low and smooth, buttressed by firm confidence. She knew who she was, what she was capable of, and that right now she was fulfilling a role that she considered to be beneath her.

The Captain bristled at her words. "Even if that were the case, I would think that you might enjoy getting to leave the north for a little while."

Gunnr shook her head. "If that is your belief, then you know less of the Order than you should. The north is our only home, and it is the land we are duty-bound to defend. We do not belong anywhere else, least of all in some exhibit that's as much an exercise in vanity as it is for recruitment."

Jiraiya smiled. "You cut right to the chase, don't you? I like that in a woman!"

The Valkyrie turned her gaze towards him, and even through the small slits in the helmet he could make out enough of her eyes to get something of a read on her. He was surprised to find that she actually seemed more curious about him than anything else, which Jiraiya definitely took as a good sign.

"Your bold, for a student," she said after a moment, "Surely you were warned about me before you came here?"

Jiraiya shrugged. "One of the instructors might've mentioned something about you. If they thought it was going to scare me away from you, then they were wrong."

The light in her eyes brightened ever so slightly, and Jiraiya was willing to bet that behind that mask she was smiling. "So, it would seem. You do not lack for courage, if nothing else. That's certainly more than can be said for most of the students I have observed here today; they refuse to make even the briefest of eye contact out of fear."

Jiraiya laughed. "Well, they were told that you'd take it as a challenge and that they should avoid picking a fight! I can't say I blame them; you might be holding back, but I can tell that you're packing an incredible amount of power in those wings of yours."

"While it is true that a Valkyrie would normally consider a sustained period of staring to be a challenge, we are not unreasonable," said Gunnr, "We enjoy polite conversation just like anyone else, and simple eye contact is part of that, after all. We're proud, but we're not beasts, and we certainly have greater self-control than the likes of Squad Ten's dragon."

Jiraiya nodded. "Good to know."

She then folded her arms. "That being said, boldness without restraint is not healthy. You should be wary, Jiraiya, less you provoke a force that's beyond your ability to counter."

Jiraiya grinned. "Good advice, but I might not be able to follow it. Provoking powerful women is something of a hobby of mine!"

A very soft sound came from behind that mask, and Jiraiya did a double-take. Was this armored and winged warrior actually laughing?

"A hobby," she said, and this time he definitely caught at least a giggle before she fully composed herself, "You're an interesting one… far more so than most men of the southern lands that I've met in the past."

Jiraiya smirked. "Oh, really? That's pretty high praise coming from a woman as powerful as you! Care to join me for a drink later? I'm sure I could find ways to keep you entertained!"

Gunnr shook her head. "I'm sorry, but the drinks that are served in the Seireitei are too weak for my tastes."

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "Too weak? What exactly do Valkyries drink, anyway?"

"Come to the north sometime, and you'll see," she replied, "Besides, I'm afraid that I'm not here to mingle and carouse, regardless of their appeal or the one who's making the offer."

Jiraiya didn't take it personally; she certainly wasn't being rude about it, and in fact was turning him down much more gently than women had back when he was alive. "I understand. If I get a chance to visit the north after graduation, I might just have to come find you."

The glimpse of light in her eyes that he could see through the slits in her helmet looked rather amused at that. "If you have what it takes to make it to the Temple of the Valkyries, then you will have earned the right to find me. The trek is not to be taken lightly, as many wayward travelers would attest. Should you prove yourself capable of surviving the journey, you may be deemed more than merely interesting by my sisters."

Jiraiya grinned. "If that's a challenge, then you should know that you Valkyries aren't the only ones who know how to rise to meet one!"

Gunnr nodded. "So it would seem."

Captain Starmont cleared his throat. "I'm glad that you're not intimidated by my guest, but she is not the one that runs Squad Eleven, Jiraiya."

Jiraiya chuckled as he turned back to him. "Well, if you didn't want her to steal the show, then you shouldn't have invited her."

The Legendary Sannin could tell that he was wearing out his welcome; the Captain seemed much less keen on having him here now than he had been earlier. Had his pride been offended by Jiraiya seeing through his motives for having a Valkyrie as part of his exhibit so easily? Was he just insulted because Jiraiya was more interested in his guest than he was in his division? Either way, it didn't matter to him.

I suppose Squad Eleven's got its own charm, he mused, but I'm afraid it's not one that really speaks to me. I came here more out of curiosity than anything else. I think I've learned all I need to about Squad Eleven today.

The Captain seemed to sense his line of thought. "Do you have any further questions for my Lieutenant or myself today, Jiraiya?"

Jiraiya shook his head. "No, I think I've got a pretty good idea as to what Squad Eleven's all about. I won't take up any more of your time."

He spared one last glance towards Gunnr before leaving, and he saw her shift to meet his gaze. The sage wished she wasn't wearing that helmet and mask; it would've made her much easier to read.

"I suppose this is goodbye for now, Miss Gunnr," he said, "Or would that be Lady Gunnr? I don't really know what titles you Valkyries typically use."

He thought he caught a glimmer in those silver eyes hiding behind the mask, and if he had to bet he'd say that she was smiling. "We do not keep titles in our Order, Jiraiya. The closest we have to them are the new names we take when we are granted our wings. Use my name freely, as I would use yours."

Jiraiya smiled. "All right, then. It was a pleasure to meet you, Gunnr. I can't say what the future holds, but I hope our paths cross again someday."

The Mistress of War nodded. "As do I, Jiraiya. I shall tell my sisters what I have seen here when I return to the north, and we shall keep our ears open for word of you exploits. If I've read you correctly today, I'm sure you will have great deeds to your name in due time. Your name will reach the north long before you do."


"Where'd little Miss Vissy run off to?" came a familiar male voice from behind him.

Itachi didn't need to turn around to know that Jiraiya was approaching him. "She went to the meal hall for some tea. She should be back in a little while."

Jiraiya smiled as he came up next to him. "Well, I can't blame her for wanting a little break. This is quite the fun day we're having, after all!"

Itachi couldn't argue with that. The recruitment exhibition was still in full swing, after all, and he still hadn't gotten through all the displays yet. It was so far beyond the runup to the graduation ceremony that had taken place at the Academy in the Village Hidden in the Leaves all those years ago.

Perhaps they should've instituted something similar, he mused, Shinobi can follow many paths after graduation, much like Soul Reapers. It would be good for Genin to get a chance to sample certain Shinobi roles; there's not nearly enough of that in the Academy curriculum, or at least there wasn't back when I was attending.

"Well, what do you want to do?" asked Jiraiya, "Were you thinking of waiting for her to come back from her break?"

Itachi shook his head. "She said not to wait for her. I think she wants to finish touring the rest of the exhibits on her own."

Jiraiya nodded. "Fair enough. You feeling like doing the same, or do you want to mix it up? I wouldn't mind a partner if you're up for it."

"Sounds good," said Itachi, "Feel free to set the pace. I'm in no hurry."

Jiraiya smiled. "I guess we do still have plenty of time left."

The two of them idly wandered through the crowd with no particular destination in mind. Itachi scanned the surrounding displays while Jiraiya did the same, evaluating potential destinations just like they would mission objectives back when they were Shinobi.

"By the way, I've got some news for you," said Itachi, "It concerns a former student of yours… and a former colleague of mine."

Jiraiya's eyes widened. "Nagato? What did you hear?"

Itachi relayed to him the conversation he'd had with Captain Hikifune. As the sage took it all in, the ex-Akatsuki member could sense the gears turning within his mind.

"Orange hair, not red," he said after a moment, "You sure?"

Itachi nodded. "Yes. Her report was quite specific on that front."

"I see," said Jiraiya, "So it was one of his Paths that her subordinate encountered, not Nagato himself. Still, if a Path could see a Soul Reaper, there's no reason why Nagato couldn't."

"Nagato never mentioned seeing anything like that when you were training him?" asked Itachi.

Jiraiya shook his head. "No, but he was very young back then. His Rinnegan was likely still developing; he didn't have nearly the same kind of power back then as he did when he killed me. It's possible that he gained the ability to see spirits with it much later on. Even though I was his teacher for a time, I'll admit that there's a ton I didn't understand about his eyes. Hell, even now I know that I still don't have a complete grasp of them; there's a damn good reason the Rinnegan was considered to be a legend, after all."

Itachi nodded. "You're right. He never gave any hints when I was in the Akatsuki that he could see beings such as Soul Reapers, but it's entirely possible that he simply kept that knowledge to himself. A powerful Shinobi doesn't reveal their secrets lightly, after all."

"That's certainly true," said Jiraiya, "I wonder if being able to see spirits when others couldn't might've played a role in who he became. To be able to sense the dead in a way that those surrounding him could not… that could've influenced the philosophy he ultimately came up with."

Itachi shook his head. "It's possible, but we have no proof one way or the other. His experiences in the Third Shinobi World War were powerful enough to serve as sufficient motivators; being able to see the dead may have played only a minor role in comparison to that, if it had any influence at all. Either way, it's a moot point now."

Jiraiya sighed. "I know, but still… I can't help but look back and wonder. He was my student, after all, even if it was only for a little while. I had a responsibility towards him, and I failed to give him what he really needed. If I'd understood more, dug deeper, then maybe he wouldn't have become Pain."

"You did what you thought was right at the time," Itachi countered, "What happened afterwards, and how Nagato reacted to it, was beyond your power to control."

Jiraiya chuckled ruefully. "Maybe, but… well, it's all too easy to second guess ourselves and try to find a way to change the past in our heads. I'm sure you know a thing or two about that."

Itachi closed his eyes for a moment as images of a fateful blood-soaked night flashed through his mind. "Yes..."

There was a somber silence between the two of them for a few seconds before Jiraiya nudged his shoulder. "Why don't we go check out that one? Seems as good a place as any."

Following Jiraiya's gaze, Itachi saw the display of Squad Five. It was rather modest when compared to the exhibits that had been put together by the other divisions, but it was still an intriguing one. The setup was simple yet rather elegant, consisting of a small banzai garden and a stone walkway that led straight to the senior officers. A white banner hung over the entrance with the division's insignia, the lily of the valley, emblazoned in black upon it.

It had been quite some time since Itachi and Jiraiya had last seen Captain Hirako, but the commander of the Fifth Division seemed to recognize them easily enough as he gave them a friendly nod and wave. Itachi responded in kind, but soon found his attention drawn away from the Captain and towards his Lieutenant, who appeared to be studying him quite keenly.

It was the first time Itachi had met him before, but right away he could sense that there was something different about him when compared to the other Lieutenants that he'd met so far. As far as appearances were concerned, his seemed plain enough; well-groomed brown hair, rectangular black-frame glasses over a pair of soft brown eyes, and a relatively average if somewhat on the athletic-side build. He wore the standard Soul Reaper robes, and his badge was tied to his upper-left arm. The Zanpakutō that hung at his waist looked like an ordinary katana with green hilt wrapping, while the only oddity was the tsuba, which was shaped like a hexagon.

Utterly ordinary at first glance, Itachi mused, and yet… something's amiss.

A quick glance at Jiraiya out of the corner of his eye told Itachi that the Legendary Sannin had caught it too. The Lieutenant warranted closer scrutiny, or at least that's what Itachi's instincts were telling him. Why, though? After a moment's thought, Itachi realized it was the man's eyes that were the source of this feeling. The way they looked at him appeared to be more than just an officer evaluating potential new recruits. It felt like he was being viewed as something else… and it felt oddly familiar.

For the briefest of moments, a strange mental image flashed before Itachi's mind's eye. The man's body remained, but his face was replaced by that of another.


It was only for a split-second, and it would've been all too easy to dismiss as just a figment of his imagination, but Itachi knew better. He'd seen the way that the fallen Legendary Sannin had looked at him when he'd joined the Akatsuki; seeing him not as a human being, but as a test subject or target.

That was exactly how the man before him was looking at him now. He was much subtler about it, and of course it helped that his appearance wasn't snake-like as Orochimaru's had been, but it was there all the same. The look he was giving Itachi and Jiraiya now was that of someone evaluating new faces to see if they'd be of use to him, not his division. A normal observer wouldn't have picked up on it, but the last thing Itachi and Jiraiya could be accused of was being normal.

The way the Lieutenant was looking at them wasn't the only hint that something was off with him. Taking another glance at Hirako, Itachi realized that the Captain of Squad Five's stance wasn't quite what it had initially appeared. To the majority of the attendees of the recruitment exhibition he probably seemed at ease, but there were enough hints in the way he carried himself for Itachi to come to a different conclusion. The way he stood might appear to be relaxed, but his footing was solid enough that he could react to an attack instantly. Also, Itachi couldn't help but notice that Hirako appeared to be making sure that at least one of his hands was never too far from the handle of his Zanpakutō. There was a certain distance between Captain and Lieutenant that wasn't like what Itachi had observed from officers he'd met before. It was as if Hirako were making a conscious effort to keep his subordinate at arm's length, although Itachi doubted most people would pick up on that.

A Captain that's wary of his own Lieutenant, he thought, This isn't like Yoruichi and her Lieutenant; she appears to view him as simply an annoyance or an unwanted interloper courtesy of noble family politics. Captain Hirako and his subordinate, though… it feels like he sees him as a potential threat. A threat to what, though?

One thing was for sure; the fun and carefree air that had surrounded the recruitment exhibition up until now was gone, at least for Itachi and Jiraiya. They were both on guard, and Itachi was sure that the two veteran Soul Reapers they were approaching had picked up on it. How things would play out from here was an open question, but neither of them was about to walk away.

Shinji smiled as the two of them approached. "I was wondering when we'd get the chance to chat today. It's been a while."

Itachi nodded. "So it has. Good to see you again, Captain Hirako."

"Nice little setup you've got here," said Jiraiya, "Tasteful, but not ostentatious. Someone in your division has a good eye for this sort of thing."

Shinji smirked. "Well, as much as I'd like to take all the credit, I did have some help from my Lieutenant. Speaking of which, I don't think you guys have met before."

The brown-haired man gave the two of them a polite nod. "I'm Sōsuke Aizen. It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance; Captain Hirako has spoken quite highly about both of you in the past."

Itachi turned to Shinji. "Is that so?"

Shinji shrugged. "Hey, what can I say? You two have been raising eyebrows ever since the Academy entrance exams six years ago. You showed promise back then, and your test scores have only served to reinforce that. Hell, you even managed to get back on track and impress the Head Captain after that soul fracture incident. You've had some high-profile eyes on you for quite a while now."

"Nice of you to butter us up like that," said Jiraiya, "but we don't need to waste time on flattery?"

Shinji chuckled. "Right to the point, huh? All right, then. I can play that game. What do you want to know?"

"Let's start with the basics," said Itachi, "What can you tell us about Squad Five?"

"Well, as far as organization's concerned, we pretty much follow the standard model," Shinji replied, "I'm at the top, Aizen's my Lieutenant, and so on from there."

"There's no need to make things too complex," Aizen added, "The format may be traditional, but it serves its purpose."

Maybe Itachi was imagining things, but it almost felt like the Lieutenant had all but spat out the word 'traditional'. What was it about that word that seemed to leave a bad taste in his mouth?

"Any special duties?" asked Jiraiya.

"Not to the extent of divisions such as Squads Two and Twelve," Shinji answered, "I suppose our functions are rather ordinary when compared to theirs. We fight Hollows, perform the Konsō, patrol the Soul Society, defend the Seireitei, and more."

"We keep a flexible mission profile," said Aizen, "We do have high standards for recruits, and all members are expected to excel at battle readiness."

Shinji smiled. "We're close to the top when it comes to rapid response times. Squad Two might beat us out there, but occasionally we can give Yoruichi a run for her money. No small feat when you're up against the Flash Goddess."

Itachi nodded. "I see."

"Your reputation's certainly a good one," said Jiraiya, "Even in the Academy, Squad Five is one of the units that held up by the instructors as a model division. You must've put in a lot of work in order to maintain that kind of image."

Shinji smirked. "When you're good at the job, people tend to notice. Usually it's Squad Six that gets that kind of praise. Nice to see that we can give them some competition."

"Captain Kuchiki's division always strives for perfection," Aizen added, "However, they can become a bit too rigid in their pursuit of it. Flexibility is invaluable, and we take pains to emphasize it in Squad Five."

"A good mindset," said Itachi as he studied Aizen carefully, "One that the Soul Society as a whole could stand to embrace a bit more."

Aizen smiled slightly. "Yes, I suppose it could."

His response might've seemed casually approving on the surface, but Itachi thought he sensed something more behind it. It was hard to say for sure, but it almost felt like contempt. Was it for Itachi, or was it for the Soul Society?

If Itachi had to guess, he'd bet on the latter.

Shinji sighed. "Plenty of our divisions see the value in that kind of approach, but the Head Captain and the Central Forty-Six are a different matter. They're about as flexible as ancient oaks, which is to say not very."

"So we've noticed," said Jiraiya, "The Academy instructors might try to gloss over it, but it's not hard to recognize that both the Thirteen Court Guard Squads and the Central Forty-Six are organizations that give a great deal of deference to tradition, maybe overly so."

Aizen's gaze shifted to Jiraiya, examining the Legendary Sannin with interest. "How might you act to address such an issue?"

Jiraiya shrugged. "I don't think I'm really qualified for that. I mean, I'm technically still a student, after all."

"Nothing wrong with thinking big and moving outside your comfort zone," said Shinji, "You're going to be an official Soul Reaper this time next week, after all. A little initiative will go a long way."

Aizen nodded. "Yes. I for one would very much like to hear whatever thoughts both of you have on the matter."

Itachi and Jiraiya glanced at each other, and it wasn't hard for the two of them to recognize what the other was thinking. Who was really running the recruitment here? Was it the Captain or the Lieutenant? What sort of answers were they looking for?

Best to play things close to the chest for now, Itachi thought as he looked at the Lieutenant again, Especially around this one…

He settled for something noncommittal. "That's difficult to say. I won't speak for Jiraiya, but at this point I don't think I have enough practical experience with the Thirteen Court Guard Squads or the Central Forty-Six to give a proper answer."

"Same here," said Jiraiya, "Sorry."

Shinji shook his head. "Don't worry about it."

"Perhaps another time, then," said Aizen.

A slight smile was on the Lieutenant's face. Itachi had expected him to look disappointed, but if that was indeed how he felt he was hiding it quite well. Was he perhaps amused instead? Maybe he had recognized Itachi and Jiraiya's answers for what they really were; a way to avoid revealing to him their true thoughts on the matter.

One thing was for sure; Itachi did not want to linger. If Aizen's own Captain held himself in a manner that suggested he was suspicious of him, then Itachi wasn't about to let his guard down. Anyone that could draw the watchful eye of a Captain was not someone to be taken lightly, and despite all the power Itachi and Jiraiya had wielded in their pervious lives they were still developing their new abilities in the afterlife. If there was a fight to be had, then for the moment their potential opponent was way out of their league.

His Zanpakutō apparently felt the same way. Withdraw and regroup. This man's dangerous… extraordinarily so.

Why, though?

I cannot say with any greater certainty than you can at the moment. Still, we should trust our instincts here.

Itachi wholeheartedly agreed. "Thank you very much for your time today. This has been a very enlightening experience."

Jiraiya smiled. "Perhaps we'll see you around after we join the active duty ranks."

"I'd like that," said Shinji, "You two certainly have a way of keeping things interesting."

There was a look of approval in the Captain's eyes, one that went deeper than what he'd just said to them. It was a look that indicated he recognized what was going through Itachi and likely Jiraiya's mind as well, and he was impressed that they'd caught on to his subtle unease regarding his Lieutenant without any verbal clues.

A potential ally, then… but against what?

We'll have to find the answer another time. Let's get out of here.

Itachi bowed. "Farwell, Captain Hirako; Lieutenant Aizen."

Aizen nodded, the slightest hint of a smirk appearing on his face. "Until next time. Enjoy the rest of the recruitment exhibition."

I think enjoyment went right out the window the moment I met you…

…and I think that you are just as aware of that as I am.


Sitting off to the side of the courtyard, Visaelya tried and failed to suppress a yawn. She hadn't expected to be so tired from just wandering around between the displays during the course of the recruitment exhibition, but much to her surprise it was starting to catch up to her.

If this is enough to wear me out, how am I supposed to cut it in the field?, she thought, I can't believe I'm getting tired from something like this…

She shook her head. It wasn't the physical activity that was getting to her, even if she had put in quite a bit of walking so far. It was simply stress. She might've become more determined with regards to which division she wanted to join, but that didn't mean that the repercussions of her upcoming decision would just disappear. If she went through with it, she was going to ruffle a lot of feathers; smoothing things over would be no easy task.

"Hey there!" said a familiar male voice, "Looks like someone's had enough fun for one day!"

Her eyes widened as Squad Two's Tenth Seat approached her; she'd been so distracted that she hadn't even sensed him. "Shisui! What are you doing here?"

He smiled. "I told you I'd come find you later, didn't I? Mind if I join you?"

Visaelya nodded. "Please, by all means. Still… shouldn't you be back at Squad Two's display? The recruitment exhibition isn't over quite yet, after all."

Shisui shrugged as he sat down next to her. "It's close to winding down… well, at least the public phase, anyway. The bidding war's about to kick off, and my Captain asked me to help her get a head start."

Visaelya's heart skipped a beat. "Wait… are you here with Captain Shihōin's offer?"

Shisui smirked. "Not quite. She wants me to take you to her in a little while so she can present that to you in person, and in private. She also dispatched Rija on a similar errand. You get one guess as to who she sent her after."

Visaelya didn't even have to think about it. "Itachi."

Shisui chuckled. "That was quick."

"It wasn't hard," she replied, "I take it she wants to present her offer to him first, and I'm next on her list?"
