
Gradual Acceptance II

Gradual Acceptance II

Matthew Nonburg, a Mathematician and Lecturer in Middlesex University London, standing at 5'11 with short black hair, hazel inquisitive eyes that made those who his gaze landed on think they were under a microscope. He was always fascinated with what could be out there and believed that maths was the key to everything.

He was a theorist that believed maths can be used to predict the existence of the planets, radio waves, antimatter, neutrinos, black holes, gravitational waves and so much more. However, what he could not predict was suddenly hearing a loud pop just outside his dining window followed by what sounded like something dropping into his perfectly cut shrubs.

Matthew was incensed thinking something destroyed his perfectly symmetrical shrubs and stormed outside ready to deal with whoever it was. However, he did not expect to see a child that looked like he just ran away from home, noticeably with the lack of shoes and extreme signs of fatigue.

Trying to gain the attention of the child, he noticed that he was about to faint so rushing towards him barely managing to get a hold of him before he dropped. "Well, this is not how I imagined my day to end. Hmm curious, why would there be a child here, I don't think he's one of the neighbours as they don't seem to be in a frenzy looking for anyone", looking around at the still peaceful neighbourhood.

"Well let's bring you inside before anyone sees you like this, wouldn't want the neighbours dialling the coppers now, especially that nosy miss Norton." While he was carrying Harry he kept examining him as he walked inside, his home Spartan in design with a pre-modern feel to it. "The boy is way to light for someone his age, bloody hell he's practically skin and bones. Hmm some signs of bruising so either he's just been in a fight or he's being abused", he carried on his inspection as he laid Harry on a couch.

Clapping his hands, he exclaimed enthusiastically "well, it seems like I'll be having a guest staying over tonight", a smile could be seen on his face as he left Harry to go get some tea. "Want any tea young man?" Came his voice from the kitchen "Oh wait he's still unconscious, daah" murmuring to himself he finished his brew and sat on his couch facing Harry waiting for him to wake up.

5 minutes later "well waiting for you to wake up is rather boring" rubbing his stubble she continued, "should I pour some water on him to wake him up... naa let the poor boy rest, who knows what he's been through." And so he carried on with his usual plans for the night, grading his students work while keeping an eye on Harry for when he awakens.


Slowly regaining consciousness Harry was feeling sore, remembering what happened he suddenly jolted up when a voice to the side snapped his attention, "ooh you're awake, I was wondering when you'd decided to wake up young man" a masculine voice greeted, he turned to face whoever it was with him.

Taking a moment to organise his thoughts he replied, "I suppose you're the one that rescued me, thank you." The man stared at Harry for a second seemingly searching for something before replying, "well you're well-spoken for a child your age", Harry scoffed in response while Matthew raised an eyebrow at his reaction.

"Well young man you may address me as Matthew Nonburg, and you are?" "Harry Potter" came his short reply. "Well Mr Potter would you like something to drink?" Matthew stood up from his desk of student assignments, Harry simply nodded while keeping his eyes trailed on Matthew who didn't seem to mind.

"Would you mind answering this, how did you end up in my shrubs?" His voice travelled from the kitchen as Harry inspected his surroundings, it was a quaint lounge, not much apart from what you'd expect from a bachelor's pad. His reply came after a few seconds "I'm not sure myself, I remember running then suddenly I fell into your shrubs, then I woke up here, thanks again for helping me out" "no problem young Harry, but now I'm curious why were you running, especially so late in the day?"

Harry shrugged "no reason, I was just trying to get away from where I was", Matthew came back with a cup of water handing it to Harry "and why if I may ask were you running, especially with no shoes on?" Harry focused on drinking his water before taking a breath "well I was trying to get away from the house I was held captive in". This immediately got Matthew on high alert "we're you kidnapped?!" He asked with a serious face but was stumped at the reply "No."

"No?" Now confused he looked at Harry "I don't have to be kidnapped to be held captive, let's just say; my home life was less than stellar". Matthew uses a few seconds to ponder this "I noticed a few bruising earlier, would that be what you mean?"

Harry seeing this simply shrugged again "you could say that however, I have no plans of ever returning there" Matthew stared at the young man in front of him for a few seconds and Harry stared back.

"I'm not sure what you were planning but there are flaws to your little runaway" before Harry could respond Matthew cut in "1. You don't have any money 2. No food 3. No shelter 4. There is no way in all that's holy am I going to let a child as young as you to wander around, no matter how mature you may seem. Do you have any other relatives?"

Looking at the stern gaze Matthew has Harry presses on " as much as I know you'd like to help, those flaws are..." Boom! Harry's vision shook [The heaven and earth are callous, treating all beings like dogs...] He dropped his cup as surprise overtook him, [The sunsets and the moon wanes, an imperfection appears in the heaven and earth...] his vision became filled with clouds as a giant palace appears before him in his head. On it, four words glowed brightly.

[Library of Heaven's Path!]
