
Chapter 125: The Regret


Sorry for the late update, I was so busy at work and also with my personal life. Anyways here's another update for you guys!!!

Happy Reading 😊!


Axel went home and turned the lights on but his reflexes are quick when he felt that someone is sitting in the dark so he jumped backwards and role over behind the shoe cabinet as he pulled out the only weapon he has — a dagger. Axel sharpened his senses trying to detect any movements from the person inside then after a minute or two he heard a sigh.

"Sweety it is me, your husband." He calmed down as he heard the familiar voice of his husband.

"I thought I was going to have a heart attack." Axel said. He reached out to switch on the lights. "Why are you sitting out here in the dark?

"I just want to rest my eyes for a bit." Jules got up and walk towards Axel to hug him. He rested his face to Axel's right shoulder as he hug him with so much longing.

"When did you come back?" Axel asked while savoring his husband's scent. Doctor Miller told him that the father's pheromones is good for a pregnant mother.

"Just a while ago, I thought you were with them but you weren't. So when I checked the tracker I saw you were at Dr. Choi's house so I thought that maybe you came there to have one of your sessions with him." Jules explained still snuggling to him.

"Why didn't you drop by there?" Axel asked but he's also glad his husband didn't drop by there.

"I don't want to distract you or make you feel awkward. I know there are still things you can't confide with me or you are not confident in telling with my presence. I don't mind." Jules pulled out from the hug only to give him a peck on his forehead. "I don't mind as long as you got better. As long as the nightmares go away I will be ok with that."

Axel couldn't help but tear up, he's not really emotional but the tears are swelling up and he can't help it, he figured maybe it was because of pregnancy hormones. "Hey don't cry, did I said something bad?"

Axel shake his head no. "It's the contrary, I'm so happy, so so happy."

"Are you really pregnant? Is that why you're happy?" Jules finally asked but the question rendered Axel speechless and frozen.

"No of course not! Who did you heard it from?" Axel asked he's trying hard not to show any emotions, he can see at Jules eyes that he's trying to read him.

"From our friends, they can notice it. They said that your scent is starting to show. Saying it is faint but it is certain. I don't know anything about pregnant Omegas but I can smell you. It is sweet in a subtle way."

"It's the medicines side effect, it's trying to make me go on heat that's why it's producing artificial scent that you guys are sensing." Axel easily came up with an answer. Jules study his face for a minute.

"What about your body, you abdomen is getting kind of bloated too. Sweety why don't we visit your O-BYG? I just want to make sure that there isn't a child growing unknowingly inside you." Without waiting for Axel he took his car keys and carried Axel into the car. Axel could no longer protest and just let Jules take him to Dr. Miller's office. When they got there he insisted for the Doctor to do an ultrasound on his wife the good thing Dr. Miller knows how to read the situation. She did the procedure and make sure to intentionally avoid where the baby is located. Dr. Miller explained everything to Jules which basically are all just cover ups and left the room but Jules followed her.

"But Doc, why's his tummy getting bloated?" Jules asked.

"It is the medicines side effect, why you find Axel unappealing now he lost his abs?" George joke.

"Of course not! I'm just worried, I mean I'll be happy if we are pregnant but if it's a dangerous pregnancy I'm afraid we have to lose the baby." Dr. Miller went silent for a moment before she opened her mouth to say something.

"What if he'll hate you for it? You know how desperate he is to have your baby." George asked.

"I would rather he hate me all his life where I can see and touch him than to have him dead and grieve all my life because I lost the person I love the most." Jules answered without batting an eye. "If he's a live I can earn his forgiveness and we can try again but with him gone and just me and the baby alone I know I will live my life grieving for him and that's the worst punishment to receive."

"Jules take good care of him and don't be angry towards him. You two are both a like so a like that you both almost think the same contradictory way. Go be with him and go home so he can rest."


Jeffrey is getting paranoid, he can't contact Henry after that call which he over heard that Axel came over and Henry never contact him after that as well not even a text or email. He's getting worried and feeling anxious and broken by days he hasn't heard from him that Jeffrey start losing sleep. He can't barely get even a wink of sleep specially on the third day he hadn't heard from him when the nightmares start pestering him but this time it was about Henry. Henry leaving him behind for Axel. With sweat dripping down his forehead Jeffrey got up. He can no longer take it anymore all these worries is making him insane so he got up and got a little bag enough to carry some money, phone charger and some change clothes. He put on a cap and put on the hoodie over it, he also covered his face because he can't afford the people Henry asked to look after him to stop him from going. In courtesy he left a message before getting out from the window. It wasn't hard for Jeffrey since he's already used to infiltrating highly secured areas and before he knew it he's already at the fort waiting for that small boat that visits the area every 3 days and get on in it. Jeffrey didn't noticed that the place was very remote as it took him a day and a half before they got into the city. Henry quickly looked for the hospital where Henry works. It was a good thing that he asked his caretaker on where Henry works which gave him the idea on where his beloved is working. He went to the hospital and went straight to the reception area and asked for Dr. Choi, Henry. The nurses looked at each other before the head nurse asked him.

"Is Dr. Choi the Doctor of a patient here? May we get the details of the patient? Or are you perhaps his patient?" The head nurse asked in all politeness.

"No I'm not a patient nor there's a patient here that I do know." Jeffrey answered in all honesty.

"Then perhaps are you his kin or relatives?"

Jeffrey shake his head no, the words wouldn't leave his mouth so he just shake his head no and without words he left and seated at the waiting area near the entrance. That question punched some sense of reality to Jeffrey that he's just a mistress and doesn't have any rights to look for Henry in his work place. Jeffrey seated there silently and watched the people come and go but Henry was nowhere to be found even though it was already pass 1 in the morning until he heard a familiar voice so familiar it sent shiver down his spine. Jeffrey simply glance to his side where he heard the voice and there he saw Victor on a stretcher bleeding. It seems like he was shot. Jeffrey pulled his hoodie more to hide his face and a minute or two after that he heard Henry's voice he's attending to Victor and checking all his vitals and just like that their eyes met. Jeffrey wasn't expecting for Henry to noticed him but he did. He thought the man would smile to him like he always do but this time Henry looked away as if he doesn't know him, as if he's not there and as if he's ashamed of him.

Jeffrey quickly stand up after realizing that and start walking away. He tried to get a cab but with all the people going home from the hospital getting a cab is close to impossible but he doesn't want to fall in a long queue of cabs in the hospital so he decided to just walk until someone grabbed him to his right arm.

"Why are you here?" Jeffrey can see the anger on the man's face, he never saw him angry before because he always smiles at him but now the man he loves doesn't look ecstatic in seeing him after a week but rather he's more furious of seeing him to his workplace.

"I want to see you." Jeffrey simply answered.

"I thought I told you to wait!" At this point Henry shouted, Henry never shouted at him. He's always so gentle when it comes to him.

"You never called, you don't answer my calls either. I was getting worried and impatient." Jeffrey said he's trying to hold back the sad tears that are forming to his eyes, he doesn't want to cry sad tears he doesn't want to make Henry feel bad since he promised him to only make him cry out of happiness.

"Then you should have waited! Isn't it too hard to do?!" Henry shouted again then he stopped when he noticed that Jeffrey was about to cry.

Jeffrey got startled when Henry hugged him. "I'm sorry Darling if I ever shouted, I was just so worried." Jeffrey can feel Henry's hand tapping his back while speaking those words in a low and soothing voice. The Henry that he knows is back. "Cry Darling, don't hold it in. It's ok to cry so cry. I'll take responsibility for the sadness and pain you are feeling right now." Says Henry and just like that the tears he has been suppressing for a week race down from his eyes, he cried like a child as he clings to Henry and cry loudly. When he finally stop crying Henry lead him to his car and told him to wait there until his operation with the patient is done. Jeffrey hugged Henry's coat where his scent is and without noticed he fell asleep. When he woke up he's already inside a room that he doesn't recognize. It wasn't Henry's house here in the city and after looking around he found a note from Henry telling him to stay in the hotel for the mean time. Jeffrey's shoulders drop lifelessly after reading then he laughed hysterically. It's like his nightmares are coming true one by one. He wipe the tears that freely flaws to his face. "He didn't even make love to me. We haven't saw each other for a week and yet he didn't make love to me." Jeffrey whispered sadly.

For the past week he stayed in the hotel, Henry visits him twice in that week and in those visits he didn't touch him. The alpha also doesn't stay for a night in the hotel room which he booked for him which only made Jeffrey really, really sad and even more paranoid. So out of nowhere he decided to look for him that night and found out that the Doctor went home early so he sneaked and from the distance through the window using the sniper scopes which he took from one of his hiding place. There he saw Henry and Axel talking across each other, the two seems to be having dinner. Jeffrey seated on top of the tree for like two hours and then he saw the two hugged each other. The scene totally broke his heart but still he convinced himself that it's ok if the two got back together as long as Henry still wants him, he can live as a mistress again. Unable to watch the next thing that the two will do he got down and decided to go home — if he can even call it his home. "A hotel room can never be my home." Jeffrey laughed at his own statement. "But perhaps it is for someone like me."

Two days pass and Jeffrey was getting impatient so that night he called Henry, he pretended to be sick just to lure him to coming to him and it worked but Henry got really mad but Jeffrey is more desperate so he took off his clothes and kissed Henry. At first Henry was pushing him away but later on the Alpha pushed him on the bed and without warming slammed into him like a hungry wolf which got a taste of meat after a long period of hunger. Henry took him mercilessly and Jeffrey couldn't complain. He wanted it, he's desperate for him, he's desperate to feel his love but after only taking him once it didn't repeat unlike the previous times they did it a lot in one single day and night. Henry turned his back on him and for some reason the only thing he can feel right now is his coldness and not the warmth of his love.

Jeffrey pretended to sleep that night although the night won't let him sleep he still pretended. He still doesn't want Henry to worry or make things awkward for both of them then in the middle of the night his phone rings. Jeffrey didn't open his eyes, he just listens to the conversation between Henry and the caller, it wasn't until Henry mentioned Axel's name that it became clear to him who Henry is talking with.

"Axel, wait slowdown pumpkin. Take a deep breath yes are you calm? Yes yes another deep breath. Now tell me slowly." Jeffrey listen as Henry talk to Axel in a low and gentle tone. He felt a fang burying deeper to his heart and it hurts him.

"How's the baby? You're bleeding? Is there anyone with you right now?" Henry's words felt like it killed him. Now Jeffrey knows why Henry is acting cold. He's about to become a father and maybe having a baby brought a spark to their marriage. Jeffrey continued to pretend to be asleep, deep inside he's wishing for him not to go over to where Axel is but it seems like Henry chose Axel over him when he told Axel he will be there in a 20. He felt Henry scribbled something, he was waiting for his usual kiss on the forehead before the Alpha go but not even that was given to him. When the door closed he got up and took the note that says emergency. Don't wait for me I'll be back after a few days. Ps. No more frank calls.

Jeffrey went back to bed and folded himself to a fetal position. After weeks of long justification of Henry's actions Jeffrey start weighing his decisions, the pros and cons. "Can you handle it the second time around? Cause it seems to me my relationship course is slowly taking the same path as Victors." Jeffrey whispered, then he touched his nape. "He didn't even tried to bite me." He laughed.


Henry managed to bring Axel to his O-BYG. It was a close call, the baby is getting stress over the small space it is in but they managed to stabilize it. Jules was out of the country again after all Clarence is handling the turn over after before his resignation takes effect. He rubbed both his hands onto his face he has been thinking and thinking for the past weeks since he learned about Jeffrey's real identity. At first he was ok but later on the realizations dawn on to him that the man is a killer. He participated in killing innocent children over the fact he's trying to kill Axel just to get the approval from the man he loves. For some reason Henry begun to feel angry, disgust and fear that Jeffrey might obsess over him like how he did with Victor and yet for some reason he doesn't want Axel nor Victor to find him. He's torn between his love for him and the feeling of anger and disgust he has for him.

"What am I even doing." Henry whispered. 3 days passed and he didn't even visit Jeffrey nor called him.

"Hey what are you thinking? Got a into a fight with your lover?" Axel joked.

Henry didn't say anything which only confirms his suspicions.

"Hey what if you found out that your lover did a lot of bad things all so that the man he former loves can love him?" Henry asked out of nowhere.

"I really can't answer that but maybe perhaps my husband can… I'm the bad guy between the two of us. I slept around so I can kill someone. I'm not clean when he had me and yet he still said he will love me including my past. I don't want to generalize that my husband did is a measurement of what true love is but letting go of someone knowing you can't accept their past is also a form of true love, maybe in a sense that you know you can't give that person the kind of love and acceptance they deserve." Henry just listen to Axel but his last words what made Henry really scared.

"I don't know what that person did wrong but if you can't accept and love him at the same time it is better for you to let that person go Doc. There are other people out there who are willing to take your position to his heart and give that person what you can't give."

Henry stand up immediately. "I have to go." He hurried back to Jeffrey's hotel room. Along the way he keeps on beating himself up for acting so stupid. He keeps on calling Jeffrey's number but the omega is not answering. He figured that maybe he's in the bathroom taking shower but when he got in no Jeffrey was inside. His bag is still there and so as his phone but Jeffrey was no where to be found. Henry thought that maybe he went out to buy something but two hours passed but no Jeffrey came back and that's when Henry starts getting nervous. He doesn't know how to contact the Omega because he left his phone. So he went out to look for him, he asked the staff about Jeffrey and as it turns out the Omega went out after lunch and didn't comeback after that. Henry keeps on driving and driving. He can't report a dead person missing so he doesn't know where to go. His heart is full of regret, he knows that Jeffrey feels his coldness and thought that the Omega will just shrug it aside without thinking that he's hurting him. He wanted to see him, he wanted to beg for his forgiveness, he wants to take him to that place again and hide him to that small island. Henry figured he can resign from his work and maybe start building a small hospital for the towns people and both of them can live unbothered but no matter how much he looks he can't find him until another week has passed and still no Jeffrey until he received a phone call asking for Jeffrey's guardian. It was a remote province that is hours away drive from the city and in that small hospital Jeffrey was being confined. When he went there he was greeted by a woman who introduced herself as an O-BYG. Henry was confused.

"I'm Doctor Moore." After the formalities Henry seated a cross the Doctor's table.

"How is he? Did something happened? Can I see him?" Henry asked one after another.

"Are you perhaps his...?"

"Fiancé, we are about to get married but there has been a little misunderstanding between us so he run away. I'm Doctor Henry by the way a General Surgeon." Henry introduced himself.

"Then I'm also guessing you're the father of the child." The Doctor said straight to the point.

"Father? Child?" Henry asked in disbelief, because as far as he knows if Jeffrey is the same as Axel then the man has no capability of giving birth unless otherwise they try what Axel and his husband are both doing but Jeffrey is not doing any procedures to correct his condition.

"I think you have the understanding of the situation base on your reaction." The Doctor said.

"Yeah roughly, it's impossible his sex organs aren't matured enough to make reproduction possible….."

"Precisely the case….. he is 9 weeks pregnant and his womb is not mature enough to carry a child as a matter of fact his womb is as young as a 6 years old child, it's too tiny for a child to survive and not to mention that it attached it self to his ligated tube. Why he has a ligated tubes at this age?"

"Doctor, how's his condition?" Henry felt like all his blood drained from his body.

"It's not looking good, the more we let the child grow the more we will endangered the mother. He's already in pain and he starts to bleed already as the tube is already tearing and about to burst at this point he can no longer salvage his left tube." Henry closed his eyes.

"But how is it even possible?" Henry asked.

"We are suspecting even though cases of this hasn't been recorded for over fifty years but I think you and him are soul bond or fated fair. That's the only explanation I can find though it's still not sure. Only such pheromones can disregard the natural law of nature as it defies the odds and barriers present between the two soul that are bonded together."

"But it's just a myth…."

"It's not a myth when there's a record of it happened over fifty years ago. Anyways his sex organ will continuously develop as long as he stays near you. He shouldn't be having heat cycles because of the status of his sex organ's but since you are near his body is desperately trying to match the pace of your needs and since your sex organs are of the adult it tries to put his body in an emergency heat cycles to match your rut. He will be able to have a baby again but it will be harder this time with his one tube gone."

Henry was quiet for a moment then he remembers the reason why the Doctor called him.

"And you called me here because I'm the only person in his contacts?"

"We found a piece of paper with a number and a photo of you in his wallet. The procedure needed consent from the nearest kin. So do you happen to know where his parents or relatives are?"

"He has no parents nor relatives. It's just me. Can I make a decision about this?" Henry asked he sounds desperate. He knows the medical practice. He doesn't have any rights because he's not married to him. How Henry wished he married him so he can make any decisions for Jeffrey.

"You know the rules, you're a Doctor yourself. We will wait for him to regain his consciousness so he can make a decision." Henry laughed, he clearly knows what Jeffrey's decision will be he saw it how Axel hide it from Jules in the expense for the possibility of losing his life and he doesn't want to make the same mistake so he called the only person he knows who can help him.

"Axel I need your help." After waiting for nearly four hours Terrence came. The lawyer friend of Axel's husband and with him is the special power of attorney which of course has a fake signature of Jeffrey. It says there that Henry is allowed to make decisions in case of emergency on behalf of Jeffrey.

"Are you sure about this? He might hate you for life." Terrence said.

"I'll figure it out on my own, right now I don't want to lose both of them." The operation took longer than expected because they lost Jeffrey for a minute when his heart gave in but luckily they managed to bring him back.

Henry was only able to breathe fine when the Doctor told him that the operation was a success.

"Why are you still here?" Henry asked Terrence when he noticed that the man was still in the hospital.

"I figured you might need someone to talk to." Terrence said.

"I took him in without knowing who really he is, then when I found out like a coward I acted cold so yeah here we are in this situation. Hey attorney you won't put him behind bars would you? Can't you make an exception? He's just a victim, I want to marry him, I want to make a family with him. The Doctor said that it will be hard but it's possible."

Terrence sighed he knows both Axel and Jeffrey are just victim but who would have thought that Jeffrey's disappearance can make a huge turning point in his life. "As long as you keep him from doing anything bad…."

"I will, I will…."

"Then think of a way to sooth out his anger first after he wakes up and finds out you took the liberty out from him and decided to abort your own child." Terrence said.

"Hey Attorney, have you lost a child?" Henry asked. Terrence didn't answered. "It's my first baby…. To be honest." Henry stopped talking and wiped his tears away. "To be honest I don't have any plans on being a father to any child because of my parents but after seeing that little lump it felt like a piece of my heart has been tear down. My own child was laying without life it doesn't even have any gender yet but I decided to end its life. I'll forever take that weight with me. This is probably the payment for all the marriages I ruined. I work as a psychiatrist and in most of those times I contributed in helping in completely destroying their family than to patch things up." Henry laughed and then cried. "I asked them to take care of my baby's cremation. I want to have a proper burial for my baby. It's the least I can do for my child. Other people might think that it's still just a lump of blood but for me it's already alive and it at least deserve a proper burial." Terrence stayed there and pat Henry's back as the man slouched and cried his heart out.

"It will be ok, your intention is pure I know he will be able to understand you." Terrence tried to pour Henry encouraging words because he too knows how hard it is.
