
Chapter 17: Act 1: Chapter 12

Second day, Third Moon, 235 AC

"Nice shot!"

Nyra rolled her eyes at me, as I might have been a bit overly enthusiastic. I was trying to keep her encouraged while she practiced her archery, which if I was being fair, I was really pushing her to do. After the attempted robbery, I might have been a bit jittery, and if I was – well, it was perfectly normal right? So, I was practicing my skills and was encouraging my wife to do the same. Nyra was a decent shot when it came to stationary targets now, while my sword training fell sort of flat on its face. I didn't have anyone to teach me, so for a while I was kind of just swinging it around getting a feel for it. Then I got Koryn to come by and jab me with a stick as practice, but it was pretty awful, and I didn't learn much.

On the other hand, it was time to move Nyra up to the next level of difficulty.

"Nyra, its time to start you on moving targets. You need to be able to hit a moving target, 'cause no one will just stay still for you."

She rolled her eyes again. Sassy woman. She replied, "Why don't you swing that log for me, my husband. Then go back to being ridiculous about your armor."

I grit my teeth. "It's a difficult decision! What kind do I get?! What kinds are there?!"

She laughed, "You will just have to wait and see; you really need to take your mind off it. Go and organize the spring planting schedule with the other farms maybe?"

I sighed, "Maybe. I'm still not decided. I've been thinking on making a large expansion of the fields, and hiring on a few workers for planting and harvest, but doing so will bring the attention of Lord Stark I fear."

Nyra put down her bow and turned to face me. She said, "I still don't understand your reluctance to show off your skill. Why not become the greatest farmer in the North? Be rewarded, and have that better life for your children like you always say? If Lord Stark can see that you can make even these lands grow much more food, than think of what you can do with the lush lands near Winterfell?"

I snorted involuntarily at that. "Lush lands? Dear, there is no lands here in the North that I would call lush."

She waved my objections off, "Certainly better than here!"

"Aye, but I can't help but feel that attention isn't a good thing. I mean, what if we rise in stature and end up suffering. I and any sons we have will be made to fight, we will have to deal with people that can just up and have us killed! Back in King's Landing, my father dealt a lot with minor nobility or landed knights and these people just had so much power over you it unsettles me. Turn down an offer from a noble? Maybe he gets angry and executes you on his land. Maybe he bribes a Gold Cloak to stick a knife in you. It just seems that the more you rise, the more eager people are to beat you down and take what you have. I don't want that fight - that constant struggle. I'd rather be here, were it's a bit simpler and greed doesn't drive every decision."

She looked dubious, "I can see what you mean, but I don't agree. If we prove ourselves to Lord Stark, he will protect us. Just like the Starks have cared for the North for thousands of years." She smiled, then added slyly, "Besides, even if they wanted to their honor and greed for the money you will provide would see them protect us and ensure we work for them."

I replied, "Hmm, they have ruled for thousands of years, but the current Lord Stark has only been in charge for less than ten years. So even though his family has ruled, he hasn't."

She shrugged, "He's a Stark of Winterfell."

I sighed. I suppose to her, and pretty much everyone else here, that is the end of the conversation. Truthfully, I find myself not quite hating – but certainly disdaining the whole feudal thing. At least there wasn't talk of the Starks having the Mandate of Heaven or any other type of equivalent.

"I'll come up with something eventually I suppose." I said to her and wagged my finger, "Now, get back to shooting there young miss!"

She laughed and began to shoot again.

Violet spoke up from where she was sitting, "Papa, I'm bored! Can we go see the new baby at Unca' Koryns?"

Nyra replied for me, "Of course you both can! Violet, you can practice your skiing as well!"

Violet pouted, "Do I have to? It's hard."

I walked over to Violet and picked her up and tickled her, "Are you sure you don't want to ski? You can fly over the snow! As fast and light as a wolf! Beautiful as a deer!"

Violet was shrieking with laughter, "Okay, Okay! We can ski!"

I smiled to myself, it's nice when people appreciate your hard work. I said to her, "Why don't you go put away your toys then and I'll grab our skis." As she ran off I turned to Nyra and wagged my finger at her, "Don't think this gets you out of practice, you will just have to work on your distance shots then."

She snorted, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Go keep your daughter occupied – she's had way too much time on her hands lately."

I nodded and walked off to get the skis. By the time I pulled them out Violet was waiting for me outside.

"Okay honey. Now, I know you didn't like it before but let's try again eh? Remember what I said, think like a deer. You want to be nice and graceful as you go. Think of it like dancing."

She looked at me uncertainly, "Dancing?"

I nodded and strapped her to the skis. "Yes, when you bring your foot back think of it like making a pose when you dance."

I got up off my knees and strapped myself in and began to show her what I mean. "See? It's like a long dance. Come and try."

She was laughing at my antics, but she was trying again and with greater results. Once she started to get a rhythm going, we decided to head out to Koryn's house. Koryn was there and ushered us into the house.

"Violet 'n Michael! How are you?"

I was about to reply when Violet cut me off, "Good! We danced all the way here! Can I see the new baby?"

Koryn laughed, "Of course you can! Did you sing all the way here too?"

"No silly! Not that kind of dancing!" Violet laughed and went over to the bed that had Koryn's son on it and then promptly ignored us with all the grace of a child.

Koryn looked confused but gestured for me to have a seat. I said to him, "I was trying to get her to use my skis again and told her it was like dancing."

"Ah, how was it then?"

"Not bad, certainly quicker than snow shoes. Or at least it will be when we get better at using them. How's things here?"

Koryn shrugged, "Good I suppose. Mostly just clearing more and more trees so we can plant come spring. Not much t' do until its warmer anyways. Five years of winter tends t' give you plenty of time t' get everything done."

I laughed, "Aye, I can agree with that. I think it was last week, I had to repair a bit of fence after my pig decided he didn't like it. Before that, there's not been much work around the farm. How's Alessa doing after the birth?"

"Better now. As more time passes now she is getting better, but it was a tough birth."

I nodded grimly at that, she was in labor for close to twenty hours. Koryn clapped his hands together, "Enough of that now. How goes my dear sister's shooting?"

"Not bad, I am going to get her started on moving targets soon enough."

"And how goes your new obsession with weapons 'n armor?"

I tried to hide my disappointment, "Not bad I suppose."

"Any more ideas like your sword spear?"

I blushed at that. I'm pretty sure I remember the Japanese having sword spear type things, and it seemed like a good idea. I like the idea of fighting someone out of reach more than fighting hand to hand. Unfortunately, it failed. I ended up with a spear with just a longer point on it; it was weighted much too heavily and balanced poorly. I didn't really have the equipment to fiddle around with it, since I just ended up tying my sword to a spear to try it out. I think they used a scimitar type blade, but that might have just been artwork and not very accurate.

I broke from my reverie and replied to him, "No, I've given up on trying to make a new weapon. For now, at least. And I still don't know about the armor. Next time I go to Deepwood Motte, I'll probably take a look around."

"Ah, probably the best plan. Take care though, come spring we might see a few raids by those damn Ironborn bastards."

I was confused, weren't they part of the Seven Kingdoms and not supposed to raid us? My confusion must have shown on my face, and Koryn elaborated, "Well they're not Ironborn supposedly. They are just some random raiders, in Ironborn boats, with Ironborn weapons, Ironborn accents, and Ironborn clothing. Totally not Ironborn."

Ah, I understand now. "Why doesn't Lord Stark take more care? And why haven't I heard of this?"

Koryn shrugged. "You have. We normally just call 'em raids. You know, like a few springs back there was a raid on the large village on the Stoney Shore. There not often, only after really bad winters. I don't think we've been hit here in a long time. Maybe my father's father's father?"

"Huh, so we might hear of them attacking then?"

Koryn replied, "Maybe. But not till long after. It's not like anyone around here as much to take. Well, at least we didn't use t'."

"Ah, while I'm thinking of it, I was wondering what your plans for harvest will be? I was thinking of sharing our resources a bit."

Koryn tilted his head in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"I was thinking, I've probably got more land ready to be planted now than I can handle alone. I figure we hire some of the fishermen and hunters to help come planting and harvesting and they work on all our farms. Helps us plant more and maybe sell some food."

Koryn thought about it for a few minutes before replying, "I don't have anything against it. But I don't have the coin to hire anyone either. And I don't think they would work for free until we can sell the first harvest."

I nodded at that, "Right, but maybe for the first harvest we do things like we've done before and then we sell that and get some coin? Then use that coin to hire for the next harvest? Failing that, I can probably sell enough vodka for the first harvest, to loan everyone the coin. Then they can pay me back later."

Koryn replied, "Aye, that might work. I'll talk t' my Pa tomorrow and see what he and Zane thinks. But I'm not so sure about selling that first harvest. The winter isn't even over yet, and its been five years. The thought of selling the food doesn't sit right with me."

"Well talk it over with your father and see what he thinks. We aren't in any rush, but it's something to think about."

With that, I decided we needed to head back since it was an overcast day, so it was like to get dark soon. Though, it was still another ten minutes before I managed to tear Violet away from the baby.

On the way back, Violet asked, "Can we have some egg toast tomorrow for breakfast?"

I smiled. Introducing her to French toast and maple syrup was one of my prouder moments as a father.

It was another fine day in Westeros. All we needed now was the Spring.
