
Part 6.2

I didn't really have that many thoughts on Diz-Harmony. Dulchi had told me enough about it for me to hate it thoroughly, but hate doesn't really take that much effort. Honestly, it came naturally to me most of the time.

I wonder if hate comes that easy to everybody, or is it just me? Oh well. It doesn't matter at this point. After all, I hate Diz-Harmony enough. Dulchi ensured that when he told me stories about the people that run the place.

Enough where I'm going to burn it to the ground and salt the earth there so nothing will ever grow on the island ever again. Me looting the island in the process is just the... I had an analogy or metaphor for this. Something about brewing prison beer and dirty bones.

It's gone now.

Oh well. Maybe it's for the best. For all I know it could be about making prison beer out of bones. It would definitely taste subpar, but I could do it. Good prison beer needs premium ingredients like the blood of a virgin. I learned brewing by watching the greatest prison-brewers in the world. Sure I may only be a journeyman prison-brewer myself so my own product is subpar, but I like to think my technique is flawless. I can sterilize a brewing toilet in thirty seconds flat.

Those bones I was thinking of from my lost metaphor would be much more useful back in Impel Down. I once saw a guy turn bone marrow into butter! We all ate like kings that night on Level 4.

That animal we got the bones from had it coming. It was practically laughing at me the entire time after it kept talking shit. When that random prisoner killed it with a loose brick over the head I felt relieved. It meant that wouldn't have to do the deed myself and I could keep my focus on hard labor.

Oh! I just had a great idea. I should go and make some bone marrow butter when we make landfall. I just need to find an animal I can hate enough. We're practically at the docks already. Klahadore and Krieg helped me lay out a good plan so we could get to the main city of he island nation without being shot by any defensive cannons or attacked in any other way. If there's one thing I like more than durians, hockey, and bone marrow butter it's not being attacked.

The plan is pretty simple. Right now we're on a fleet of merchant ships. So we're all going to pretend to be a fleet of merchant ships. We'll get nice and close to the city, dock at the docks as docks are intended to be used, and calmly proceed to show these people how much I have decided to hate them.

Turns out that if you hate something enough it becomes much easier to do horrendous things to that something you hate. Now that I think about it, that probably explains everything about out world everywhere. The World Government hates pirates and pirates hate the World Government, so they constantly try to one up each other with worse things they can do to each other. That's how hate seems to work in my opinion. It definitely explains Impel Down. Impel Down wouldn't exist without enough to hate.

If I put it like that, it means that I wouldn't be me if there wasn't enough hate in the world. I'd be someone else. But that doesn't matter right now. These are thoughts for later when I'm trying to out-monk Gurry roshi.

What matters is that the crew have armed themselves band are hiding below deck. They're waiting waiting until the fleet gets close enough and they get a signal. That signal being me shouting 'ATTACK' or a series of loud sequential explosions. Not all the crew are hiding beneath the deck.

A literal boatload of them are pretending to be regular sailors rather than the portals and dangerous criminals they are. They disguised themselves by taking a bath. Dirt is the main difference between sailors and pirates.

I'm personally in the lead ship with Klahadore right behind me. He's dressed in a rather nice suit and I guess he's doing whatever he does best because he seems rather smug. Whatever it is he does well...

We have a standard merchant flag flying from all of the ships. That's why we're being allowed to enter the city's port with a large fleet in the first place.

The city sits inside a bay with it's massive port. There's two gigantic towers on both sides of the bay's entrance. They're both visibly reinforced to heck and back, and I think they create a rather stunning image. Since leaving Impel Down I've grown to love scenery.

I'm glad the towers let us pass without incident. Dulchi told me about the towers and what they can do. There's a thick metal chain attached to each tower that normally rests on the bottom of the bay. But when the ruling class of the city feels threatened they can give a signal and the chain is raised. This stops must ships from crossing it and entering or leaving port. It would definitely stop any of the merchant ships we have.

We pass without incident however. In fact we manage to dock a majority of the boats right at the dock. The reason we can't dock all of them is because there isn't enough space for everyone to dock. My men slowly lower the gangplank and it makes a loud bang noise.

I crack my neck to the side dramatically and stand up from sitting on the crate I'd been resting on. I toss the durian shell I'd been eating out of behind my shoulder and it lands in the ocean unseen but not unheard or unsmelled. I place my mask back on my face fully and walk down the gangplank. Klahadore is right behind me and the crew is close behind him. When I step into the dock I hear Klahadore speak but I don't turn around.

He says, "Welcome to Diz-Harmony Captain."
