
The Ancient Artifact: Wand

Hadrian pushed open the door and found himself in a room filled with a myriad of long, thin boxes that piled up to the ceiling. His rushed arrival had caused a few boxes to fall down in front of the entrance.

Charlus made his way into the shop after Hadrian, while Dorea went to Madam Malkin's to purchase some robes for Hadrian. As if waiting for their arrival - Garrick Ollivander popped up from behind the till.

''Ah - yes, Charlus Potter. Elm, Phoenix tail feather, firm, 10 1/2 inches.'' said Ollivander as he glanced at Charlus before setting his eyes on Hadrian, '' I assume that you are here for young Hadrian Black's wand? I'm very sorry - I can't sell a wand to someone so young.''

''Yes, that would be the case normally - however, Hadrian here is going to attend Aunriton Academy Of the Arcane, so he'll be needing a wand,'' said Charlus.

''Why - yes of course - and if he's anything like you were when you were getting your wand, I believe Hadrian here is going to be a very tricky customer indeed.'' Ollivander said as he measured Hadrian's height, '' Hold out your dominant hand, boy''.

'' I'm ambidextrous, Mr. Ollivander.'', said Hadrian as he stretched out both arms while Ollivander measured them.

Ollivander rushed to the back of the shop, sounds of boxes being thrown and gleeful chuckling lasted for three minutes before he rushed back to Hadrian with five boxes piled up into his arms.

Ollivander handed Hadrian one of the boxes and smiled expectantly.

''Maybe you'd like this, an elegant Juniper wand. In length, it is twelve and three-quarter inches long. This wand's core is Unicorn Tail Hair. '' said Ollivander

Hadrian grabbed the wand but as soon as it was in his hands, it was arrested from his hands by Ollivander, ''No, this one won't do.''

He tossed Hadrian one of the other wand cases and said, ''Now here we have a Cedar wand. It is exactly 12 inches long, quite flexible. The core consists of Dragon Heartstring from a Norwegian Ridgeback Dragon.''

Hadrian gave this one a flick, but nothing happened.

After 20 minutes - Hadrian had tried nearly 50 wands. Not one of the wands seemed to fit him.

Ollivander's smile grew larger and larger each time Hadrian failed to find his wand.

''Hadrian boy, I dare say - you are one of the trickiest customers I've ever had!'', said Ollivander - his eyes twinkling with delight, '' Come this way - the only way I believe you'll find your wand - is by picking it yourself.''

Hadrian followed Ollivander into a large room at the back, the room was dark.

''Close your eyes, try to feel out the wand that's meant for you,'' said Ollivander as he walked away, back to his desk.

Hadrian nodded and closed his eyes. Hadrian excelled at meditation, so it was fairly easy for him to enter the tranquil state.

He began walking, meandering through the room.

Suddenly, Hadrian felt a soothing aura enveloping him - calling him nearer.

He moved closer and closer to the area that was emitting the calming presence.

When Hadrian was no more than a footstep away, he opened his eyes.

His eyes locked onto a shiny gold case. He felt his Core dance in excitement - he knew that his wand laid inside.

When Hadrian opened the case he saw a sleek black wand. The wand had gold patterns that wrapped around the hilt of the wand. Alongside the shaft were unintelligible inscriptions that pulsed a gold color - as if reacting to Hadrian's presence. At the very bottom was a golden crystal protruding out halfway.

Hadrian closed the case and brought it to the desk - a hint of realization flashed in Garrick Ollivander's eyes as Hadrian placed it down.

''I see... how curious. You see Hadrian - that wand is not one created by me. It was found by my father when he was traversing the world in search of new cores and ingredients. He had been drawn to the wand when he felt a domineering pressure coming from a cave deep within a tomb in China.''

Ollivander sighed before continuing, ''Nobody really knows the ingredients used to forge the wand, only that it has multiple cores - cores that have never been documented by any wand-maker, ever,''.

''Hadrian have you tried the wand yet?'' came the concerned voice from Hadrian's grandfather.

Hadrian shook his head and realized that he had yet to even hold the wand.

Hadrian opened the case once more and grabbed hold of the wand.

The wand glowed an intense gold color - the moment Hadrian touched it, he began to writhe in pain. Hadrian felt limitless power seep into his core. A golden ring formed around Hadrian's pupils, seemingly trying to take over his green eyes before stopping and reverting back to green.

Charlus tried to go to Hadrian's aid but was stopped by Ollivander shouting, ''Don't! The wand is assimilating with him, he must persevere and stay awake!''.

Charlus decided to trust him but the look he gave Ollivander promised death if anything were to go wrong.

The runes on the wand began to slowly make their way onto Hadrian's forearms - Hadrian twisted in agony.

'Mu..st StAy AwAKE!' Hadrian shouted in his head with his teeth gritted and fist clenched.

The runes finally fixed in place and glowed on his forearms. Hadrian passed out and the runes disappeared.


Moments later, Hadrian awoke to see anxious faces peering at him. He stood up and was wrapped in a tight hug by his grandmother, Dorea. Dorea had returned from Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions, she breathed out a sigh of relief at the sight of Hadrian waking up. Hadrian could see that his grandparents were concerned for him by their panicked expressions, he felt happy that his grandparents loved him so much.

Dorea then promptly began scolding Charlus on keeping Hadrian safe.

Hadrian laughed at Charlus's expense.

Hadrian looked around so he could look at his brand new wand but frowned when he couldn't find it.

''Ahem - woke up now, have you?'' said Ollivander with a grin stretched from ear - to - ear. ''You, Hadrian Black - have just assimilated with a wand, something that hasn't been done since Merlin's time. This must mean that the wand in your possession is an Ancient Artifact!.''

Hadrian was confused, he didn't know where his wand was nor did he know what having an ancient artifact meant...

Seeing Hadrian's perplexed expression Ollivander explained, '' The wand that you merged with can now be summoned from your forearms, you just have to will them to come out.''

Hadrian stretched out his right arm and willed the wand to come out. The wand's inscriptions did not glow as bright anymore - now becoming a faint gold color.

Everyone in the shop felt the ambient magic in the air converge around Hadrian. Dorea hadn't seen such a beautiful wand before - and the amount of magic that was emitting from the wand was profound.

''Mr. Ollivander - what does an Ancient Artifact do exactly?'', said Hadrian - still confused as to why his wand was so special.

''Well Hadrian, a Magic Artifact is a rare creation that can come in many different forms, most commonly necklaces and rings. ...An Ancient Artifact, however, merges with the witch or wizard and grows in power as the witch and wizard does. '' said Ollivander, pleased because he had been waiting for Hadrian to ask him that question. ''Here at Ollivander's we have a saying, 'The Wand Chooses The Wizard' - The fact that an Ancient Artifact that powerful chose you, means that you will go on to do great things.''

Hadrian's grandparents smiled at him knowingly. This further proved that Hadrian was the chosen one.

Charlus paid 500 Galleons, this was cheaper than he expected but Ollivander insisted - his reasoning was that since Hadrian had already merged with the wand, there was no chance for him to sell it to anyone else. He even threw in wand holsters for free, not for practical uses of course - only so people are not confused by how he could summon his wand out of his forearms.

Charlus and Dorea thanked Ollivander and were just about to leave before Ollivander stopped them and said, '' I thought you would like to know - this wand does not have The Trace.''

Ollivander smirked and winked at Hadrian.

Charlus and Dorea opened their mouth in shock before quickly composing themselves. They nodded at Ollivander in acknowledgment.

Hadrian was confused at the exchange between the adults but nevertheless thanked Ollivander with a bow and left.

Minutes passed as Hadrian and his grandparents walked through Diagon Alley before he asked, ''Grandmother Dorea - What is the Trace?''.

Dorea smiled, she had been expecting him to ask that question, ''The Trace is what the Ministry uses to track underage magic.''

Hadrian nodded in understanding. This meant that he could do magic whenever he wanted - he could practice to his heart's content!

What Hadrian didn't know was that his grandparents intended to get rid of the tracker on the wand at a black market Wand Trace Remover anyways - but lucky for them they don't have to go through the hassle.

Hadrian and his grandparents bought all the equipment he would need for Aunriton Academy before going back home.

Hadrian was overly pleased, he had received his wand and was about to attend a Wizarding School!

There will be more Ancient Artifacts that Hadrian will find - maybe even forge one himself! I will most likely have him find some in adventures during his holidays in different Wizarding Countries.



ty for reading :)

MIKKcreators' thoughts