
Chapter 38: Unspoken Words

Author's Note:

Another long update for you lovely people. I hope for you guys to like it. Enjoy reading ☺️!


Liam stayed that night, from time to time nurses comes in to check Lance and inject medicines on his IV drips. Liam looked at his phone that is now vibrating, he press the answer call and immediately heard his friend over the phone. (Liam where are you? I have been worried about you. You are not answering your phone and just left me with a note saying you will just go out.)

"I'm sorry Dexter. Lance got in an accident and I'm here at the hospital looking after him. He's out of danger now but.... but I'm still scared that if once I take my sight off of him I might loose him forever." Liam's voice starts to crack.

"I finally get it now. I don't care about my pride anymore. I don't care about his mistakes and sin anymore. We can work with our relationship together. I can't be without him, I can't imagine me living my life without him by my side. W-who cares about freedom when I can't even have him with me. I rather feel and deal with the pain with him than enduring it all by myself. I'm so idiot to only realize it just now when I thought I'm about to loose him." Liam is already choking to his own words, he can't stop crying. If only he didn't hesitate then none of this would have happened. If only he took a risk again then Lance and him would be cuddling and spooning each other instead of him looking at his Husband's face beaten black and blue because of the accident.

(Liam calm down. It's not your fault if that's how you felt that time. I'm sure Lance understand the gravity of his sin to you that he can't force you to make a rush decision with your marriage.) Liam was still crying. (Have you told his parents? You can't stay there in the hospital forever you will still need to come home. You don't have spare change of clothes with you there.)

"N-no I still have not. They don't know that me and Lance are seeing each other. I asked Lance to keep it from them till we resolve it. I don't want to disappoint them."

(I think you better call them. You will be needing their presence specially this time.)

"O-Ok." The two talked for a little while till Liam calms down and finally decided to hung the call.

Liam took Lance hand and hold it. "I won't hesitate anymore. I love you and that reason is more than enough."

Liam dialed the number of the person he has not called for a long time. (Hello, who is this?) said the woman on the other line.

"It's me Mom." The other line went silent for seconds. (Liam son, it has been so long how have you been? Don't worry me and your father are trying our best to block your husband's investigation to your where about. I miss you so much. M-maybe we could visit you sometimes? Don't worry we will be very careful so Lance won't know.) Mrs. Montero said enthusiastically.

"M-mom about that I'm sorry. {sob sob}... L-Lance is with me... we are in the hospital. He got into an accident but he's ok and stable now... Doctor said that he will be fine he just needs to rest. Mom c-can you come here? You and Dad?"

(O-Ok we will be there, what hospital are you right now?)

It didn't took the two old couple to reach the Hospital. Liam told them everything from the beginning and how he and Lance got to communicate with each other.

"I'm so-sorry Mom, It's all my fault. I was only focus in what I'm feeling I forgot that he must have also been suffering all this time." Elizabeth hugs Liam, trying her best to comfort him.

"Ssshhh we do understand you. It's not your fault none of you are at fault here. What matter is you already know what your answer is. Don't let other people steel what is rightfully yours. You have all the rights to fight for your husband cause you are his legal wife! Remember that."


"Dude who's idea is this? Fuck move asshole you're crushing my balls!" Terrence complained while hissing at Adrian.

"I don't know I just received a call from this fucker telling me that he will be picking me up to where I'm at. Fuck I should have just get on with that chick!" said Adrian who doesn't know what kind of position to do so that he could fit in his seat.

"Same as me, I was in the middle of having a dinner with my family when Lee called telling me it was an emergency and doesn't have a time to explain it over the phone." Derek said all eyes landed on him.

"So that explains the suit." Said the man in the front seat.

"Hey who the fuck is this dick? We don't even know him and yet he's the one sitting in the front comfortably." Asked Adrian.

The man in the front seat turn around to looked at the four grown up men who are squeezing themselves in the narrow back seat of the car. "Hi I'm Jules it's a pleasure meeting my cousins friends."

Terrence sighed heavily. "He is my cousin he barely visits me and rarely goes home. He picked me up at the airport, I just landed after coming from the states when this annoying fucker called me asking me where I'm at and that it's an emergency. So me getting all frantic with worry agreed to go with him instead of going home first to my wife and kids and my cousin insisted in coming after knowing that my friend called to pick me up."

"The fuck man what do you think we are doing here? Having a family field trip? And what do you mean wife and kids? What is he even saying?" Complained the man sitting beside the left side door of the car.

"It's a long story." Adrian said flatly not wanting to explain everything to the new comer.

"I'm getting crashed here. Is this the new way to greet your friend who you haven't seen in a while?!" The man said again.

"You dimwit don't go complaining when you just arrived here. We didn't forced you to come! What are you even doing here anyways? Is your filming for your upcoming movie done or something that's why you're here in the country again?" Terrence scorn.

"Well this fucking driver just volunteered in picking me up to the airport. I was not informed that he will also be picking up other people too. If you are planning on picking all of us you should have used a bigger car not this five seater car! For crying out loud we are cramming like a tuna sardines in a can here! Ouch move a little Derek!"

"Zee tone down your voice! You are just talking beside each other so why are you even shouting?!" Lee complained.

"It's your fucking fault Lee! You better have a good reason for this or I'm going to butcher you to pieces." Zeejay said irritatingly

"It's about Lance. I was at my lover's house and his wife informed him----"

"What the efffing hot fudge You have a lover?!" Zeejay said

"Damn you are not sick or what?!" Derek asked he even went as far as to feel his forehead if he's running a fever. "You're not even sick"

"Are you fucking serious dude?!" Terrence asked, could not believe what his friend just said.

"Fuck! Since when? Are you even our friend? Maybe you are just an impersonator pretending to be him..." Adrian added.

"Why the fuck are you guys so surprise that I got myself a lover?! Did you really think I'm the kind of guy not capable of having a relationship?" Lee tsked.

"Yes!" All four said simultaneously.

Lee shake his head with his friends reaction. "That's beside the point. Lance got in an accident we need to go and see him as his friend." Everyone on board went silent until Terrence speak up.

"What kind of accident and how is he?"

"Car accident, he's stable now but I think we should still go visit him." Lee said.

everyone on board agreed but still continued with their bickering till they arrived at the hospital. The four gasp for air the moment they got out of the car. "Finally space, air and FREEDOM!" Zeejay scream but quickly got cut off when Lee smack him in the head.

"I told you to fucking shut up! Why are you so loud anyway?" Lee said, Zeejay was still holding his head when Lee noticed that they are already gaining attention from the other people outside the hospital building.

"Fuck Zee if people suddenly crowd at us I will be throwing you straightly at them. You are acting like a normal person for fucks sake you are a famous actor. Put your fucking shades. Terrence do you have anything to cover this morons head?" Lee asked Terrence. Jules suddenly handed him a black bucket hat.

"Thanks." Lee thanked Jules and handed the hat to Zeejay. "Wear this. Just be as low-key as possible I don't want to experience that horrible thing that happened five years ago. Your fans are crazy!"

"Ok, Ok let us all go to see Lance. Damn I've been gone shooting a film and series this long and I never thought I will be seeing and spend my time with you guys this way hays. Good way to go." Zeejay said sarcastically.

Lee went to the reception area and asked for Lance room but they were told that they were instructed that only a family relative is allowed to visit the patient.

"We are his close friends. May I ask who gave the instructions?" Terrence asked trying to negotiate with the nurse who's at the reception area.

"It was his wife who gave the instructions."

"Fuck even Lance is married? What is wrong with you people? What happened to tasting different delicacies? How can you settle for one delicacy? It's like eating one kind of dish for your whole lif-----" Lee covered Zeejay's mouth

"Shut up your too loud! One word and I'll sure to castrate you to make sure that fucking dick of yours won't be able to taste aaaannnnyyy delicacies at all not even one." Lee said threatening his friend into shutting up.

Lee let go of Zeejay and the Alpha made a gesture of zipping his mouth.

Terrence continued talking to the nurse. "Can you call Lance room I'll speak with Liam." The nurse agrees and dial the number of the room it didn't took. while for the other person on the line to pick up the phone. "Sir someone's here wants to speak with you. They said they are friends with your husband. Yes, yes Ok."

The nurse handed him the telephone. "Hello Liam, I heard from Lee what happened. We just want to make sure Lance is ok. No he's at home with the kids. I'm with our friends. Ok. Ok. Thank you bye."

Terrence handed back the phone to the nurse. "He wants to speak with you."

"Yes Sir. Yes. Thank you." The nurse finally put down the telephone and gave them the room number.

It didn't took them long enough to reach Lance room. Terrence knock 3 times before opening the door. All 6 of them went inside and when they got inside they saw Lance parents.

"Hi auntie and uncle. We heard what happened. How is he?" It was Terrence who ask.

"Auntie and uncle, we tried to get here as soon as we can." Lee added.

"Is Lance Ok? How did the accident happen? Lance is a very careful driver." Adrian asked.

"Auntie and uncle how are you holding up? Don't worry I know Lance is strong he will pass this by." Derek tried to comfort Lance's parents with his words.

"Mmmmm hhhmmm uuuhhmmmm wwwmmmm" Zeejay said which all gaze fall to him. Lee hit him again on his head which made his hat flew from the impact.

"What the heck are you doing why aren't you even talking properly." Lee scold.

"Ouch that hurts, I just felt like my brain was about to fly off because of what you did!" Zeejay scoff.

"You threatened to cut off my dick if I said another word and here I am abiding you yet you keep on hitting my head. What do you think my head is?.... your fucking hitting bag?!"

Mrs. Montero laugh at the sight of these young men in front of her. "Boys boys, you boys still haven't changed. You are all still the same boys as before when you were kids." Elizabeth's eyes falls to the other Alpha that they are with. "And who might you be young man?"

"Auntie I forgot to introduce him to you. He's my cousin. He hardly ever visit and always out to travel so you don't see much of him. His name is Jules." Terrence introduce the man to her.

"Hi auntie I'm Jules Terrence cousin." Jules kissed the back of the hand of Lance mother.

"Liam is here, where is he?" The woman point at the sleeping Liam on the seat beside his Husband. He still holds Lance hand even in his sleep.

"He fell asleep looking after him. He must have been so tired. He has been here even before we got here. We tried to persuade him to go home so he could properly rest but he insisted that he wanted to be with his Husband. He almost fainted earlier seems like he's a little anemic which explains the dizzy spells." Elizabeth looked at his son and his daughter in law. "I hope those two could finally patch things up so that they could finally be happy."

"Don't worry auntie they will be able to figure it out." Terrence assured.

"Can we sleep here? We promise not to trouble you we just want to look after Lance. I already told my wife and he understands." Terrence asked. The other four of his friends also insisted. The old couple went home and leave the watching to the young boys and his daughter in-law.

They were given a thin foam as beds which they laid on the floor and all 6 guys sleep on the floor. The 6 men all lay together side by side on the hardened cold floor of the room which was only covered by the thin foam of mattress as their bed.

"I never thought that Lance and Bea have been long broken up and that he's married already. I even tried to arrange the two on my mother's Charity ball." Derek started.

"Yeah, Lance caught her cheating on him with the another guy who Happened to be more influential and richer than Lance." Terrence said explaining.

"Liam is a sweet and caring boy. Lance is lucky to have him." Lee said. Terrence looked at him funny.

"How did you know? You only got to meet Liam a few times." Terrence asked.

"Well remember the lover that I told you about?" Lee asked.

"Yeah about that, are you serious with what you said?" Adrian asked.

"Dead serious. He's Liam's friend.... Since I have been pursuing my lover I get a chance to talk and get to know Liam more."

"Are you sure you're Lee and not someone else? The fuck man PURSUE is a word that does not exist in your vocabulary man." Zeejay said.

Lee glared at him "Don't talked like I just did something impossible and disgusting when two men in this room even did more than what I do." Lee hissed. "Why don't you go asked Terrence that man is even cheesier than me!"

"Really I still haven't witnessed how cousin is when he is with his wife....But his wife sure is a very beautiful man." Jules said.

"Don't you dare come near my wife again or you will never see the light of day again." Terrence threatened.

"There we go again with his possessive mode. Damn I should be lying and tossing around with beautiful chick on the bed not lying on the bed with 5 bulky Alphas on a hard and cold floor with nothing but a thin mattress." Adrian complain.

"Imagine my surprise when I learned that these two are already married but I'm more curious to know who Lee is dating." Derek said laughing.

"Why are you people keep on frying me with your topic. My Dexy honey is different with their Omega's so don't expect too much from him. He doesn't have those cute feminine features like Omega's do! He's a male alpha got it so off topic now!" Lee scorn.

"What?!" Both Derek and Zeejay said in unison.

"Terrence and Lance's wife are both Omega?" It was Derek who asked.

"That's impossible man. Those two would not dare date an Omega much more marry them, I can't even imagine how the society will deal with that specially those two. You are joking right?" Zeejay said.

"I hate to burst your bubble but I'm married to one. My wife is an Omega I have 2 kids with him and one on the way. Lance wife over there is an Omega, try walking over there and see the bite mark on his nape if you don't want to believe me." Terrence said.

"Yeah that man is the first of us to be a father." Adrian said with disgust.

"I can't believe I'm an uncle now, I'm still young to be an uncle." Zeejay said in melodramatic way.

"I will fucking cover your face till you run out of breath if you don't tone down your voice Zee." Adrian hissed.

"What's wrong with being a father and an uncle hahaha. Maybe if you see my boys you would want to have one." Terrence said teasingly.

"Oh I just remembered my boys birthday is coming up. I'm expecting all of you guys to be there. May I just remind you that gifts are required. No gifts strictly No entry." Terrence said.

"Who would want to attend in a children's party moron!" Zeejay commented.

"Well I was just wondering, what is it that Lance did for his wife." Derek asked.

"It's hard to explain but Lance is deeply whipped by his wife." Adrian shortly explained.

"He went as far as to announced in the national television that he is married of course he left out the details that his wife is an Omega. Both Terrence and Lance marked their wives." Lee added.

"M-marked? You marked your wife? You can marry an Omega but marking him that's going too far dude what were you thinking? Are you trying to tie him to you, what if things won't work out with the two of you. I mean there's a divorce but marking is one thing that Omega will run after you because of the marking." Zeejay said but stopped Midway when he felt Terrence pheromones starting to rise up.

"Damn Terrence control yourself! Liam is here, we have an Omega here. Lance would not appreciate it if something happens to his wife because of your raging pheromones." Lee reminded Terrence. Terrence on the other hand tried to suppress his pheromones that's leaking out.

"You wouldn't understand Zee, but once you fell for someone be it an Omega or other sub gender you would want to tie them with you forever. That's marriage, that's love no matter how unsure the future holds you still see the two of you growing old together. I am thankful that Chester was born as an Omega and that I am an alpha because I get to place my marked on him. I don't feel the slightest shame of being married to one. I know Lance feels the same way too towards Liam."

The 6 men went on till they finally doze off to sleep.


The sun's bright light from the room's window woken up Liam. His gaze immidiately find Lance who is still asleep in front of him. He blows a breath of relieved when he saw Lance sleeping peacefully. He hold his hand again and place light sweet kisses on it.

"Good morning Love? The Doctor said you'll wake up anytime soon today. They stopped giving you that medicine that makes you sleep all day. I can't wait for you to wake up so that I can tell you how much I love you." Liam said, he was about to get up to get his phone when the group of men lying on the floor sleeping startled him. He almost scream but manage to hold it back when he saw the familiar faces of the men. Some of them he still hadn't seen but some of them he knows specially Terrence and Lee. *It must have been Lance's friends he said to himself.*

"Liam, Sorry we didn't wake you up last night auntie said to just let you sleep." Terrence said still looking a little sleepy.

"No that's ok. How are you? How's Chess... I didn't get a chance to visit him... I'm sorry for ever lying with you and Chess about going home when clearly I just run away that night.... A lot of things happened and I was busy dealing with my own problems.... Sorry if I ever put your friend through a difficult situation." Liam said

"Don't worry it's ok Lance is partly at fault too he knows that full well but it would be great if you too could patch things up the sooner the better... My Kitten is doing great he's already in his third trimester 8th months actually."

"Glad to hear that." Liam said.

"Chester will be happy if you're there with him when he gives birth." Terrence said.

"I would love too. I'm sorry if I lied to you and Chester about going home that night... If I hadn't been stubborn, if only I just followed what's in my heart, if only I had taken his feelings into consideration then none of this would have happened... We would probably lying on our bed today snuggling and cuddling and not like this." Liam gestured to Lance bed state.

"Hey it was not your fault alone. Lance knows full well the consequences of what he did." Terrence said.

"nnnnngggghhh Fuck Terrence shut up there are people who still wants to sleep. Fuck off!" Zeejay said lethargically.

"I don't recognize some of them, I'm guessing that they are also Lance's friends?" Lance asked trying to take a look at the men sleeping soundly on the floor. In front of Terrence is Adrian which he knew from his Husband and just behind Terrence who is lying on its side is someone he still has not seen before. While beside that man is Lee who is lying on it's back one legs is overlapping to the man's body who is sleeping next to him. Lastly the man who just sleep talked is someone who he can't clearly see his face because it's eyes are being covered by its denim jacket.

"Yeah they are. The one who just sleep talked is Zeejay, you know the actor?" Terrence said.

"You don't mean Zeejay Johnson? Are you serious? I can't believe that my husband have a friend who is an actor?" Liam said sounding so amazed.

"Wait don't tell me that you are a fan of this bastard?" Terrence asked.

Liam laugh. "No, no I'm just a little surprised to learn that my husband has a friend that is a celebrity."

"Fuck I thought you were I fan. I would pity Lance if ever you are.... Wait do you think my wife is a fan of that jerk?" Liam shrugged.

"Damn! I won't let Chester see that jerk!" Terrence hissed but stopped when a pillow suddenly flow on to his face.

"I told you to shut up, who are you even talking to so early in the morning?" Zeejay said frustratingly till his eyes landed on Liam who is looking at them while sitting beside Lance bed.

"Ow well hello there, Terrence you didn't even told me that you were talking to such a beauty. I won't mind you talking to me this early if it's as beautiful as you." Zeejay said straightforwardly.

Terrence hit him on his head. "Jerk that man you are hitting on is Lance's wife!"

Liam raised his one hand a little saying hi to the man. "Are you sure? He's that Omega last night sleeping...." Zeejay remembers the clothes that the Omega was wearing last night, they were only seen the back of it so he doesn't really recognized.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought you were single. Lance did hit a jackpot on him didn't he. He's beautiful." Liam laugh.

"I think I should get you guys something. I'll go down to grab something. Can you please looked at my husband while I'm gone?" Liam said before finally leaving.

Liam came back with cups of coffee and cinnamon rolls with him. The men are already fully awake and their makeshift bed are already cleared and folded neatly in one place.

"Hi I guess I'm just right on time. Here I brought you guys something to eat." Liam raised the paper bags he brought with him but everyone in the room just looked at him till Lee spoke. "Lance I think we should head out for a bit we will come back later. Come on guys. Let the married couple have their own lovely time."

Liam's eyes fixed on Lance who is now bidding farewell and thanking his friends for visiting him. He is currently sitting. Liam was only able to moved when all of Lance's friends are out of the room.

"Love, what are you doing standing there come here." Liam moved slowly towards Lance,when he was almost near him he run towards him and hug him.

"I must have made you worry. I'm sorry." Lance gently stroke Liam's hair. "I'm sorry for making you worry. I was heading to Dexter's home to meet you. Things happened so fast, but I guest I was granted with nine lives that's why I'm still here ugh..."

Liam start hitting him on his chest. "Don't joke with something like that it's not even funny. Do you think it's funny making all the people around worry this much." Liam burry his face to Lance body. "You know the fear I felt when I received that call. I thought I was going to loose you."

"Hey, you are not going to loose me see I'm here in front of you."

Liam shake his head. "No you plan on leaving me, you are planning in quiting on me on us. I may have been like this but it doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. I love you Lance and I don't want to loose you. Don't leave, don't give up on me, don't give up on us." Liam cried and Lance can feel his hospital gown start to get wet from Liam's tears.

"You, you knew?" Lance asked and he can feel Liam's head nodding.

"I read your letter. The inspector gave me the letter they found inside your car along with your other personal stuff. Don't leave, don't go. I can't live without you. I'm sorry for thinking only my pain and my suffering." Liam apologize in between his crying.

"Ssshhh, it's not your fault. It was mine, that's why I thought that maybe if I free you from that burden that's tornning you apart then maybe you can finally be happy." Lance kissed the top of his head. "Whatever makes you happy makes me happy and if it means cutting myself out of your life then I will even if it hurts me."

"If you really want me to be happy then stay with me. You are my happiness."

"I won't leave don't cry. I won't so please smile for me. It hurts me to see you crying." Lance cupped Liam's face and kissed every tears that drops from his eyes.

The two stayed on the bed hugging each other for the little Longer. Liam is now lying beside Lance while his husband hugs him. "You know the fear I felt when after I received that call? I felt like I was poured with ice cold water and it made me realize that anytime I could loose you. Life is so unpredictable and I was not able to say everything I wanted to, I was not able to say enough I love you." Lance remained silent he just let his wife to keep talking.

"What if you didn't get lucky with that accident. I don't think I can't live the rest of my life regretting that I didn't even let you know that my love for you out weights your sin and mistakes. There are a lot of things I want to say to you..... I don't want it to remain as unspoken words" Liam said still burying his face to his Husband's embrace.

"I love you. I will spend the rest of my life proving to you how much I love you and how much I regret hurting you. You in return can spend the rest of your life saying to me those unspoken words that you yet to say to me." Lance said placing his chin on top of Liam's head.

"Then spend the rest of your life proving to me that I made the right choice. I will say to you those words unspoken words as much as you want" Liam looked up meeting Lance's gaze. "Love me, stay married with me, stay forever by my side forever till your last breath."

"You don't need to asked." Lance place a soft kiss on Liam's lips. "I will do it even if you don't ask."

"Good. Once you got discharge from the hospital I'll go home with you. We will start again. I love you Lance, I love you love." Liam said, which put a smile on the Alpha's lips.

"I love you more." Lance said, a tear drops from his eyes.
