
Chapter 2.86

Asher sighed deeply and took a small step back, "I can't leave you like this, Will. You're clearly in pain."

Tears fell, "how're you going to calm me down?!" I hissed, "are you going to forcefully mark me like he did?! My wounds haven't even healed from that man!"

Asher gulped, "do you really think I could ever do that to someone? Especially to you?"

My stomach and heart dropped as I rushed to whip around towards him. His upset gaze made me feel like a monster. "Of course not! I know you're not like that! I was just upset and wasn't thinking." I dropped my gaze to the porch in front of me, "forgive me, Ash. I'm sorry."

His light footsteps came toward me and I looked up to his face. Asher's hand reached down to me and I took it gently. His face slowly switched back to his usual soft smile and my body lessened in tension. As he brought me to my feet, he let go of my hand and his arms lightly wrapped around me. His hands lightly intertwined at the base of my back as he lightly rested his head on mine.

"I know you didn't, it just hurt to hear." He sighed and his arms pulled me closer to his chest. I placed my forearms and hands on his chest so I leaned on my arms rather than directly onto him. "I helped you for a long time without marking you and I plan to help you as long as you want me to. Please let me help relieve your symptoms. I can tell you are suffering and I can help you while controlling myself."

I squeezed my eyes shut as I hid my face against my arms, "I know you just want to help," I whispered. "But I can't trust that I won't do something." My entire body shivered as I looked up to his gaze, "I've become very assertive and struggle with controlling what I do and say."

He brushed some hair out of my face, "then that works well! I've become very confident in controlling myself even when around Omega pheromones."

My mind spun as all I could think about was him and what I wanted him to do to me. Mark me, ravage me, tease me, love me; I wanted him to do it all. My body was getting hotter with every second as my skin tingled wherever it touched Asher's.

His eyes softened with worry, "I won't force you." He let out a deep breath, "if you don't want to, we won't."

I felt electricity shoot up my spine until my brain tingled with excitement. I gripped his shirt in my hands, "I want to but...I don't want to get either of our hopes up. I have no idea if my bond has been broken or if my body will reject you. I don't want that."

He traced my jaw with his fingers and I moaned again. Tears of anxiety and frustration filled my eyes, "its the only way we will find out. If your body rejects me, we know your bond isn't broken. But if it is, we can relieve your symptoms through this time."

"Okay," I whispered before following Asher when he took my hand and led me inside. He looked around before each corner we went around and didn't stop walking until we got to the only room on the basement floor. He paused for a moment at the door and I slipped my hand out from his. "we don't have to. If its going to be too hard for you..."

"I'm trying to calm down a bit. If its gonna make you sick, I'll have to get my body to stop. I don't want to get into it before we know."

I shoved all my thoughts to the side and focused on what I really wanted. My arms wrapped around his neck and I kissed his lips. Asher stared in surprise as I smiled slightly, "then let's find out before we go in."

His fingers brushed through my hair before his hand rested on the back of my head. He led my face to his and I rushed to open my mouth. His tongue licked mine before exploring the rest of my mouth.

Asher came to an immediate hault and pulled away, causing me to freeze. He looked to me with worry, "you're crying."

I choked up and pulled my body against his, "it doesn't hurt," I whispered. I cried harder, "the bond is broken."

"Thank God," he mummbled before wrapping a strong arm around my chest and used his other hand to push open the door. The moment we were inside the door, my back was against it and Asher was kissing me. He sucked on my tongue and lips until I was trembling and moaning every few moments.

I pushed him backwards through the room until he toppled back to sit on the edge of the bed. I sat in his lap with my legs at his side. I put my hands on either side of his face and lightly bit his lips. Asher's pheromones burst out and I felt as though my body would begin melting with how hot it was while he explored my mouth. Within moments, I couldn't suppress it. My pheromones matched his as I shivered and clung to him.

When Asher's cool hands slid up my back, I felt limp and excitement sparked throughout my body. Without thinking, I began grinding my bulge against his while lightly moaning with each move. Asher sucked on my tongue and lightly pressed his nails into my back.

"Holy shit," he whispered in a gasp before he began kissing my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed down harder as I continued grinding against him. "This is nothing like in the past."

I moved away slightly and pulled off his shirt, but was forced to freeze. The two black rings hanging around his neck, the chiseled lines of his muscular build, and the slight tan to his skin made my brain feel fuzzy.

"What's wrong?"

Hi all! Thank you for your continued support! I can't tell you how much your comments mean to me through my problems recently. About 1.5 months ago, the person I thought was my destined partner suddenly left and my world crumbled. Even if I have not been responding much to your comments, I read all of them. They have saved me many nights from my loneliness as I try to put my life back together. Love ya all! Hope you enjoy this chapter! ❤K.B.❤

K_B_Bloomcreators' thoughts