
Christmas Break

The next three months had proceeded the same, the only difference was, the group had come closer.

In particular, Hadrian and Daphne. They found that they enjoyed each other's company and would often be in the duelling arena, 'Practicing'.

While they did like their friends, they sometimes found themselves as the outliers of the group, Hadrian and Daphne didn't take to comics and pranks the same way Theo and Roan did.

They also didn't spend all their time in the library, reading books and revising for tests either...that was more Crow.

That's why they would once and a while go and practice their countering and offensive spells. Hadrian and Daphne had now gotten good at the diffindo,incendio, and flipendo spell. They still weren't allowed to duel yet, not until they had learned all the spells.

Hadrian had decided to mix his martial arts training with spell casting, essentially it was just a lot of evasive maneuvers and faster casting, but it sure was tiring! Whenever Hadrian had opted to do this type of training, Daphne would just sit out and cheer him on silently.

Hadrian, of course, offered to teach her but she vehemently refused to say, 'Girls don't do martial arts!'.

Hadrian just shrugged his shoulders and decided to leave it be.

The one thing that hadn't changed during the 3 months was Sammie, she had taken to shooting her glares at Hadrian and Daphne! Especially in Duelling 101 and Defence Class.

Hadrian and Daphne weren't bothered though, Hadrian because he didn't care and Daphne because she had a little sister, Astoria Greengrass, who also hated being shown up. She chalked it up to being competitive and jealous.

After the 3 months at Aunriton, it was time for Christmas Break!

Hadrian missed his grandparents a lot. He also missed doing his favorite things with them, such as going on a run with Charlus and practicing his Calligraphy and Dancing with Dorea. He made sure to call them via two-way-mirror once in a while, but he quickly realized that he missed their presence as well.

All the other kids were also excited, this was the first time they were away from home for most of them. No doubt they have missed their guardians.

When Hadrian asked his friends what are they doing for Christmas, the conversation had quickly turned to their families. When they had asked Hadrian about his parents, he had been quite evasive. Strangely enough, so was Roan.No one asked them why, in respect of their privacy, but they were curious.

After that, Oliver had gone on to talk about all the lovely things he and his twin would be getting up to.


Hadrian didn't know what to think of his, not that he believed his twin was enigmatic or interesting, no. Hadrian didn't know what to think, because he didn't know him at all. Hadrian was still quite young so he often thought of what it would be like to have a brother, so he was a little bit jealous of Oliver. Only a little.

The school all stood outside in front of the submarine, lined up in their respective year groups.

The first years were the first to board the submarine.

In Hadrian's compartment, there were all his friends. He smiled at this, he had managed to make quite the number of friends since the beginning of the term. He remembered how excited he had been to finally go to a Wizarding school, where he could perform magic!

He knew he could have done that at home, but it was always better with friends, right?

He recognized how now and again the submarine would rise and stop at a nearby dock, where random students would leave and unite with their families once more.

Everyone seemed giddy. A bunch of giddy children on a submarine.

Eventually, Crow had reached his stop, and with a hug and promise to send letters, he departed with his father.

That left the British Trio, Roan, and Oliver

Roan seemed a bit...off. Hadrian wanted to ask him what was wrong but he seemed very...affronted when they were on the subjects of parents, so he decided to leave him be. When it was his stop, he had said his goodbyes and abruptly left, with no word on if he would be sending owls.

Then it was finally Oliver's stop. He had given Theo and Hadrian a hug and promised to write them a letter.

Then, he did something unexpected. He quickly grabbed Daphne's hand and kissed her knuckles twice, in a rather panicky and sloppy manner. His face quickly transformed into a red hue before he bolted out the door when he saw Daphne's confused and shocked look.

Theo broke down in laughter, and Hadrian chuckled at the boy.

Daphne had a look of minor annoyance and a red tint on her cheeks that showed that she was slightly embarrassed. Finally, it was the trio's time to depart. They reached the familiar port they had portkeyed onto last time.

Hadrian levitated their trunks, it was quite easy because it had a featherweight charm applied to it.

They made their way onto the dock and hobbled over to their guardians.

Hadrian ran to his grandmother, Dorea. He wrapped his hands around her waist, hugging her tightly while Charlus playfully messed up his hair.

"Looks like somebody missed us, 'ey dear?", said Charlus, chuckling.

"Don't pretend as if you weren't moping around the house after the boy had left, Charlus.", teased Dorea, one eyebrow raised.

Charlus mock-pouted, " You said you wouldn't tell him that..."

"Heheh, it's alright Grandpa! I missed you too.", said Hadrian.

Hadrian released his grip from his grandmother and looked around for his friends. They were having eerily similar conversations. Daphne was slightly teary-eyed but made sure to brush her tears away with her sleeve when she saw Hadrian looking at her.

Hadrian smiled cheekily at her. This time it was Daphne that pouted.

Charlus and Dorea watched the exchange and smiled.

The parents then made their way to each other and began conversing about boring things such as the wizengamot and business.

The children, on the other hand, were talking about how much practice they were going to do at home and quidditch! Hadrian hadn't tried quidditch yet, he was too busy...He had hoped he would be getting a broom for Christmas, then he would be able to join all his friends in a quidditch match.

After their little chat, they bid farewell.

Hadrian had to give Theo a 'bro hug' as Theo called it and a handshake to his father.

He had also given a handshake to Daphne's father.

He had thought to kiss Daphne's hand again - but then he remembered that Oliver had already slobbered over her hand. He also couldn't do it to the other hand, it was considered improper!

So he settled for a hug. Not that Daphne minded.

"See ya, Daph, Theo!", shouted Hadrian, "Remember to owl me!".

"We will!", they shouted back, with double the volume.

The Blacks then swiftly portkeyed back home.

Back to the Manor.

Slightly shorter chapter, sorry.

Hadrian's going to be doing a lot of magic in the next few chapters, especially with the help of Merlin!




Ty for reading and B)

MIKKcreators' thoughts