
Chapter 75

Sean POV

Once Hunter was out of his procedure and sleeping soundly, it was really late. Cam and I decided to head home since Asher and Shannon were going to stay. As we went to the car, I noticed how silent and still Cam was. When we got in and began our drive, I let out a large sigh.

"Talk to me."

Cam immediately began crying, "I...I was so mean to him!" He wailed while putting his face in his hands, "I was just so mad! But I shouldn't have yelled at him like that!"

I took his hand in mine, "take a few breaths, Cam. You're getting really worked up." I paused as he took three deep breaths, "let's talk it out."

He looked to me finally before burning his face in his hands again. "Seeing him so pregnant, him talking so casually about Jayden, the kids talking about a ring... he's not Will anymore!"

"He's in a hard situation, Cam. I'm pissed too, but I can tell Will is not the same person he used to be. He isn't brave, independent, and cocky. This whole thing has been hard on us so I can't imagine what's he's going through." I took a hard breath, "when he asked me for help after he left...we only talked on the phone but he was like a different person. It was like he lost himself and was a shell of a man. Being a pregnant male Omega without a mate they love...I can't imagine what he had to experience all by himself."

"He's still strong!" Cam argued, "when I found his place, he was still his old self! Strong and independent, but after Jayden found him he changed!"

I parked at our home and turned off the car. I squeezed his hand so he would look at me, "did you mean everything you said?" He nodded with confidence even though he still cried, "then talk to him. Explain your feelings and that you said what you felt but not in the right way."

For the rest of the night, I comforted Cam as he cried until he slept. When I woke up, Cam was on the phone working.

I got up and got dressed before coming over to him. I wrote him a note and handed it to him stating I was going to see Hunter and I would meet him there. I left and made my way to the hospital, but when I got to the light near the parking lot, I paused. I looked out the passenger's side window as a guy that looked a lot like Will ran on the sidewalk that encompassed the campus. What the hell? I thought he went home last night. Why is he here and why is he out on a run?

I parked my car and got lucky enough to find an open spot on the first level. I walked to the main entrance and went inside. To my surprise, Will stood right in front of me, waiting for the elevator.

I went over and placed my hand on his shoulder. I felt him stiffen and he quickly turned to me with a terrified face. His face and posture softened as he gave me a smile as he took out his headphones.

"I thought that was you that I saw a running. What on Earth are you doing running while pregnant?"

Will gave me a slight smirk and I knew his old charm was going to come out. "I gotta keep that swimsuit body." I laughed before looking to him as he continued, "In all seriousness it's good for the baby."

"But now you're all sweaty. Are you going to go home and change before you go see Hunter?" I watched Will's body posture as he seemed hesitant to answer. He's hiding something. Why the hell is he lying to me?

Will shook his head and I felt relief as the doors to the elevator opened. We got in and the doors closed before it began moving. Good, now he has to answer me.

I looked to him as he finally began talking again. "An old coworker of mine is actually here for another procedure and offered to let me use his shower."

Anger filled my body but I fought it not to show. "Well that's convenient," I hissed as I fought to not scream. At least come up with a better lie than that!

Will chuckled, "the world doesn't have many things that work out for me, but every once in a while I catch a break."

What a shitty lie. I felt annoyed when the elevator doors opened. I walked out, but turned and put my hand on the sensor for the elevator door so it wouldn't close. "Cam did not mean to treat you the way he did yesterday. He's torn up about what he did, but he was conveying his true feelings. You two really need to sit and talk at some point soon."

Will nodded with a smile as the elevator beeped. I finally moved out of the doorway and let out an angry huff. He really has changed. He even became a bad liar. Who the hell does he know on the 10th floor? Why didn't he go home last night? Will wouldn't miss going home to his kids just for a random donor. He also wouldn't come all the way here to run and then go to an old coworker's room to shower. What is he up to?

I walked to Hunter's room and knocked on the door. When he called me to come in, I smiled as I saw him sitting calmly in his bed.

"Hey there." I said with a smile as I came and sat in the chair by Hunter's bed.

Hunter gave me a weird look, "what's with that face? Something wrong?"

I sighed, "I just ran into Will."

Hunter looked over to the door, "is he with you?"

"No, he was already here. I caught him on a run around the campus just a bit ago. He said he's coming to see you after he takes a shower."

"He hasn't been home yet and is going home just to shower?"

I leaned back in my chair, "I don't know. It looked like he didn't go home yet. I asked where he was showering and he said an old coworker is here and is lending him his shower."

Hunter sat up and gave me a confused look, "what the hell? That makes no sense."

I nodded, "that's what I thought too. Something is up with him."

Hunter groaned before laying back in his bed, "I will talk to him. He's hiding a bunch of shit and I'm sick of it."

I nodded before standing up, "I'm going to go smoke. I'll be back in a bit."

I left the room and immediately took out my phone. I dialed a number and put it to my ear, "Asher? Hey."

"What's up?"

I sighed deeply, "something weird is going on with Will. Even more than usual. I think it's time we all sit down and talk to him."

I head rustling, "I'm on my way. He needs to explain this and I'm not giving up without a fight."

"Can you call Shannon? I'm going to call Cam and tell him to head over now."

"See you then." Asher hung up and I let out a deep sigh. This needs to happen already. We all need to figure this out and it's time Will tells us the truth. It's the least we deserve.

I decided to just use one POV for this chapter as I covered everything I wanted to reveal. Tomorrow is the big day!! Its the final chapter of vol. 1 and the big climax. I promise no one dies, just a big blow to the story of Will.

Also, please feel free to take a look at my other book I put up yesterday, Escaped Soulmate. Thanks!!


K_B_Bloomcreators' thoughts