
Chapter 4: Prologue: Part 4

Westerosi knew how to build castles. When Winterfell came into view, I marveled at its size and construction, and I could only hope my presence would be welcomed. My nervousness in the time leading up to this moment only increased, and my stomach felt like it was revolting, but I forced myself to continue. I still wasn't sure how to approach this, but I felt Winterfell was the place to go to see where I could make a home for myself. Just in time too, word in the passing towns was that spring should be approaching, and I wanted to get to my new home and make the most of the season (or rather what past for seasons in Westeros).

As I approached the castle, the guards at the gate perked up and approached me, "Hold there! State your business."

"Looking to talk to someone about buying a farm or some land, but I don't know who to talk to."

The guards looked to each other, then shrugged. "Wait here, I'll tell the Castellan you are here. He'll sort you out."

As the one guard walked away, I walked back over to my wagon and started to give some feed to my animals, which had grown to include some chickens and even a couple of pigs. I ended up waiting for a little over an hour, which didn't help my nervousness, but it was understandable as I wasn't very important.

I saw an older, important looking man walking over to me, and I straightened up to greet him.

He waved off my greeting, and cut straight to the point, "So I hear you are looking to buy land? Which lord do you serve?"

"Well Ser, my father was a merchant down in King's Landing, and my mother was a Lady's maid before she was let go. My mother, who was a Northerner, died when I was but a babe, and my father only in the past year. I had hoped to leave the crowds of King's Landing and set myself up on a nice quiet farm."

The Castellan grunted his understanding, "Ah, wanted to get away from those Southerners' eh? So, coming back to your mother's homeland then. Blood will always tell. Well, there's not much space around Wintertown, you'd have to go pretty far." The Castellan looked thoughtful.

I interjected, "Well Ser, I had hoped to find some land north of the Stoney Shore? Possibly south west of the Wolfswood, along a river?"

The Castellan looked thoughtful, but quickly came to a decision, "It's possible, but not my decision. I will speak with Lord Stark tonight about it. Come back tomorrow mid-morning and I'll have an answer for you then."

With that, he strode off back into the castle. I spent the night outside the town, and when I came back the next morning, the Castellan looked happy enough. He told me that Lord Stark accepted my location, and I pulled out my map, and he marked my new home for me. There was no need to buy the land, so long as I swore fealty to Lord Stark. Since there were not many people in the area, I didn't have any set borders. Though he mentioned that might change if more people moved there, though I wasn't very worried.

He told me that there was a caravan headed off in two weeks to collect some taxes and deal with other issues. I was free to follow along with them a part of the way.

After I thanked him and swore fealty, I headed back into town to buy what I needed. He had mentioned the closest blacksmith, and other tradesmen, to my new home and it was quite distant. So I was determined to try and buy everything I needed.

From a new wagon, to nails, and other tools, I gathered everything I could. I was determined to not forget anything, as I knew I would not be able to get it for a long time. The next two weeks passed quickly.

When the caravan finally set off, and I was headed towards the rest of my life, things were finally beginning to look up for me.
