
Chapter 57

A shiver went down my spine so I knew it was Jayden driving up. I stood and felt my heart starting to race and my anger rise. When he stopped in front of me, I got in and felt my entire body becoming hot and numb at the same time.

When we made eye contact, I felt Jayden's pheromones increase, causing mine to do the same. Jayden immediately grabbed my hand and yanked it so that we met above the console between our seats.

With his other hand, he placed it firmly behind my head in order to press our lips together.

My body went into an instinctual mode where I grabbed either side of his face and moaned loudly before biting his lip lightly. He immediately licked my lips before sliding his tongue in between them. I opened my mouth and quivered as he used his tongue to suck on mine. His hand left the back of my head and slid down my spine under the collar of my shirt. He traced the outline of his bite mark as I pulled our faces closer together.

He chuckled slightly before he began thrusting his tongue in and out of my mouth, making me cry out and begin rubbing the quickly formed bulge in my pants against the console between us. His other hand went to my bulge and began tracing around it.

I finally separated our lips enough to whisper, "undo your pants." He quickly did so as I pulled his hands off of me. I sat on my knees and leaned over to his side of the car.

I tried to gain back my mind for a moment, but his pheromones increased again so that all I could think of was pleasure.

I pulled out his member and licked the tip, making him groan. I licked either side of it before finally opening my mouth. I swallowed his member to the hilt and fought the urge to gag as it hit deep in my throat. I bobbed my head up and down off of it as my tongue moved around it. I trembled when his hand returned to my bulge and rubbed it through my pants. I fought back moaning and focused on him. Oddly, his pre-cum tasted nearly sweet and addictive, causing me to become more aggressive with my movements. My body desperately wanted him in me, in any form. I glanced up to him to see his face was filled with pleasure but was also tense. I sucked as I went up his member and he fumbled to pull mine out. He began rubbing and stroking mine as I shivered. I felt him tense further so I moved as quickly as I could and he did the same to me. I gasped as I came and was shocked when he came in the back of my throat.

I choked slightly before sucking up everything as I slid back up his member. As I got to the end, I closed my mouth and my body forced me to swallow. I felt the urge to get more but fought it. I was surprised when I sat up and saw Jayden lick his hand clean of my cum as if it was a delicacy.

I slowly sat back in my seat, fixed my pants and buckled my seat. Jayden began to touch me again, but I pushed his hand away.

"We're gonna be late." I whispered without looking to him. I leaned on the window as he finally began driving.

He luckily knew the way since he used to live there also. Jayden was silent for a little while but I knew he was looking at me.

I finally sighed and looked towards him. "What?" I hissed as he looked to me slightly.

"Have you told them yet?"

"If you're referring to the twins, then yes. I mentioned meeting you to them this morning."

"And what did they say?" He asked with some anticipation and excitement in his voice. Part of me wanted to ruin his confidence by telling him that his children did not want to meet him but I also did not want to screw everything up. Getting on his bad side could affect everything.

"They are coming around to the idea but probably will take some time. As I told you, they're very hesitant of other people they don't know."

"But I'm their father!" He insisted and I sighed again.

"That means nothing to them. That word does not make sense to them just yet."

"They've never asked about their dad?"

I pause for a moment so that I would not get upset. "No," I whispered. "You cannot understand what it has been like for them. They had the shame of being the children of a male Omega that has never had a reputable job. Because of the way people have treated us, they're very guarded and hesitant around others. They're also very protective of the people they view as their family." I look to him as we stopped at a light. "You've got to understand," I stated as I fought back more emotions. "They cannot come to understand you until you understand them. The children and I have only ever known the difficult parts of this world. I have done everything to shield them from as much as I can, but I cannot change my gender and I cannot change the fact that I am their Momma. When you meet them, you need to be very open minded and understanding that they will not treat you as anything but a stranger until they're ready. You have to give them as much time as they need and not push them or they may never come to love you."

I saw his whole body stiffen and then I saw his job clench. "Of course they will love me, I'm their father."

"They're not going to love you just because of your blood relation. With them, you do not automatically get their love. You must earn it. You must respect the process of gaining their trust so that they can learn to love you."

He was quiet for a little while until he finally gain the courage to speak again. "Do they look like me?"

I sighed, "they're nearly you're spitting image. They look almost nothing like me other than their eyes. They have your tan skin and your dark brown hair."

"But they have blue eyes," Jayden stated and I paused. I did not expect him to know that about me, even though he has seen my eyes many times before. For him to take notice of it was quite surprising.

I smirked slightly, "well they also got my attitude." I then looked back out the window. "But in order to gain their trust, especially Ashley's, you must first get on Chase's good side. She idolizes him as her big brother. Archer feels very close to him also, but is more of a Momma's boy. I plan to tell Chase about it tonight but I'm concerned that he will refuse to go on Sunday. If that is the case neither of the twins will go. They will refuse wholeheartedly."

We both paused when my phone rang. I quickly looked to the number and let out a sigh before answering.

"Dr. Tregard, thank you for calling me back."

"Hi, so you want to come in to redo the sonogram?"

"Yes, ma'am. The father would like to see our child." I saw Jayden loosen as I said 'our'.

"Oh! Then absolutely! I have a short amount of time at the end of the day. Can you come in around six?"

"Yes, thank you so much. We will see you then!" I hung up and looked to Jayden who watched the road but kept looking to me. "The OBGYN can get us in at the end of the day, around six."

A broad smile came across his face, "that's great. I really want to meet her." He paused and took a heavy breath. "Have you decided on a name?"

"No, there is so much going on that it hasn't even crossed my mind. But I would like the twin's to help choose the name."

"Maybe the four of us can decide," he gulped, "as a family."

"Maybe," I replied with little emotion. "We're almost there. Be sure to park in the east lot."

Jayden nodded and I waited as we finally parked. I got out and Jayden quickly came to my side. He attempted to take my hand in his, but I quickly moved away from it.

"Don't push your luck."

He looked away with defeat before following me into the hospital. I made sure he followed me through the labyrinth of halls and doors. I stopped when we reached the hallway Hunter stayed in before and Jayden looked to me.

"What's wrong?"

I shook my head and looked to the door of his former room. I slowly began walking and froze when we reached the door. I was thankful to hear unfamiliar voices coming from it. "Nothing," I whispered, "sorry."

I began walking again and stopped when I saw Dr. Shaw standing by the front desk of his department. He gave me a warm smile before coming over. I was startled when Jayden grabbed my wrist tightly. His possessiveness is so damn annoying. What a dominant Alpha.

"Will, glad you could make it."

I smiled back, "Doc, thank you for squeezing us in."

He looked over to Jayden, "you must be Mr. Peters. It's nice to finally meet you. I am Dr. Shawn, Hunter's cancer specialist."

"Its a pleasure," Jayden replied with no enthusiasm.

"Follow me," he stated before taking us to an examination room. He gestured for us to sit in the two chairs in the room. "A nurse will be in shortly to take some blood. Then I will be back to discuss the results when they come in."

"Thank you, doc." I stated kindly with a smile that he reflected before leaving the room. I sighed before relaxing into the chair.

Jayden got up and kneeled in front of me. His face was full of worry, "what's wrong? Are you sick?"

"No, I'm not."

He looked slightly annoyed but did not move away, "then what is it?"

"Please don't meddle in my life. We are nothing to each other."

He stood with agression as his face turned grim, "nothing?!" He hissed, even though I could tell he wanted to scream. "We are destined partners and parents to OUR children!"

I closed my eyes, "we are breeding partners by force."

He grabbed my chin and my eyes shot open as his pheromones increased. He was beyond angry, nearly looking like a caged animal.

"Stop!" I begged before lunging and hugging him, "stop." I whispered as I squeezed us together. His pheromones slowly returned to normal as he wrapped his large build around my small one.

"We are more than that now." He insisted before kissing my neck repeatedly, "you're mine and you aren't getting away ever again."

I fought tears and trembling. I have to do this. I have to keep this beast under control. I have to, for the kids and for Hunter.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." I whispered as he began licking my neck, making me shiver. "The baby is affecting my hormones and causing me to be emotional. I know we are more than that."

I pulled away from Jayden and he tried to pull me back. But he stopped when he realized that the nurse was at the door. He let go of me before clearing his throat. I went to my chair as he followed to his.

"Sorry," the nurse said as she blushed. She looked to Jayden as if he were a God as her Beta pheromones became present. She seemed to parade herself in her best sensual form as she went over to him. "Are you alright with me drawing your blood for the testing?"

Jayden gave her a confident Alpha smile, "of course."

"Don't worry," she said as she blushed, "I'll make sure you don't feel a thing." She began her work as she kept her hands on his arm and began lightly caressing it. As she finished, she stood with her supplies, "please feel free to let me know if you need," she paused and winked at Jayden, "anything at all."

Her eyes came to me and her face soured before a scowel formed.

What a slutty woman. Do your damn job and stop flaunting.

As she left, he looked to me with curiosity, "what the hell was that?" I looked to him without emotion, "do you know each other or something? She looked angry when she saw you."

I scoffed as I pulled my legs up to my chest and on my chair. "That's how people look at my kind. Especially when I have gained the interest of an elite Alpha." I sighed and gave him a sad smile, "at least she was kind enough to not yell or attack me."

Jayden began to stand with fury but stopped when I grabbed his arm. "I'm going to go put her in her place. She has no right to do that."

"Yes she does," I insisted as he looked to me in shock, "this is normal and you can't do anything about it. Please, just sit down. Things like that don't bother me anymore."

He sat in a huff as he stared at me with annoyance, "I can do something about it."

"Please just leave it be. Please." He sighed some of his anger away before putting his arm around my shoulders.

Some old characters are going to make an appearance in the next chapter! Stay tuned!!

K_B_Bloomcreators' thoughts