
Call for Suggestions

Hey Peeps! Author Seshata here!

If you haven't read the novel yet, this auxiliary chapter won't make much sense, but after you read Chapters 77 - 85, feel free to come on back here!

Because this is a video game novel, I've been experimenting with a variety of chapter formats, and most recently, that included comments sections on the Main Character's MMO LiveStreams.

Rest assured, although I had ALL THE FUN writing these alternative-form chapters, I don't use this format too frequently. I don't want it to get stale or feel overused. It does seem popular, and I enjoy writing this way, so I'll be using it every once in a while to mix things up, particularly when our main characters run dungeons.

And in general, I'm thinking about weaving a few forum comments into chapters now and then even when I don't summarize the video like this, so you'll know that all the craziness you just read was faithfully uploaded by our boy Taliesin.

But not gonna lie, I kinda peaked with "MothaEffinOedipus" and "Ivan the Tolerable." (I'm stupidly tickled by those usernames because I'm a shameless woman who giggles at my own jokes.)

So if anyone has a username suggestion, please feel free to share!

Consider this is a Call for Usernames/Call for Characters!

I'm going to start a discord channel on my server specifically for this, so I can keep track of the suggestions (invite code: hqJDEew). Or, you can just comment directly on this Auxiliary Chapter!

I definitely won't be able to use them all, but I'll randomly select a few each time I use the comments format!

Also, since the forum is a good way to incorporate/introduce a bunch of characters, I'm also accepting Character Suggestions! If you have a character idea that you think would fit well into this insane world of mine, feel free to PM or Chapter Comment your character idea. Try to use the Stat Window I already use in the game (and the races, obviously), though if you want to use D&D stats, that works too.


I also cannot promise that I won't use parts of your character and change other parts.

I have most characters pretty well mapped out in my story, so there's not a ton of room for new ones. And even if I do use your character, I may very likely only use the avatar to kill them off in a group battle. If you are okay with that, though, then please, by all means send characters along!

Xx - Seshata


Awesome Readers Whose Suggestions I've Stolen & Shamelessly Used in My Novel:

(In no particular order, though Kayla was the first reader I blatantly stole from. One of her chapter comments became the next chapter's title! Plus, all y'all #eury shippers can thank the lovely Tiger Eyes for pretty much single-handedly willing that ship into existence.

This list is not exhaustive, mainly because I constantly get amazing feedback and suggestions from readers, so I will be expanding! )

~ Imagine Kayla


~ Muzzy

~ Teraconic

~ Malcrow

~ Milos

~ DeArson

~ Palana

~ Alex_the_Hungriest

~ Tagnk

~ Wyvinar

~ Dazzlus

~ MDGames

~ Tiger Eyes

~ Spade Z

~ Bloody Tyran




~ Graves
