
Chapter 29

It was hard to decide what to do with the world in his soul. It might have been made through some quick choices initially, but it was still something that had been a part of him for a decent period of time now. He sighs bringing his hand towards his face, changing his thoughts, or at least trying to, to being an update, not a wholly different project.

The size was now more reminiscent of a small planet in his mind. Maybe Venus or Mercury, his thoughts as to the two smallest solid planets in the solar system he had previously resided. The first major change was instead of one large continent, he had started shifting off some of the river regions into islands. Due to having no salt water, or at least no noticeable source, he didn't try to give them a tropical feel.

A little chuckle at that, the fact that he is treating something inside of his body like it could change into resort areas for him to rest in, just was to amusing. He grins moving towards where his current favorite creatures are, bringing along the dwarf pines. He gives them their own clearing, surrounded by the small trees, tapering them outwards towards larger. The fruit trees that he had eaten from had been spread out over his world, and he was careful to maintain that balance. 2 trees could be within 50 lengths, while 3 couldn't be within 200.

He did however notice a slight problem with the islands, while he could populate the trees and let the animals stay there, they really couldn't move without his help. He had deepened the water enough to make it slightly hazardous to travel. It would be a worry to have anything attempt the crossing of any of the rivers.

His thought for now, land bridges, small stone paths that connected the various little islands to the still slightly larger continent. It sort of looked like one of those models of a molecule, He moves the islands so they are currently in cardinal directions, forming small little stop overs in North east and Southwest. Little chains making him think of the snake game.

The thoughts of his former entertainment come through his mind. The fact that he has been following mostly basic functions wasn't lost on him. Though he hadn't matured enough to include the third yet, even if those thoughts have been coming around. He moves to distracting himself, not wanting to fall into the pitfall that it is.

Now that he was thinking about how they looked like the snake game, he wound up designing both as heads of snakes. He chuckles a little at how his distractions were affecting his design choices. He didn't really think of changing them, liking the aesthetic. It, however, felt like it needed a little something in the eyes.

In each eye, he decides, to place a gem that would glow with affinity. In one, he places water and earth, the other was fire and wind. As he takes a moment to move back, he feels a change wash out.

While he had previously set some earth cores into plants, and his favorite hedgeboar, he never felt the wash of energy that had started a cycle of creation and destruction in both snake 'skulls.' It was beautiful, the east, earth and water turned into swamp land, most of the plant life changing to have deeper roots, or buoyant ones.

The west fire and air blast out, causing weak plants to die off, starting with short grass. It had even started some of the shortest pieces of grass, flames awash over some parts. The only foliage that truly survived with no real damage, was the dwarf trees, they had been barely singed by some flames, and seemed to ignore the drying of the land. Their root were probably growing long and deep toward the needed sustenance.

The fact that no animals were near the islands yet, made sure that none of the critter's accidentally died. It would have been bad since he would have had to go gather new ones. He looks over the islands and nods happily, not trying anything more, an idea of a floating turtle island, in the sky, that he was sure wouldn't work well.

He lets the animals now move around again, having no reason to worry about protecting them against the two now dynamic environments. The first to find an island was the strange deer that had the luck to run into him. It was in the east, hopping around the swamp like island, happily eating grass and knocking down fruit, everything seemed to be moving faster, as if he had hit fast forward.

He almost doesn't notice, a beetle that Azure had 'gifted' him, was sitting near the west, it's body soaking in the heat, it almost would seem like it wasn't moving. The fact that it was now the size of a squirrel, was really what had made him notice it first. The shell had been speckled black with light white dots. Now, the dots had some red ones mixed in, it looked sort of like a starscape painted on the back of the beetle.

Of course, he wasn't exactly sure it was the same beetle, it might have been a different one, since their cycles are usually shorter. So when he saw a few more beetles joining the first from underground, he wasn't to surprised, more that there wasn't collapsed tunnels everywhere.

He turns his attention other places, seeing animals move towards the more radiant sources of energy, almost as if they could feel a way to grow stronger without having to take years. Of course, some of them seemed to be focusing on their homes, little hollows in trees, or dens for the rabbits. The most populous species, other then insects, were the hedgeboars, who all seemed to have their own ideas on were to go. Half the herd was now following Runt, having decided to stick with that as his name. His body appeared almost chiseled out of stone, looking like a statue instead of a living creature. Even more surprising is they started to head toward the east for that group. While the other half took to the west.

It was a few hours of watching the new interactions on the world, a couple of animals were now displaying abilities they didn't have before, and others were getting strengthened. It was almost peaceful to watch the semi-organized chaos. He knew that he wasn't finished yet, he needed a few last pieces before he could truly call it a world.
